We Have Smoking Gun, Bullet, and Perpetrator. Now What?
The oft-ridiculed lab-origin theory of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been all but proven. The fix: next time around, censor harder and clamp down on real criminals - the "misinformation" hate spreaders.
As you are most likely aware, there has been new, all but irrefutable, evidence uncovered of the laboratory origin of SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon virus. Just in case you didn’t bother this time around to check it out, as I didn’t until today, you may still be impressed by how solid this new evidence is, as I now have been. So, here’s the recap of the latest reveal. “The Story of the Decade: New documents strengthen—perhaps conclusively—the lab-leak hypothesis of Covid-19’s origins” (City Journal, 2024.01.24):
The documents unearthed by U.S. Right to Know, and analyzed by its reporter Emily Kopp, include drafts and planning materials for the already-known DEFUSE proposal, an application to DARPA, a Pentagon research agency, for a $14 million grant to enhance SARS-like bat viruses.
The new recipe is in striking accord with a theoretical paper published in 2022 that predicted the SARS2 virus had been generated in exactly this way. Three researchers—Valentin Bruttel, Alex Washburne, and Antonius VanDongen—noted that the virus could be cut into six sections if treated with a pair of agents known as restriction enzymes and so had probably been synthesized and assembled in this way
Bruttel and his colleagues guessed that a commonly used pair of restriction enzymes, known as BsaI and BsmBI, might have been used to assemble the SARS2 virus’s genome. When they examined the structure of SARS2, they found that the recognition sites used by these enzymes were indeed evenly spaced across the genome, marking it into six sections. “Our findings strongly suggest a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV2,” they wrote.
Of course, the only expected reaction from the True Truth Holders and Fact Checkers was to shoot down the messengers, retorting to personal insults:
The small group [AO: of unhinged] of virologists who adamantly oppose the lab-leak hypothesis attacked the paper as “confected nonsense” (Edward Holmes) and “kindergarten molecular biology” (Kristian Andersen).
The “virologists” posited that it must have been a freak coincidence of nature. How freak?
The fact that the rearranged recognition sites change the virus’s nucleic-acid sequence but not the proteins it specifies is unusual and would occur by chance less than one in a million times, Bruttel said in a lecture:
The mainstream media, in the back pocket of Bill Gates and the Big Pharma cabal, didn’t bother to pay proper attention either. Lo and behold, the DEFUSE drafts 100% corroborate the findings of Valentin Bruttel, Alex Washburne, and Antonius VanDongen:
The recipe in the new DEFUSE drafts, however, closely resembles the one posited in the Bruttel article in saying that new viruses would be constructed from six sections of DNA synthesized in a lab. The documents even include a form for ordering the BsmBI restriction enzyme.
“The DEFUSE draft documents show that, exactly as we had postulated, they planned to use 6 segments to assemble synthetic viruses, to use unique endonuclease sites that do not disturb the coding sequence, and to buy BsmBI !!!” Bruttel wrote in a post on X.
Under the weight of the evidence, other biologists and virologists capitulated and coalesced behind what was just recently dismissed as misinformation and a conspiracy theory:
Richard H. Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University who had called the 2022 paper “noteworthy . . . but not decisive,” now says that the evidence in the new documents “elevates the evidence provided by the genome sequence from the level of noteworthy to the level of a smoking gun.”
“Game over,” wrote Matt Ridley, co-author of Viral: The Search for the Origin of COVID-19, noting that every suspicious feature of SARS2 is explained by the methods called for in the DEFUSE proposal documents.
The rest of the article then ties to shift the blame from the US actors to the rogue Chinese one that were too reckless and zealous to see the DARPA and Peter Daszak’s project through, while still admitting that:
…both Beijing and Washington have covered up information about the origin of SARS2. Washington’s obfuscation has been aided by the puzzling inability of its 17 intelligence agencies to discover documents in the U.S. government’s own possession, and by a mainstream press too opinionated and ignorant of science to understand the story of the decade.
How does one spell “limited hangout”? Although what is there left to limit?
The remedy to this situation, in the minds of the perpetrators, is to quickly introduce the complete global clampdown on any information that will contradict their narrative, and go after those that would dare to speak the truth with persecution and house arrests as one preventive measure, other measures will be brought to bear as required once any dissenting voices are reigned in. Take Canada, for example:
Preemptive justice, so to say. For the greater good! And don’t get lulled by the law being limited to “hate crimes”. Surely, anyone that opposes the official line hates, first, the science and, next, the society at large.
Where have we seen that before? Ah, yes! The “Minority Report” movie predicted all of this, on the dot, back in 2002:
Now what? Nothing. Just like nothing for people who figured out 9/11 was a massive coverup for financial crimes, just like nothing for the person that figured out the seal on Obama's birth certificate is NOT raised, just like nothing for Danny Casalaro who followed the tentacles of the Octopus....just like nothing for every person BEFORE Covid that held a bit of truth and was marginalized and silenced until they grew to resent the world.
No one looks back. No one apologizes. No one rights any of their own wrongs. And so...nothing.
Reread this comment in 15 years. You'll see it is bleak. No one is special enough. No amount of evidence is enough...not as long as people are unable to discern what is a big effing deal and what isn't.
We have tons of horrible people, in the US, getting ready to vote for Trump or Biden again. They don't care the damage they do. It's a football game to them, nothing more.
15 years from now, all the heroes, of today, will be broken. Just like the heroes that THEY left broken, while they never looked back.
Such is life and it is neither fair nor fun...when you hold a bit of truth.
The documents unearthed by U.S. Right to Know, and analyzed by its reporter Emily Kopp, include drafts and planning materials for the already-known DEFUSE proposal, an application to DARPA, a Pentagon research agency, for a $14 million grant to enhance SARS-like bat viruses.
Would that be like 'unearthing' documents that provide the game plan for the JFK assassination? Or 911? Or the many thousands of other highly classified operations that are conducted by the CIA and other clandestine outfits in the USA?
How does one 'unearth' top secret documents?
Likewise with the documents 'unearthed' by Sasha and various other thought leaders in the A-Vaxx community...
'Unearthed' = they were released by the DOD and the PR Team ... the question that one needs to ask is ... why would they release such documents? What is the agenda?