There I fixed it:

[1] The SPORTS are associated with a very small risk of Commotio cordis, which can lead to cardiac arrest. [2] This risk is most pronounced in teenage boys PLAYING SPORTS, but even in that scenario [3] only about one in 100,000,000 PLAYERS is affected. (Most professional athletes are in their 20s, not teens, so the risk to them is lower.) Commotio cordis is a potentially fatal condition, but [4] the version that occurs DURING SPORTS is much less deadly than the heart inflammation induced by MRNA VACCINES. A recent analysis identified [6] only a ZERO DEATHS in ALL OF PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL. In comparison, [7] for every 40 people who are vaccinated, 1 in 35 (or 1 in 40) gets at least mild heart inflammation following a single Pfizer booster.

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Love it! Appended to the post.

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Haha thanks! It's just ridiculous. When you see the hypocrisy you cannot unsee it.

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Rehabilitating sports junkie here since the late 70s. I followed (and played most) every popular major sport in North America and Europe. I even have two torn ACLs to prove it.

I don't need corrupt studies to tell me what my accumulated knowledge and experience tells me.

Namely, I've never seen this many injured or dead athletes. Ever.

And not once did I ever hear about Commotio cordis. Until last year, I had decades' worth of sports publications and never was there such a health crisis.

Gee, I fricken wonder why?

And as far as I'm concerned. at this stage in the game, publications like The Atlantic and anyone still peddling this poison can straight up go to hell for their lies and crimes.

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I am accidentally subscribed to a stacker called Jessica Wildfire. I continue to read her work though, because her articles several times have been on the cutting edge of what is next for the official narrative. She has a recent article where she talks about the excess mortality, and it is concerning she says!

After looking at the data, the conclusion that is obvious to her is that we are greatly undercounting deaths from covid, and that is where the excess mortality is coming from! Covid is causing all the sudden deaths/heart attacks/strokes, according to her analysis.

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What else?

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What else? I forgot, she also said the undercounting is happening more in red states! Of course!

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Racism causes deaths, we knew that!

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You are a better man than I am !! I would not be able to regularly read such, .... stuff.

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Maybe climate change?

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That is the deadliest of all! BTW, the drought in California has ended, now they complain it's too much rain. On a dime!

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Amateurs. They should have selected the virus group from the graveyard, and then compared who's dead and who isn't.

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Is it just me or does it always seem that these research “snapshots” always ignore the fact that vaccine damage is an ongoing and developing process with a background good reason from animal studies to expect massive death in the experimental subjects within 2-5 years? Whistle past the graveyard all you want but don’t expect to skate just because you survived the jab so far.

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It's just you. The common wisdom ($cience) says that if anything happens to the jabbed after 28 days post jab, it is DEFINITELY NOT jab-related. Must be totally unrelated.

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Common wisdom nowadays is, with rare exceptions, if you enter a facility and see masked people in white coats looking at you expectantly, run like hell—especially if they are out of breath from line-dancing.

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That's why it's called "coinciditis"...

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I need your permission to add this new word to my ever lengthening list of such words. lol

Absurdistan - (New Nickname For France, ... The U.S. Edges Them Out For 1st Place Though)

Ashleeple - (Ass Hole, Asleep, Sheeple)

Autocapucommunarxism - (The USSA under upcoming Autocratic, Capitalist, Communist, Marxism. ie: Banana Republic)

Bananada - (Canada, after Justine TruDoh got done with it)

Bidened - (Newest word for absolutely, thoroughly, positively, completely, Screwing The Pooch Hardcore)

Branch Covidian - (Leftist, Reeeing, Indignant, Militant, Covid-19 Cult Member)

Canuxist - (Candaian CCP Communist Sellout)

Celebutard - (Sean Penn, Robert DeNiro, Alyssa Milano, Etc. Etc. Nuff Said !!)

Chickification - (Public School/Societal, Feminization-Mutilation Of Male Youth/General Public)

Coinciditis - (Surely, Definately, NOT the Quaxxine !!)

Coronamaniacs - (See Covidiot)

Coronapocalypse - (Created, Induced, Forced, Flu Genocide)

Covidiot - (Fervent Covid Believer, Despite ANY/ALL Evidence To The Contrary)

Crime abiding cystizens - (Liberal, Criminal Apologizing, Scum and a puss filled boil on the ass of America)

Critical Racist - (Racists against white people, who cannot admit they are racists, but constantly show it)

Curieous - (What they call you when you fuck around with radiation too much)

Democommunazicrat - (The Part That The Average Liberal Hasn't Figured Out About Themselves, Or Knows But Are Unwilling To Acknowledge)

Diabolitician (Standard, Lying, Grifting, Plotting, Lifetime Politician)

Disinformation Complex - (Integrity Initiative: Defending Democracy Against Disinformation - By Creating It) https://www.revolver.news/2022/05/biden-minster-of-truth-nina-jankowicz-and-the-secret-nato-funded-cabal-to-subvert-western-democracies-using-disinformation-as-cover/

Electile Dysfunction - (A massive stack of Soft Ballots that are trying to be stuffed into a willing box)

Enemedia - (Media As The Enemy, Pushing LIES Up Your Asses - Enemy/Enema/Media)

Fakequity - (Falseness every time you hear a politition or anyone else, speak of "Equity")

Fauscism - (The World According To "Science", ... I mean Tony Fauci)

Fear Porn - (What the MSM Uses To Keep The Sheeple Horrified Into Submission &/Or Completely Distracted)

Flim-Flamdemic - Poorly Executed "Scam-Demic")

Geezident - (When a President has Alsheimers and can't think straightr, talk right, or ride a bike)

Globalust - (Eager Deep State Khazarian Corporatocracy, Also See - Philanthrocapitalism)

Globull Warming - (Green Bullshit)

Greendiots - (Those Greenies who are too stupid to know that Climate Change Is Naturally Occurring)

Halfascist - (Shitbird Liberals without the Balls to go full on Mussolini)

Heteronormativity - (Anti-polymorphous perverse)

Homo-simianphilia Pox - (Another, more techical name for Fag-monkeyfucker-Pox)

Hopium - (What Alternative Media Uses To Give Everyone False Hope That Something Good/Yuge Will Happen)

Honkypocalypse - (Republican Insurrection, --- If You Ask A Sheep-Dip Liberal)

Hospicidal - (What a person is called, when they go to a hospital in order to be killed BY the hospital)

Joemicron Bidenomics - ("Wreck It Ralph" As President)

Karmasutra - (When Life Fucks You Over In All Sorts Of Creative Ways)

Leftugees - (Recently Redpilled)

Leftwits - (Avoiding Truth, Logic, & Common Sense And The Red Pill)

Lgbtqtards - (Self Explanitory)

Libtardia - (All cities like NY, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, San Fran, Etc. that more closely resemble 3rd World Shitholes full of goatfuckers)

Libtardistan - (All of those cities which will NEED to make up a new country of their own)

Maskerading - (Wearing a Face Diaper For Show)

Maskerbaters - (Feeling Gloriously Superior For Wearing A Face Diaper)

Mask Up - (Because Liberals are too stupid and lazy to just say "Put A Mask On")

Mergency - (You know, Same as Liberals say about "Murica" but it's Conservatives laughing about the VaxxPox)

Midterm Science - (What the left employs during election season, when they all pivot & turn absolute hypocrite)

Narridigm - (The new paradigm of narrative change, ie: The Big Pivot)


Newspeak - (Media blabber which pushes whatever the agenda is at a given moment)

Oblivioti - (The See Nothing, Know Nothing, Dumb Ass Liberal In General)

Painience - (Liberals ReeeeIng, ... Akin to animals who feel pain, and raging about it)

Pfresident - (U.S. President, Owned and operated by Pfizer)

PFDA - (FDA, - See Pfresident)

Philanthrocapitalism - (Green/Charity/Humanitarian-Contrarian, Scammer, Profiteer)

Philanthropath - (A socio/psychopath masquerading as a philanthropist)

Pisstified - (Equal parts pissed off and mystified)

Presstitutes - ( Mainstream Media In TOTAL - Journalist Whores)

Propagandrix - (Anyone who is anything like Nina “Moaning Myrtle” Jankowicz the Lying Propaganda Queen)

Quaxxine - (All Vaccines Of Every Type, Intended To Harm You, Created By QUACKS)

Rocket Surgeons - (Aptly titled profession, that Democrats like Briben, Are NOT)

Rectal Decraniotomy - (Surgical Procedure To Remove Head From Ass)

RunDeathIsNear - (Remdesivir, according to many nurses.)

Sarchotic - (When you are SO Sarcastic, people don't know if you are joking, or just psychotic)

Scam-demic - (Self Explanitory)

Schlag - (A Klaus Schwab-ian Slag, Namely His Idiotic, Delusional Daughter)

ScreenAgeWasteland - (Monitor/Tablet/CelPhone Zombies)

Social Mediots - (Self Explanatory)

SuperCallousFascistRiskyExperimentalDoses - (Supercalifragilistic Expialidocious For Quaxxines)

TransAmericanExpress - (Trans people who have forced the other 99% into acceptance everywhere in the western world)

Transtronaut - (Former trans Khols employee, who after getting 10 free days off, decides they identify as someone who should be automatically accepted to NASA to go to outer space)

Tweetiatrician - (Fake Ass Twitter Dr. Namely, Risa Hoshino)

Twitmo - (Twitter purgatory without due process, for posting Truth or Fact found to be offensive to the Sheeple)

Twitterati - (The All Seeing, All Knowing, Dumb Asses Of Twitter

Two-Spirit Persons - (Fags & Dykes who were opposite genders in All Their past lives - No, Seriously!)

Uni-Potty - (When all politicians are caught shitting in their own backyard)

Vaccidents - (Vaccine Caused Injury Or Death Attributed To Accidents)

VAIDS - (Vaccine Induced AIDS, Or, the New HIV Cover Story)

Vaxxholes - (Anyone Bullying, Shaming, Trolling, For Vaccine Acceptance)

Vi-ruse - (Virus Ruse)

Wee'nis - (What a Trans Man-To-Woman Calls HIS Vagina!!)

WHOligans - (Criminal WHO Terrorists)

Wokabulary - (Idiotic, woke, Jibber-jabber about race and economics)

Woke-A-Dope - (See "Wokey-Dokes, Add Ignorance X 3)

Wokerati - (Elitist, Gay/Non-Gay, Corporate Shills)

wokescold - (Gay Liberal Bully Web Trolls)

Wokey-dokes - (Non-Gay, Liberal, Go Along Gang)

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It's not mine, it's been "circulating" for a while, tbh I don't know who's birthed it. And, congrats on your list, love it. :-))

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Well, I'll add it just the same. Yes, the list is getting rather long. I noticed a few odd words popping up a couple years ago and thought I should keep track of the new, weird words. Then it just got out of control. lol But I still add them when I see them.

It has been a while since I really looked at the list closely. I didn't realize there was quite so much bad language in there. Usually would be sent in an email rather than posted in a comment. I may have to clean it up a bit? lol

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I think maybe sleep in the cemetery for a night , tis cold, but then one can be grateful to walk away the next morning...

But don't tell anyone, tis tresspasssing

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Where it will be easy to find a bluetooth signal, .... just not a signal that can be used for anything.

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This was an excellent analysis. Thank you Andreas!

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The Atlantic is owned by Steve Jobs' widow.

She is also a good friend of Ghislaine Maxwell.

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The Atlantic was one of the first publications I began reading in the 80s. The American Scholar and The New Republic were also in the mix.

How the mighty have fallen. The Atlantic has Jemele Hill on its roster.

Any questions?

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This is an attempt to carve a path out for the negligent and fraudulent who pushed the poison.

“Please, people, don’t hate us for the damage were now forced to acknowledge. It could have been worse.”

This is why they tried to shrink the control population after the summer of 2021.

“Never mind those guys who got COVID and have none of the problems. They be crazy liars.”

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👏👏👏👏👏🙏🙏🤗 Exceptionally put as always Andreas! Oh and 🎩🎩🎩😉 to Matt Bult's comment. #greatteamwork #citizenmedia #citizenscience #atitsbest

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The problem is the CovIDIOTS read this ...


and not this https://live2fightanotherday.substack.com/p/the-virus-9-times-more-dangerous/

Even if you could force them to read this https://live2fightanotherday.substack.com/p/the-virus-9-times-more-dangerous/ they would reject it.

CNNBBC do not lie. They are part of the 'trustworthy news initiative' ... LFAD is 'fake news' ... spewing conspiracies.

Keep in mind most Americans do not accept the Warren Commission findings re JFK... so even if the masses did believe what you have written... there is nothing they could do about it.

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We are just doing full disclosure for our own Karmic Retribution's sake, aren't we?

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We need to copy all of this onto clay tablets and bake them ... then store them in a safe place... so that if anyone happens upon the scene in a billion years... they will know what actually went down here.

We don't want there to be any confusion regarding our demise -- as with the dinosaurs.

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Glaze them before baking in the kiln. They will last much longer that way.

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Well, those who already know won't go near these sludge jabs and those who don't know and have already been multi-jabbed will never listen because their denial won't allow it. So yes, the point which we are no longer making a difference will soon be upon us. Then it becomes a Good-karma-iou thing for sure.

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They allow SS to exist so that they can corral all the opposition into one place to keep and eye on everyone -- and to allow everyone to blow off steam so nobody gets any crazy ideas involving pitch forks.

They also feed out 'positive' news suggesting almost nobody is boosting... makes everyone here believe we are winning... 'just a matter of time before everyone wakes up'

Almost nobody is waking up. And even if they did - the PR Team would launch a new more deadly variant -- show clips of overwhelmed ICUs... a few front page stories of the few young people dying... and the fools would be trampling one another to be first for the next Rat Juice booster

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Woops, Too Late. 5 Tine Pitchfork Delivered, Free Shipping $41.06 (Depending on Sales Tax) Home Depot


They are calling it a "Manure Fork" so I figure it is suitable and proper for the purpose.

Oddly, mine was delivered the afternoon of Monday Nov 7th. ..... Premonition ??

Anyone have a good line on Torches ??? lol

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The Atlantic. A piece of trashy garbage. Did Emily Oster publish here?

This vile mouthpiece for Harmacide doesn't truly merit your energy,my good man.

If they tell any truth, tis to accentuate their lies, and create more wars....

Throw that magazine away or line the fishtank?

Might scare the fishies..,

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You know how when the CIA gets a hard on to overthrow a country -- and they vilify the leader to get the world onside for the invasion?

And the leader tries to convince everyone that he's not such a bad guy - but nobody listens/believes him?

The situation we are in is very similar... we are that leader... and nobody is listening.. nor will they listen.

The people running this show are the exact same ones who prep the world for these invasions... they are clever - and they have decades of experience... they have entire teams of PR people ...psychologists ... and massive budgets for advertising and marketing ...

This is a must watch:

Patrice Lumumba seized and forced to eat own speech


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"do not believe your lying eyes and ears".

best advice ever. wonder why fauci never came up with that.

yeah well, at last we know.

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Predictably enough, they're trying to spin it.

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