Jun 17Liked by Andreas Oehler

It is quite unbelievable that people still think like that. A pen friend got jabbed last month, and 3 or so days later, got covid and has been sick in bed for several days, had to postpone a trip as well. The doc obviously told her 'she had caught covid just before she got the jab' These people all have a computer. Why don't they look this up ! so many testimonies of illness, death, after the jabs, more people I know got sick after than before they got the jab'.

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We all got sick from the TV. A few of us recovered though.

We are the remnant.

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SMH, The FEARMONGERING has taken root in people's brains, and it won't let go like a stinkin weed. Sadly so many people are still in the dark and talking to the same doctors to "fix" them that gave them the stinking jab in the first place. The number of Psychopaths in medicine is astounding from Doctors, Hospital heads, to Nurses that put their jobs over the lives of their patients. In their defence though, BigPharma has them Brainwashed starting their first day in medical school.

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Because it destroys the immune system - have any doubts, try and get an appointment with a rheumatologist! The wait list is 6 months for someone reputable.

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wow. I noticed that waiting lists are getting longer and longer. For all kinds of docs. Of course, some I know were retiring age and just stopped a few years before they intended to.. If you have something serious you are dead before you see one !

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You have to put your life in your own hands, You're responsible not your doctor that is interested in profit, and couldn't care less about your sickness. If your sick they make money, that's why they don't want to cure anyone. They have sold their souls to the Almighty Dollar! Vitamin D3 alone could have saved almost all the lives lost. I'm not anybody but a curious George and found that out in December of 2019. Everything else is a deadly PsyOp.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 18

Absobloodylutely Geotom! Medicine today is a business. The good news being after all the lies pertaining to Covid more and more people are researching alternative medicine and staying clear of western medicine. How sad and sick was it that during Covid the last place you would ever go is to a hospital knowing you would never get out alive? My friends autistic daughter was having heart palpitations and she feared taking her to the hospital petrified they would separate her and forbid her to remain and or visit which would've killed both of them. I told her to call 9-11 and let them evaluate her but refuse to transport. Thank God she was okay and went to her cardiologist the following morning. But how sick was that? She feared they'd kill her daughter the exact same way they had already killed her brother in-law. Remdesivir and then the ventilator. No family contact to intervene and stop it.

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Jun 18Liked by Andreas Oehler

I was aware of the Sickness Care business model for a long time. However, I was shocked when I realized how many Psychopathic doctors there are. I have done my best to stay away from MDS over my many years. I did my best to stay healthy by reading books on health and taking a holistic approach. I've had some serious issues that I treated myself successfully with over the last 15 years since my Doctor retired. I'm 75 now, and I'll need to see a doctor about my Peripheral Myopathy or Neuropathy (self-diagnosed.) But I take zero medications, except for an occasional 1/2 aspirin. I take many supplements and have a sizeable Homemade superfood health drink nearly every day. And avoid poisons like sugar and the 15 other names they hide under.

Sadly, so many people are 'programmed' by the relentless pharmaceutical ads on TV. We would be much better off if they had only cigarette ads, like in the old days. Vaccines, IMHO, are a tool of the Devil. They kill and maim untold millions of people every year, and they DO NOT WORK and never have! These Psychopaths are fully aware of it, but Big Money buys a lot of politicians, FDA heads, etc. RFK jr's book, The Real Anthony Fauci, exposes the medical fraud that has ruled medicine for many decades. Another great book I read when it first came out is Cassandra's Memo - Covid and the Global Psychopaths by Robert Yoho, MD. He also has helpful Substack pages.

Thank God the mother knew the dangers of bringing her daughter to the hospital beforehand; she likely saved her life. We've been navigating through an upside-down world in these last days. Thanks for sharing.

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My bet is it’s 90% plus at this point. Hence the extreme aggression if you try to even question them, let alone to call them out.

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My rheumatologist (last we spoke) is adamant there's absolutely no correlation to the shots but also has no other explanation for the massive spike in auto-immune diseases!

Denial is your strongest emotion!

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He stands to benefit massively, isn’t he?

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Jun 18Liked by Andreas Oehler

And the oncologists will be driving new Bentleys within the next couple of years.

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Hopefully they all end up with turbo cancer just after they buy their Bentleys

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He already has I can't begin to tell you the number of times he pushed the vax

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We get to see the doctors' true face, at last.

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We need to celebrate when a doctor or nurse goes down with a vax injury.

F789 them all

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Mark Crispy Miller banned me for celebrating when people like this doctor --- drop with vax injuries... Mark denied me my SCHAD.

What is wrong with taking pleasure in the misfortune of c789s who pushed the Rat Juice killing and maiming millions?

When doctors and nurses go down ... I squeal with delight!!!

I also take some delight in the average moron going down if that moron can be shown to have mocked those who reject the Rat Juice.

But the best is when the Tee Vee presenters influences and politicians drop.


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All true, except too much collateral damage. Which I s the way of the world… Read the Bible.

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Cuz they are stupid morons?

Do I win a prize?

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Jun 18Liked by Andreas Oehler

A few comments: It's always good to remember that whatever people like Murthy do or say is in relation to some persona gain of their own - either directly monetarily or indirectly via some future prestigious (and lucrative) position; the infamous 'revolving door'.

I’m sure that the FDA’s confidence in administering mRNA vaccines to children is concomitant with their willingness to accept at least moral liability for any near-term/future adverse reactions not limited to compromised immunity or reproductive system irregularities.

The harms of covid (vs vaccines) in long covid must be constantly pushed because ongoing research and drugs for such conditions are very lucrative for both researchers and manufacturers.

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The Pharma throws but the bread crumbs off their table to the “researchers”.

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Jun 18Liked by Andreas Oehler

I suspect that only *some* viewpoints will be labeled as bad for your brain. You can take a guess who will or won't get further censure as this mad parade continues.

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Jun 18Liked by Andreas Oehler

It's one of the things Katie is most angry about: that Vivien caught COVID at school before she was able to be fully vaccinated. Her quality of life has improved "out of sight" in the two years since then.

OMG.... OH - M - G

And this https://thehonestsorcerer.substack.com/p/meet-the-mind-virus-wetiko

It all started with writing post after post on how the “energy transition” is nothing but a fairy tale we tell ourselves to avoid facing reality; and how we need a psychological transition into adulthood — not a material one into oblivion. Then an entirely new branch of the rabbit hole has been opened up for me as I discovered the work of psychiatrist, neuroscience researcher and philosopher Iain McGilchrist; through the work of whom I could finally put an odd piece of the puzzle into place. I’ve been reading about wetiko on Erik Michaels’ blog for some time now, but so far I could not find the words to explain it. After hearing McGilchrist’s talk about our civilizational malaise, however, it suddenly all started to make sense… The predicaments we face today have much deeper roots, it seems, than what could be explained away with ‘capitalism bad’ or ‘fossil fuels bad’.

“Wetiko is a cannibalizing force driven by insatiable greed, appetite without satisfaction, consumption as an end in itself, and war for its own sake, against other tribes, species, and nature, and even against the individual’s own humanity.” — Paul Levy, author of Wetiko: Healing the Mind-Virus That Plagues Our World

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I am literally speechless. I think "Long COVID" (which we all know is v-injury) is an even bigger scam than COVID was. People are literally beyond help.

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Warning labels for "social media"! And then, let's drag the preschoolers to drag shows, where perverts tell the kids their funny perversions in lightly coded language.

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Oh Look … another job opening!!!

25 Yr Old Professional Rugby Player Dead

Garden-Bachop, a father of two, died of a medical event in Christchurch yesterday. He was 25.

link to odt.co.nz

Dropping like flies around the world.

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A 25-year-old pro rugby player is dead. Can you have a less likely type of person die? So, there is no mention of the cause of death? Hmm, it is likely an oversight, of course.

And they're dialing up the fearmongering, and an excellent, timely return of GOF in action is coming again; in a few months, they'll plan on Mail-in Ballots again. Oh, I'm so looking forward to watching all the videos of ballot stuffing again. But for sure, it never happened, even though some people who were paid for it admitted on camera why they did it. The number one reason: "I needed the money."

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I seem to remember back in the day that they were finding that those who had prior covid illness were more at risk from side effects from the jab. Of course none of that matters now, they have their marching orders and they are going to continue to hype this horrible shot despite the fact that recently a bunch of employers have backed off requiring it due to the complications, medical and legal.

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Yet we all need to continue to call them out, every day, on every lie they tell. Not to normalize it.

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