Mar 19, 2022Liked by Andreas Oehler

As they say, correlation doesn't equal causation but good grief. If the vaccines worked at all that chart should be impossible. Instead it looks like throwing gasoline on a fire.

The vax defenders will point to confounders, data errors, time leads and lags, population differences, misinterpretations, etc. to do what ever they can to handwave it away and dismiss its relevance. They completely avoid the simple question:

How are these charts possible?

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Just think how much worse it would've been without the AMAZING, SAFE AND EFFECTIVE VACCINE!!

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Mar 20, 2022Liked by Andreas Oehler

And still, the unvaccinated will be punished and blamed for causing this to happen. The global government leadership does not care about the deaths caused by being vaxxed, because that is what they wanted. This is clearly the answer to why on earth this is happening. One entity is destroying another’s creation.

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This supports the notion the COVID-19 pandemic (virus) is a hoax and just like HIV=AIDS, most of the deaths are due to the "treatment" (vaccine, remdesiriv, ventilators). All COVID "cases" are likely due to the reclassification of other illnesses due to the invalid PCR test and possibly chemtrails, EMF, etc. All of this is being done for massive depopulation.



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Of course assuming that everyone is double jabbed this equates to 100m people and 40000 deaths from the jabs. So 1 in 2500. This figure, while obscene, is still low enough for normies to say "but if these are dangerous, why are people not dropping dead around me", which is what I hear all the time. The normies just do not understand the big data

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In Australia's "News" media government 'covid' spokespeople are called "health authorities". They should be called "health officials" - even if not holding a government office. or directly employed by government...They are not Authorities. They speak as government officials...

The second graph is deceptively labeled...It is not a graph of covid-19 deaths...It is a graph of covid-injection deaths.

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Just checked my FB, as I do every couple weeks... A cousin's wife, early 50s, both proud vaxers, died suddenly a couple months ago of an aggressive, unknown cancer. Another cousin just recovering from a bad case of shingles, vax status unknown. Also, lost my brother-in-law 6 weeks ago. Had a history of heart issues, but was generally very healthy, early 60s, also unknown vax status. Drove by a small funeral home near my old house a couple days ago to see a visitation taking place. Had probably only noticed 1 or 2 in 10 years. In fairness, I know of one person who had a very bad case of COVID, (months ago, no vax) but recovered at home. His son, very young and healthy caught it and died in the hospital, not vaxxed.

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tOtAL cOIncIdEncE

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Vaccine Apocalypse --- could be a role for Charlie Sheen in this ... where is the AIDS infested rodent these days?

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suprise! not.

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With those kinds of stats, it wouldn't make sense to bother with expensive or disruptive vaxing. Nor would you continue in light of the results. This is a population relatively young and fit--minus the smokers. Are all world leaders are homicidal, blackmailed or incompetent? Yes, I know all three of those could be true.

Anybody got any stats on North Korea's scene? I can't imagine Fat Boy spending any of his party funds on vaxxes, and I'm sure his problem is a lack of population, not feeling like he's got too many.

Crawling out onto a thin branch of speculation, since 2001 more and more controls have been brought on by various issues and crises. I think you can't have a very hi-tech society without the controls. If any schmuck can get a "disintegrator pistol", you'd better be sure you can control him. Of course, education, kindness and appealing to reason are time consuming and not "total control" so that's no good. Let's say you bring out "free energy", how do you quell the riots from the massive disruption to livelihoods? How do you keep people from using them to power "death laser beams"? Yes, it's all a bit of fanciful musing, but honestly consider that if these incidents are not "random", why would someone put them there?

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