Now what? Nothing. Just like nothing for people who figured out 9/11 was a massive coverup for financial crimes, just like nothing for the person that figured out the seal on Obama's birth certificate is NOT raised, just like nothing for Danny Casalaro who followed the tentacles of the Octopus....just like nothing for every person BEFORE Covid that held a bit of truth and was marginalized and silenced until they grew to resent the world.

No one looks back. No one apologizes. No one rights any of their own wrongs. And so...nothing.

Reread this comment in 15 years. You'll see it is bleak. No one is special enough. No amount of evidence is enough...not as long as people are unable to discern what is a big effing deal and what isn't.

We have tons of horrible people, in the US, getting ready to vote for Trump or Biden again. They don't care the damage they do. It's a football game to them, nothing more.

15 years from now, all the heroes, of today, will be broken. Just like the heroes that THEY left broken, while they never looked back.

Such is life and it is neither fair nor fun...when you hold a bit of truth.

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Not nothing - read the subtitle.

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Ha...I saw it and that is so true.

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If you think Trump is part of the Deep State, you must not be paying attention to how he is treated by the Deep State. He was snookered by the Deep State and left some of them around (Fauci for example) and was set up by Shrillary and The Kenyan. He's a little crude, and he tweets mean (OMG!) but he is the only one I have ever seen since Reagan that fights the Deep State on any level and is not bought out by Big Pharma, the Banksters, or the World Elite Pedo Cabal. RFK may seem an option to some, but the Deep State will threaten to finally expose his daddy for the whoremonger and Mob-elected bootlegger's boy that he really was and he will fold.


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Cooked up. Hillary & Trump are BFFs and pretend they aren't. He reserved the entire front pew for her at his wedding and she was his personal houseguest.

But he told his supporters they were acquaintances. Why lie? I know why. He was the Clintons' Apprentice. They are more like family:


Trump also nominated Kavanaugh who got the Clintons off the hook for Vince Foster's murder, as lead investigator. He was owed a favor. Bet you followed the Blasey Ford Clintonesque Reality TV show like it was real?

I also had my own personal experience with Trump, in 2011, and he most certainly ran interference FOR Obama, on his birth certificate. No one can convince me my personal experience was not meaningful. I gave him a chance. He blew it. I even voted for him in 2020...just to make my sister happy.

BTW, the Senate found Trump 'Not Guilty' of making a false statement when he said *COUGH* the Senate shouldn't certify the election results. Tell me, how can a court effectively overturn the vote on that one? The Senate has the last say on that particular allegation. It was an all-or-nothing verdict...as Trump's Defense pointed out. Did you miss it?

What were you paying attention to when they did that? "Double jeopardy doesn't apply!!?"

Nah...separation of powers.

That's why Trump knows and Biden knows that nothing will come of those criminal cases.

Oh! And did you see Justice Roberts administer the Oath of Office with election cases pending on the docket? Well, that was right in front of your face, eh?

Roberts, alone, decided the 2020 election when he administered the Oath without recusing himself.

There is a lot you miss when you pay attention to the spoon fed narratives.


👇 The Clintons' Apprentice:


Everything makes a whole lot more sense when you accept the truth about Don the Con.

He's Hillary.

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Not that I admire Trump, by from the link you provide the relationship between the Clintons and the Donald have soured when he became a contender. Back in 2005, Trump was working hard to be on a good side of whoever can send any business his way.

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Not that Clintons couldn't have had any compromising stuff on him, with Epstein's help...

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The record suggests nothing is as Trump claims. Kavanaugh? Hillary did not go to jail? Five people reporting Trump consulted with Bill Clinton on running in 2016?


I get it. Mine is not the easiest position to take. People are not receptive to the whole truth if it requires humility.

I don't owe Trump the benefit of the doubt and I am never giving it to him. I have been courteous enough. Like I said, I voted for him in 2020, knowing all of what I wrote because my sister was in despair that 'no one gave him a chance.'

I voted for him and he gifted my vote to Joe Biden in front of my face. I held the line on those Covid vaccines with people that swore they would not vote for him again. And now they are voting for him again.

I have been gracious. I don't mind anymore that no one agrees. I am fine with being alone and having my eyes open to everything they don't see for all the 'narratives.'

This is all a testament as to why nothing will ever improve even with plain truth smacking the world in its face. No evidence is enough. I am not special enough to speak the truth. Just as I said originally to you.

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He said they were acquaintances was my point. Clearly, they were close friends. They don't have to have had anything compromising...they just need to have shared interests...which they do & did. That's why he donated to Democrats and was a Democrat.

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Doesn't make sense for the Deep State to go all out on Trump as they are. No new wars in his presidency is all I need to see to know he is not Deep State owned. One of the Disciples was a tax collector. People Change!

This was written with people like you in mind: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/03/donald_trump_pledging_his_life_his_fortune_and_his_sacred_honor.html

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Nothing was written with me in mind. I have never met a single person that has my nonpartisan view. Read something beside editorial that is characterized and crafted JUST FOR YOUR CONSUMPTION so that you don't have to actually be an American Thinker. I don't believe you're capable of reading this reply just like you didn't read my last reply. It hurts you too much. It shouldn't. You demonstrated you have no thoughts of your own, in your reply to my original thinking.

Let me know if anything bad ever happens to Don the Con. My money is on more fodder for divisive partisans to dig their heels into...more carrots to chase on sticks around a circle. That's what the Uniparty Deep State does. They play the winner and loser. That's how they ALWAYS win. I am sick & tired of the Trump delusions TBF...from both sides.

The Deep State is not going all out on Trump. Trump is Hillary. Did the Deep State go all out on her too, with her emails, Vince Foster, Russia interference?


How on earth can you believe the silly crap they get you latched onto, anymore? Don't you ever feel like a schmuck? You should. I am sorry but you absolutely should.

The Deep State hates us, not Trump. HE IS THE DEEP STATE.

How many silly sex scandals does it take to see Trump uses the Clinton's playbook -- just like the rest of the Deep State players. Stop being taken for a ride.

Trump an honest man? Sacred honor...holy jeez, that is some toe-curling garbage.

That's EXACTLY like saying Hillary is an honest woman who pledged her life, fortune, and sacred honor...I cannot even type these things I am LOLing so hard. It is so embarrassing for Trump supporters, now. It will get a lot worse for you before you actually wake up and THINK FOR YOURSELVES. It will get a lot worse for ALL OF US.

Trump & Biden voters are an anchor around our necks. Please choose people worthy & competent of serving in government or we need to just get rid of it, now.

The justice system and the federal government have been weaponized against We, The People. US!

Biden has aimed the weapon, Trump pulls the trigger. It takes a willing loser to lose to such obvious cheaters.

If you were actually awake, you would see Trump played the pied piper on 1/6 and gathered all his supporters in DC, told them to go to the Capitol, 'follow law & order', and then THEY got arrested when law and order waved them inside the Capitol. Now you guys are paying for HIS legal bills? Have you seen his attorneys? Did you see his comical, ham-handed attorneys after the election , in 2020?

You are paying to be humiliated.

What doesn't make sense is that Trump always *loses* because his hands are always tied or someone is 'mean' to him. IDGAF about mean tweets, 'mean to muh Trump', and I sure don't care to read someone's opinion that isn't part of our conversation.

Do you have your OWN thoughts, at all, make your own opinions, or do you just point at other people's opinions from your sanctioned slanted disinformation outlets?

P.S. Jack Cashill is a CIA disinfo shill...so is Joseph Farrah...so is Jerome Corsi....so is Alex Jones....WTF up already.The Deep State isn't against Trump. They are against YOU AND ME.

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When the Deep State goes all out, you get funerals...

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True. Died Suddenly whether from the jab or being a part of the Clinton Body Count.

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True. Also, when they go all out, people like Larry Sinclair are actually arrested on bogus warrants and thrown in jail in retaliation for speaking the truth. He wasn't just tied up with legal action that donors pay for, never to see the inside of a jail cell.

Will we get presidents that have immunity for their crimes thanks to this scripted Deep State nonsense in court? IDK, but it would not surprise me and it will not surprise me if his voters believe they somehow 'win' with that.

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She gets it and you apparently refuse to see what she sees:


BTW, go schmuck yourself!

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Hi Gary, no need to go ad hominem to slay your opponent...

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I am not sure how or why you think I am a Democrat after my ranting about Democrats.

Is it because I also rant about republicans? Is it 'either/or' for you? How about NEITHER?

You are the problem, Gary. There is only the Uniparty. They field both parties and that is why they always win. Get it?

I don't need anyone to convince me that Democrats are awful. I also don't have time to waste on you trying to convince me that republicans are soooo super fabulous. That's is fodder for partisan sheep.


Also...YOU should really try getting it. It's nice you find people that agree with your thinking, but they are not part of this discussion, you are. All you could come up with is 'Go schmuck yourself?' Weaksauce.

BE AN AMERICAN THINKER....don't just admire the thinking of other Americans. You can do it...think, think, think! It's actually pretty fun to form your own opinions and draw your own conclusions!

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The documents unearthed by U.S. Right to Know, and analyzed by its reporter Emily Kopp, include drafts and planning materials for the already-known DEFUSE proposal, an application to DARPA, a Pentagon research agency, for a $14 million grant to enhance SARS-like bat viruses.


Would that be like 'unearthing' documents that provide the game plan for the JFK assassination? Or 911? Or the many thousands of other highly classified operations that are conducted by the CIA and other clandestine outfits in the USA?

How does one 'unearth' top secret documents?

Likewise with the documents 'unearthed' by Sasha and various other thought leaders in the A-Vaxx community...

'Unearthed' = they were released by the DOD and the PR Team ... the question that one needs to ask is ... why would they release such documents? What is the agenda?

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The next level of conspiracy! I am not proficient enough to double-guess them. What do you think, Eddy?

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I think ... that everything is orchestrated.... nobody leaks stuff like this.

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FOIA-SCHMOYA? Good point!

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My thoughts too. There are usually many layers of deception. DEFUSE seems like one more layer in the deception to me.

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When they release these revelations ... consider the impact on the A-Vaxxers...

Everyone high fives and celebrates -- we were right!!! -- as you point out this diffuses the frustration and anger cuz we are winning...

And nobody takes any action that might require the anti terrorist squads be involved

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That us. The vaxxers are much less forgiving?

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I meant "vaxxers" above, lol!

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And of course this perfectly explains the actions of the 'leaders' after the virus go out -- they immediately tried to censor the conversation and cover up their involvement (all the while saying THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED).

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Genuine question: how exactly did the presentation of SARS cov 2 differ from a very bad flu where all steroids and antibiotics are withheld and people told to not go to hospital unless they turned blue? What is it to your way of thinking suggests a novel entity?

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I refer you to Pierre Kory and the FLCCC alliance where the real ER doctors treated real patients that were dying on them back in 2020. You choose to dismiss them as fraud or not: https://covid19criticalcare.com/

Also, Peter McCullough is another such disinformation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_A._McCullough) spreader: https://www.clarkcountytoday.com/opinion/opinion-we-should-be-questioning-the-global-suppression-of-early-treatment-options-for-covid-19/

Whatever you choose to believe, when properly treated, practically no one had to die from Covid.

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I don't have any beliefs on the subject.

Patients die of respiratory illness every year in hospitals.

I always come back to the Diamond Princess cruise ship.. 0.14% IFR, wide demographic, shared ventilation, only people dying were over life expectancy. April 2020.

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Whatever. Long Covid is another conspiracy. And viruses in general.

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Quite a few papers on L Lysine 2-3gr daily completely switching off all symptoms of 'covid 19'.

All the drama of Kory and McCullough in the ERs..everyone on the grift

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https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8310019/ - they say prevent infection. But they DO believe in viruses, so should we trust them?

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"Among 30 medical professionals with daily face-to-face exposure to COVID-19 patients, all remain negative of the virus after taking 2000 mg lysine daily with required dietary restrictions (no caffeine, marijuana and arginine-rich foods) for 3 months, as compared to an average of two employees being infected every month prior to the study and to a public health department with similar capacity as their control group."

Does not say if anyone has actually FALLEN ILL. Two out of thirty is less than 10%; covid-1984 infection rate in households, as per studies, never exceeded 20%. Combining lysine intake with parallel dietary limitations is a funny way of proving effect, no?

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Your words. Not mine.

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Long covid, if any, comes in the aftermath of the application of bioweaponry (neurotoxins would fit in well, but not exclusively). The question whether there are any viruses or not is mute in this instance; it is not a burning issue for no virus was used in the live exercise simply because it would not have been practical. The Diamond Princess was indeed an ideal test tube, just as any cruise ship would be. An ideal test tube for the release of a bioweapon, certainly not a leak. I take for granted there was no Chinese lab aboard. Or shall I wait for the next disclosure? String me out, Big Brother, I love the suspense ...

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I realize how easy it is to dismiss anecdotal experience, but there is the obvious qualitative difference. I tested positive for Covid-19 infection in Jan 2022. This would have been during Omicron. At that point I wanted to get it (or prove I was invincible, so I made sure to be in close contact with people who had it).

I've always paid attention to any cold I got. I'm not one to simply sit and suffer. The way the illness unfolded was different than other colds. It started very mild in the esophagus / trachea (not upper respiratory for me and not yet in the lungs). So it was hoarseness that I initially dismissed. I almost didn't do a rapid test. Then a very mild upper respiratory infection - allergy like. Then chills and flu-like but only for about half a day. That was followed by significant "nerve ending" pain, which I think is initially confused as muscle and joint pain. Very painful and lasted longer than the chills. Never felt that before or after. Probably two days. Then moved into the lungs. Tested negative and back to work after five days. Lingering cough for weeks. And I treated it with all the stuff. I understood what it was. Yes, one could dismiss my perception as a "saliency" problem where my attention would not have been focused on other colds. But I trust my perceptions about my physical state.

To the people who are so ready to argue that there is no such thing, I wonder did they not notice when they got Covid-19? Did you get it Diarmuid? Did you pay attention? I'm asking in good faith--not intending to dismiss your comment a priori.

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I had something in April 2020 - sore throat, followed by dry cough, followed by a feeling of something in my chest.

I initially bought in until I saw there was a scam being perpetrated. If there had been no propaganda or new nomenclature I'm not sure I would have made anything of my symptoms - I just treated with liposomal glutathione. Ive had far worse episodes where I was bed ridden for a week in times past.

I'll always remember the staff in the supermarkets during 2020 before any NPIs - I always asked have any of ye been out sick or died? No was always the answer.

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Ok. I get it. I would agree that I've had colds or flu more severe than what I experienced in Jan 2022. Not that often but I've had them. But the fact that a lab-engineered disease is mild for most healthy people and not readily distinguishable from other illnesses (on a population-wide basis) does not negate the fact that it was engineered in a lab. For my part I noticed a difference.

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I tested + ... the symptoms felt like a standard cold... I woke up one morning with a scratchy throat...

I took hydroxychloroquine -- by dinner that day the symptoms were dissipating ... within two days I was back on my bike...

I did have a slight loss of sense of taste and smell - that is something I have never experienced with a cold.

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How about a flu?

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I almost never get sick and cannot ever recall being sick enough to not be able to work.

So I don't know if I have had a flu - whenever I get sick it is mild - so I assume it's a cold.. but it might be a mild flu?

Never lost the sense of taste or smell

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With Lyme, they wanted to engineer a disease that would weaken the enemy but not kill them (I guess with Covid, killing the elderly was intentional as a cost-saving device to society; the jabs every few months are to finish the job).

The idea with Lyme was to mass-infect the enemy to buy time in an attack. Accrding to the book BITTEN about the tick bioweapons program.. They prepared an anecdote (just as they were working on the Covid vax) With Covid the virus perhaps got out early on its own. I think they wanted the vaccine to be ready right after the virus hit, then they could “buy time” to tell people they would die if they didn’t take the vax, before people had time to see the death rate was extremely low. The fact that the vaxcard was so easy to fake in the US seems to indicate the haphazardness of the timing of the virus release. These are just my thoughts/guesses.

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I seems to me they did it on purpose with the vax card in the US, not to irk the Americans too much. As they host the executers of the plan (DoD, NSA,CIA, DARPA). Other nations served as guinea pigs, e.g. in Europe, but not Switzerland which hosts WEF/WHO/Gavi - the planners. They pushed it quite far in Canada, but it seems they made a conscious decision not to go over certain line in the sand. The worst were AUS and NZ, in my opinion, barring even their own citizens from returning to their own countries! For the greater good. And AUS actually implementing concentration camps for the unvaccinated. While Austria entertained mandatory universal jabs and jail time for resisting. These all were pilot projects. They ran a few dozen different ones and collected the feedback data. For the next time.

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The haphazardness could result from the fact that the number of planners for any conspiracy must be limited to ensure secrecy. Limiting the number of planners limits the specialized expertise available and the level of detail possible. Sometimes the government can create phony projects that allow expertise and manpower from outside the circle of conspirators to be utilized without revealing the secrets, but we shouldn't dismiss the possibility that the conspirators made silly mistakes in their planning.

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How do you know what the cause was, and that it was lab-made? These are but assumptions based on the information flow you have been exposed to.

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We live in a surreal world, that's for sure.

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Why do you say lab engineered? I don't have a position I just contend that they didn't need a novel pathogen to run the scam. Iatrogenesis and midazolam (huge volumes in northern Italy) drove the deaths in certain regions and the reassignment of cause of death using pcr fraud skewed the picture elsewhere.

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I do not know anyone who has died from Covid. Nor have I ever known anyone who has died from the flu.

Then again the only people who generally die from these respiratory diseases are the elderly with weak immune systems. I avoid old half dead people -- because I have nothing in common with them

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Huh? I say that because of the reporting in the piece that you are commenting on. We start from the engineered perspective. You asked questions suggestive that the virus doesn't exist or apparently wasn't engineered by humans under a GoF protocol. My comments support the human-engineered view. So for you to get recursive and ask the question again suggests you're not doing this in good faith.

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Misread your post..

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Agreed. My experience of COVID was very weird also. I tested negative Friday morning. I went to sleep and had chills and cramps. I woke up feeling great and considered going lap swimming. Then I started feeling worse around noon Saturday. I had a very painful sore throat where I could not even swallow water without my eyes watering in pain. The next day (Sunday) I was able to drink and eat a little with difficulty. By Monday I felt better except for a hoarse voice and a throat-clearing cough that persisted a week.

COVID reminded me of catching a cold as a small child. That makes sense for a new type of virus. Proof enough for me that COVID was novel.

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Similar here, except somewhat worse/longer. Any loss of smell?

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No loss of smell for me fortunately. I was taking the forbidden horse paste along with other vitamins, so maybe that helped.

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I did too, but probably not enough at the start.

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Not the lab leak false narrative again. Where is the ‘it’ that the (non existent) ‘virus’ was engineered from.

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Unless you choose not to believe into anything you can't see with your naked eye yourself: https://www.bitchute.com/video/PePQxJcy5X48/

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what are they going to do ? lock up a few million people?

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Lock up the DOD? Hahahahahaha....

Keep in mind the DOD violates international law all the time - and commits crimes against humanity.... example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hExlqV-fsP8

I don't recall anyone in the DOD being locked up for these crimes

End of the day they do what the Men Who Run the World tell them to do... and nobody will look those fellas up either

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it is fun to imagine tho... one would like to get out the guillotine and see some heads roll

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But there's no virus, just theatre.

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Theater doesn’t reduce population, does it?

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But that's the thing - the ALL CAUSE mortality for 2020 didn't change

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Where? Italy?

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There is a web site for that: ourworldindata.org

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Propaganda and protocols and poison can.

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So they can make mRNA poison but can’t make a virus? Do I understand correctly?

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How do you make something that doesn't exist?

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By inventing it?

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Never isolated?

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You know at some point in the not-too-distant future, thousands of Wikipedia entries will have to be modified to remove the libelous "discredited lab origin" pejorative.

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Broadcast media has always been captured. Television was still the biggest influencer for supporting the official narrative for the SARSCOV2 vaxx genocide. They need that type of control over all media for the next act. They are not done.

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My conspiracy theory is that the US planted this virus outside Wuhan Institute of Virology in hopes that the social and economic damage resulting from China's quarantine strategy would weaken the biligerant Xi Jingping and strengthen his political rivals thus preventing the new Cold War we see today. Possibly the US hoped that the virus would not spread as rapidly around the world and that the mRNA vaccines would insulate the West, but that backfired spectacularly. As I understand it, the idea that the virus had leaked from WIV first appeared in the CIA-funded Radio Free Asia and was probably meant to spread as a conspiracy theory among China's citizens to destabilize Xi.

Some loose ends in this conspiracy theory exist of course:

(1) The early videos of Chinese people falling over in the street seem phony. Were these created by China to scare the US citizens or by the US to scare the Chinese citizens? Do we know where these videos came from?

(2) A study of blood samples from several hundred Italian cancer patients found that a significant percentage of them must have had mild or asymptomatic COVID prior to September 2019. Immune suppression from chemotherapy might kept the symptoms mild. Did the US test the virus on Italian cancer patients before releasing it in Wuhan or did it spread that widely from the Wuhan military games earlier in the summer? If COVID had already infected a significant percentage of Italy's population before September 2019 why would it cause so much trouble for Italy later?

(3) There were mysterious cases of prion disease in a sparsely populated part of Canada a year or so before COVID appeared. Was the Canada secretly testing the mRNA vaccine against the virus and maybe early versions of the vaccine caused a high rate of prion disease?

Again, these are just random conspiracy theories. There are lots of other explanations including less conspiratorial ones.

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That IS a beautiful theory!

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I always thought at least a few of the collapsing people vids were real. Maybe not covid real but you can cut their air with a knife and the place is entirely polluted. I bet people simply collapse all the time in the cites (which is where most of the collapsing vids came from).

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I’ve seen credible tv presenter collapses, but all collapses of ppl in the streets I saw on tv were faked, crudely.

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So was the leak accidental or deliberate? And how did the Omicron variant which had little in common with the original Wuhan strain arrive in Botswana?


According to a number of articles in 2021, it was sequenced from samples taken from four foreign diplomats. Men in black with Ray-bans most likely.

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I suppose there are always assassins for hire, but who can afford that? I do have a slingshot and practicing.

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Right you are!

Assassins for hire, some of us will do them for free.

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They gonna haul you in like Steve Baker for using free speech.

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Hey, it works again, the reply button wasn't working for a bit, I had to use my iPhone to reply. I hated that!

Well, if they do they do. But I'm not going to wait 3+ years to get broken out like the Jan 6 crowd. I will do it on my own (with a little bit of help from my friends).

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Be safe. We are looking more and more like Venezuela every day.

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