Oct 2Liked by Andreas Oehler

When my twins were 11-12 they needed their updated Vax schedule to play sports. I decided they had had enough of their bs shots so I entered the info myself fraudulently and I submitted it. This was in about 1995. They are fine

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Choose your poison.... or not .

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I personally treated myself early for "shingles" with the generic version of the brand name drug Zovirax (generic name is acyclovir) 14 years ago. I was showing the symptoms of what we call "shingles" ... I admit I was a little scared of course ... but I didn't panic and run off to my doctor (although i did speak to a close friend of mine who is an M.D.) ... Before the way more expensive, patented newer version of acyclovir --a very similar drug called Valtrex (generic name: valacyclovir) came to the market, there was the closely-related off-patent generic drug called acyclovir (brand name Zovirax). ***Notice the similarity of the generic names "valacyclovir" and "acyclovir"*** ...

Well, i happen to have on hand a supply of acyclovir past its expiry date ... but i rarely throw old drugs in the trash ... so i started taking a very heavy dose of acyclovir .. IIRC the dosage was something like 800mg of acyclovir 2 or 3 times per day ... I EXPERIENCED AN IMMEDIATE IMPROVEMENT ... the affected band of my chest stopped spreading to new areas ... the little water-filled, itchy, blister-like sores on my chest began to dry up on the 1st day of the drug, healed IIRC in approx 4 days, and were COMPLETELY GONE in about a week.

I was never keen on the shingles jabs even 14 years ago. Now I am an anti-vaxxer, and not afraid to say so anymore. Also, now i rest easy knowing that i probably have natural immunity against what we call "shingles" hopefully for some number of years into my future. So i am firmly in favor of early treatment of "shingles" with acyclovir.

MOTIVE: Also, one of the main motives for Big Pharma's introduction of Valtrex (valacyclovir) was the fact that the patent on the older pill Zovirax (acyclovir) had expired in the U.S. So while they had been able to charge very high prices for Zovirax for 7 years (or is it 14 years, i can't remember if it's 7 or 14 years), once the patent on Zovirax expired, pharma could no longer charge exorbitant prices for the acyclovir pills. So they just tweaked the chemical formulations just a wee bit to become "Valtrex" (valacyclovir) so it became eligible for a NEW PATENT for more years, so then Pharma could again charge HUGE prices for the very similar drug Valtrex (generic valacyclovir). Then pharma encourages the doctors to write prescriptions for the newer patent-protected (expensive) drug, and the cheap though effective drug acyclovir is intentionally de-emphasized and even denigrated. That is their business model!

DISCLAIMER: Not saying this would work for everyone. I'm only saying that acyclovir this worked very well for me. Nipped my early shingles in the bud. And I treated it EARLY. I'll avoid shingles, flu, RSV, and pneumococcal shots, and of course I'll avoid Covid-19 experimental genetic therapy shots as well.

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Current shingles vaccine has a FDA black box warning on it for developing Guillain-Barre Syndrome. See my other comment.

The FDA black box warning is the strongest warning put on a drug before it is pulled off the market.

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The shingles vaccine has a FDA black box warning on it for developing Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS).

GBS is an autoimmune disease that can also cause partial or complete paralysis. Complete paralysis like you end up in a nursing home wearing a diaper, eating mashed up food, and wishing for death to put you out of your misery.

Your doctor won't warn you.

Here is the link to the FDA black box warning:


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The “funny” part is that the GBS issue was so bad that they only dared to publish the “excess” stats over another fda-approved shingles jab: “identified a preliminary statistical signal suggesting an increased risk of GBS among individuals who received Shingrix compared to a historical control group of individuals who had received Zostavax (Zoster Vaccine Live), another FDA-approved vaccine for the prevention of shingles”. So, jab you must.

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Even better! “Evidence mounts the shingles vaccine also prevents dementia!” (https://www.newscientist.com/article/2441545-evidence-mounts-that-shingles-vaccines-protect-against-dementia/). Of course, they again compared the jabbed with the previous jab to Shingrex-jabbed. The ones that were Shingrex-jabbed were a bit less demented than the ones jabbed with the previous shingles jab, just had a bit more GBS. A nice trade-off?

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4Liked by Andreas Oehler

Every time I go to the VA for my PCP appointment, either the nurse or doctor "reminds" me that I am overdue for the shingles vaccine.

And every time, I have to "remind" them that the shot has a FDA black box warning. Most of the nursing staff are unaware and show a look of surprise on their faces when I tell them.

So much for informed consent, that pesky part of the Nuremberg Code.

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I have lost all trust in the medical profession lately, except for the ER surgeons.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2Liked by Andreas Oehler

Eff no.

The last vax I got was about 12 years ago for tetanus, an unavoidable danger in my former line of work with sharp pointy objects. Despite evidence to the contrary, I actually still trusted modern medicine and had suffered an injury that warranted caution.

I will never have another if I can at all help it. Certainly not for colds and flu.

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Just say NO! No to big pharma, msm medical community, msm dental community and msm veterinary care. It's not about you or your pets health but $$$$. Do your due diligence and take charge of your health.

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You shared info that is really important for old and young to protect themselves from the supposed unintended consequences of the needle. The high dose flu shot for seniors is disgusting. Too bad our health system fails in empowering us with real alternatives and solutions. Oh well good to know where we stand.

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Oct 3Liked by Andreas Oehler

Thank you for this and for what you do. It is so important and we are so grateful!

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I must tell you, my husband was a very healthy 73 year old with maybe a little high blood pressure- but he was a big man. It might’ve been normal for him, he was still working!

but his Dr. in Sept 2020 talked him into the pneumococcal vaccine and gave him the flu shot within weeks of each other and by December he got Covid pneumonia and they told him he could leave the hospital if he got remdesivier and 22 months later, after a long cancer battle - he was dead. I KNOW in my heart he would still be here had he not started with the D A M N vaccines - who knows what was in them and we may never find out

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He did not get the MRNA. I think it was the combination of the Remdesivir and those other vaccines that just did him in.

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Very sorry to hear that. My sincere condolences!

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I took the over-65 pneumonia shot because I was worried about the pulmonary problems I incurred from my military service.

Had vision problems for 18 months and balance problems. The balance problems are still there and have lessened.

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all vaccines are absolute rubbish.

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No doubt this is all part of a new campaign to counteract so-called vaccine hesitancy post the covid debacle and the questioning of all vaccines by both medical professionals and laypeople. Clearly these types of reports are ghostwritten on behalf of the pharma industry, which is a tactic they’ve always been using even for other drugs.

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Turns out Global genocide and profiting off mass murder is the specialty of big pharma

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Never had a flu shot (in late 60's) and nrvef intend to get one.

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The VA is still recommending the covid DeathVax to veterans.

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