Gee, it almost seems like both Germany and Canada have financial ties with the companies that make the vaccine technology! 🤣

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Apr 26, 2022·edited Apr 26, 2022Author

Don't say! No way!

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Yes the minor perturbation in vulnerable even if you force vaccinate the rest is a very good point. I think it important to repeat the wording of their conclusion (forgot if you did in your first post — sorry to repeat if so):

“…the choice of some individuals to refuse vaccination is likely to

affect the health and safety of vaccinated people in a manner dis-

proportionate to the fraction of unvaccinated people in the

population. Risk among unvaccinated people cannot be con-

sidered self-regarding, and considerations around equity and

justice for people who do choose to be vaccinated, as well as

those who choose not to be, need to be considered in the formu-

lation of vaccination policy. ”

They basically as you point out use ideal numbers to reach conclusions not at all reachable now (i.e. NEGATIVE efficacy now not 80% — the infecting likely goes vaxxed to vaxxed at this point, or vaxxed to unvaxxed were it not for robust natural immunity). They are very wrong about the use of their words “choose” here, vaccinations were/are forced through intimidation and loss of civil rights. They assert this work justifies eliminating bodily autonomy. This paper was written conclusion first.

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The whole diatribe is beyond ridiculous. Do they hear themselves? The vaccinated fear the unvaccinated? So what was the point of the whole jabbing exercise then? Rhetorical, of course.

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Really looks like the exercise is mostly to provide a scapegoat for the repeating waves of breakthrough infections.

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and they did it with a swagger.

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Great point about "chose". Although, there IS such a category, and it's vast in Canada. But out of 90% jabbed, probably 1/3 wouldn't if not forced one way or another. Previously, my guess would have been 2/3, but getting to see so many lemmings wearing masks out of their own volition, I have had to adjust my regard toward the "community".

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Hi Andreas. Great stuff!

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So what is the shot rule for Canada now? Is it still just two and done, then you can fly and rejoin society like a good soldier? If that is case, you could have received the two shots more than a year ago and be completely depleted of shot antibodies by now. Which makes you medically in the same situation as being the dreaded unshotted.

Why don't the powers that be require 4 shots to be able to rejoin society? When will stupid workplaces drop their shot mandates or require 4 shots for employees? Either do it full-force, and follow the medical science or don't do it at all. Two shots is completely, utterly worthless (and so is 2,3,4,5,6, ad inifity), but is still used as a compliance tool and nobody seems to care.

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Apr 26, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022Author

I think having 2 shots a year ago is better than having 4 shots 3 weeks ago, for one's protection against the virus. Yes, so far 2 shots satisfy TPTB. I guess they will ramp it up come fall. If the whole house of cards won't collapse under its own weight by then. 50/50, as everything in life.

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Don't worry, between the spate of cases of cancer coming out of remission for the poked, a manufactured famine and possibly a world war, world longevity rates will start to plunge. Let's keep a close eye on stats for the next 3-5 yrs, but I don't think it's going to be good.

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If we live to see that?

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Ignoring reality has kept it away for two years. For some people. Take Joe Biden.


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Thank you for laying this out so well for us. The insanity of the Canadian “study” is just too much. Talk about tortured assumptions to reach a forgone conclusion. Holy spit. No immunity for unjabbed!!? Wow. 80% jab efficacy (pipedream and they know it). Unreal.

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For another powerful rebuttal, please read Dr. Byram Bridle's post: https://viralimmunologist.substack.com/p/fiction-disguised-as-science-to-promote

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The German article ist ausgezeichnet!! I laughed out loud several times and good practice, vielen dank!!

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Remember IG Farben? BigPharma today seeks similar power and control.

IG Farben meme I made:


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Weren't they rebranded as BioNTech recently?

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