Think of how much worse their deaths would have been if they had NOT had the shots.

Checkmate Grandma Killers.

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It looks like they are not capable to associate any effect with any cause, but they are great at parroting other folks’ lines.

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Getting harder and harder to hide

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We'll watch them try.

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Folks were programmed (from 2019 onward) to see alot of death, and now that its happening, it fulfills the original prediction. All reasonable evidence of the actual cause being so silenced, hence their stalwartness. Insideous.

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So true. I pray we (or most of us) never become indifferent to death, but how else can you explain these child, teen, young adult, athelete, and <gasp!> famous people deaths just rolling off the back of the public consciousness like rain off a duck? Insidious indeed

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Andreas Oehler

Brooke Shields seizure was news to me, but a number of friends and relatives have reported odd seizures. Best friend from college (J&J) said his left hand and forearm seized up, he soon thereafter passed out on a mountainside, fell down its face and broke his back in 6 places. Mom (J&J) said her left hand and forearm seized up, first time in her life, she can't remember falling on the carpet, broke her femur at the hip. Another friend (40, dunno which gene jab) didn't report anything, but he experienced a massive seizure in the presence of his wife and died on the spot. She's a vet and could not help or revive him.

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Still lots who don't believe it, even though you smack the evidence under their noses. Hard to believe people can be so blind, but some are. My family in Europe seems to consist of true followers. Dad had 6 jabs. Mom, in a home, could not say no, everyone got jabbed there too. Obviously the personnel follows orders as well. Haven-t got an idea how the uptake is under the ''regular' people

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Yes, the Europeans seem to be much more gullible, in general. Is it because of the free higher education? That adds 4 more years to the indoctrination program. And they are being told all along that they are the illuminated ones. Oswald Spengler predicted the decline of the West a hundred years ago already, but he definitely didn’t predict this - the fall off the cliff.

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I think it's being steered off the cliff.

What's happening is not organic.

It is manufactured.

I'm now of the mind that the two world wars were also "arranged", or at least steered.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Andreas Oehler

Ah, the insufferable people of Hollywood who are the biggest consumers and then lecture the serfs about how overconsumption is bad for the planet and to save the planet, we (not they) must sacrifice.

Is it not a delicious irony that these people who pride themselves on their "my-body-is-my-temple" mentality so willingly mandated an untested chemical jab for themselves?

When they finally accept that it is the jab that is maiming and killing them, I will respond to their new victimhood claims with, "It was your body and it was your choice so STHU."

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This is sad. The actors and those in the entertainment business who were coerced into getting vaccinated in order to keep working do not deserve our ridicule. They deserve our sympathy.

Years ago, I moved to Brooklyn, New York, and got a job as a BackGround (BG) actor aka "extra" in New York City. It was a fun, interesting job that consisted of showing up on set and basically following instructions. The job gave me a unique opportunity to see inside many beautiful places of New York City, including the United Nations building and other iconic locations. Often, we would have "shoots" outside of The City, in upstate New York. For a few years I worked this job and thoroughly enjoyed it, but then the "mandatory" vaccine mandates were required in order to continue working.

At this point, I left New York and returned to West Palm Beach, Florida.

I'm guessing that many of my co-workers, other BackGround actors, took the PCR test and also got vaccinated in order to keep working. I'm glad I did not do this.

One thing to keep in mind is that when I worked in the NYC area as a BG (BackGround) actor, I was very busy, submitting for jobs and even hustling side projects in order to pay rent. I had very little time to watch mainstream news or explore alternative news. The priniciple actors (main actors) are probably extremely busy and have "handlers" such as PR people, agents, trainers, etc, and they are applying for jobs, doing physical training to stay the same waistline size, and practicing their craft as actors. It can be a real struggle, both for "extras" (BackGround actors) and principle actors.

Also, because they, the principle actors are surrounded by "handlers", this is probably where they get their information and their advice on how to move forward with their careers.

All this to say, please be sympathetic with the actors and actors and all those involved in the entertainment business who took the job.

Let's pray for their recovery. Let's tell them about Ivermecting and Fenbendazole and Virex, and even alternative remedies like Miracle Mineral Solution (sodium chlorite) and urine therapy and fasting.

On another note what is ironic is that there appear to be a few people who are very powerful and very evil, people like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates and others, and there appears to be thousands, maybe millions, who are waking up to the truth of what's happening. The perpetrators of these atrocities are outnumbered. Let's speak up and stand up and do this with a genuine concern for those who have been coerced to take the vaccine.

Let's offer our sympathy, not scorn and ridicule.

I lived in NYC for years and people there are very busy and most of the people I met appear to be conservative. It's the "tyranny of the minority" that appears to have been given the microphone for mainstream media.

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Speaking of the soap General Hospital. I used to watch it BC (before covid) and stopped during the covid me-too freakout years. This past summer I tuned in again and noticed most of the actors looked rather ragged and old. I surely don't remember them looking that way a mere three years ago. I remarked to someone that all the GH actors look like they are on death's door, including the young ones. A mere six months later - 4 GH actors are now dead. I tuned into GH this past week, the actors are looking even worse. Expect the GH bioweapon shot purge to continue.

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The vax injuries are a side show... likely just a by-product of injecting this dangerous concoction... or perhaps an intended decimation for the purpose of demoralizing the MORE-ONS.

Here is the real intent ...


Fast Eddy Aug 24

This is the smoking gun that confirms that mass murder was carried out for the purpose of frightening people into injecting the covid 'vaccines'... as we can see - the deaths were caused by Midazolam -- https://theviraldelusion.substack.com/p/the-great-lie-and-the-data-that-shows/

This establishes malicious intent.

Concurrent infections of cells by two pathogens can enable a reactivation of the first pathogen and the second pathogen's accelerated T-cell exhaustionhttps://hiddencomplexity.substack.com/p/the-intricacies-of-t-cell-exhaustionIgG4, on the other hand, responds to allergens. If you get stung by a bee for example, your body might react with IgG3 or other antibodies and cause you to have an allergic reaction. To avoid this, your body learns how to recognise relatively insignificant foreign objects by switching to IgG4.

Instead of increased inflammation to fight the foreign object, your immune system recognises that this is nothing major. Long term exposure, for example in bee keepers, produces this response. Immunotherapy also works this way by training your body with the foreign object you are allergic to until it is trained to produce an IgG4 response.


So what would happen to the Vaxxers if a lab-made pathogen was released that was designed to exploit the above situation as well as what you have discussed in the presentation?

Would it be possible to spread such a pathogen and severely sicken/kill most if not all Vaxxers due to their damaged immunity?

Dr. Kevin Stillwagon Aug 24 Author

Yes it is possible. There are elites among us that think the world is overpopulated. The easiest way to reduce that population is to convince people to willingly inject something that they think will protect them, but it does the opposite.

The Vaxxers are now primed for detonation ... they will wait until the global economy can no longer be propped up with gimmicks... then they will detonate... releasing the lab-made pathogen designed to kill the 6 Billion who have VAIDS>


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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Andreas Oehler

I had also wondered about the opposite.

I.E. Release a new illness to affect only those difficult bastards who had the audacity to refuse the pfizertoxin.

After all, "they" will want subservient sheep as their slaves and not obnoxious wankers like me.

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Nov 2, 2023·edited Nov 2, 2023Author

Good try, but there are mountains of evidence that the spikevax has only down sides and no magic in it.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Andreas Oehler


Just me doing my usual "what if" stuff, inside my head.

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Closing stages? Like one big crescendo?

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OMGosh! I can’t believe the stupidity! A little myocarditis and seizure activity is normal. Egads!

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Just saw where the lovely Lula and Co is mandating the injections for the kids in Brazil . Pretty sure our guys in power- ( aka ) so called Health Canada - will be salivating about that page in the playbook by the more than virtuous Lula . Any fact checkers in this bunch who isn't a bot ... https://twitter.com/goddeketal/status/1719528117201490291?s=20

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Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of "........"

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Nov 2, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023Author

And that's the beauty of unleashing the virus only to follow it up with a vax that doubles down (more like 100x-es down) on the pathogenic component of the said virus - go figure who's at fault as clinical manifestations are pretty much the same, the question is only as to the degree.

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I want to be president of the US. My first executive action will be to disband the federal government, then I'll collect my federal pension and live on an island.

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I'm going to take it all in one lump sum - cash, before the government disbands. Or maybe I'll take the govt printing press with me to the island and pump out the cash when needed.

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