I would think 30 days minimum. Children would probably have a higher immune response to the bioweapon, so they would be the best way to spread the vaxx/virus. It was obviously the intended purpose of giving the vaxx to them. Correct? They were never in danger of the serious immediate complications from the “virus”. Long term, who knows? However, at present it seems like maybe no child really died from COVID. But man did they want to inject them. Starting at six months. Safe and effective, but never really tested. Unless we count these innocent children who had to have it, or the mothers of innocent children who had to get shot while they were pregnant, as their “test group”. How many miscarriages does it take to satisfy their desire? We tested it on the entire world and it worked perfectly for what our leaders wanted, which was less of us!

I am certain that the bivalent booster killed people like my mother, for instance. People like that (old and in 24/7 care) are not really good spreader candidates, but killing them off with the vaxx did have a positive outcome for the government in other ways. “No more social for you, here’s your off button”. Immediate reduction in the rate of burn. Kill enough and maybe our fund will last 11 years instead of just 10. There was obviously no benefit to the vaxx for anyone, and plenty of danger based on VAERS data, from even prior to six months into this mass genocide program. For sure, a lot of people are going to burn in hell for eternity for this, but it gives me no satisfaction.

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Child Immunisation in general.....

‘There are statistically significant positive correlations between neonatal, infant, and under age five mortality rates of developed nations and the number of early childhood vaccine doses that are routinely given.

When developed nations require two versus zero neonatal vaccine doses, or many versus fewer infant vaccine doses, our study suggests there may be unintended consequences that increase all-cause mortality.’


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Fast Eddy Aug 24

This is the smoking gun that confirms that mass murder was carried out for the purpose of frightening people into injecting the covid 'vaccines'... as we can see - the deaths were caused by Midazolam -- https://theviraldelusion.substack.com/p/the-great-lie-and-the-data-that-shows/

This establishes malicious intent.

Concurrent infections of cells by two pathogens can enable a reactivation of the first pathogen and the second pathogen's accelerated T-cell exhaustionhttps://hiddencomplexity.substack.com/p/the-intricacies-of-t-cell-exhaustionIgG4, on the other hand, responds to allergens. If you get stung by a bee for example, your body might react with IgG3 or other antibodies and cause you to have an allergic reaction. To avoid this, your body learns how to recognise relatively insignificant foreign objects by switching to IgG4.

Instead of increased inflammation to fight the foreign object, your immune system recognises that this is nothing major. Long term exposure, for example in bee keepers, produces this response. Immunotherapy also works this way by training your body with the foreign object you are allergic to until it is trained to produce an IgG4 response.


So what would happen to the Vaxxers if a lab-made pathogen was released that was designed to exploit the above situation as well as what you have discussed in the presentation?

Would it be possible to spread such a pathogen and severely sicken/kill most if not all Vaxxers due to their damaged immunity?

Dr. Kevin Stillwagon Aug 24 Author

Yes it is possible. There are elites among us that think the world is overpopulated. The easiest way to reduce that population is to convince people to willingly inject something that they think will protect them, but it does the opposite.

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Well, Eddy, but there never was a virus to begin with (https://theviraldelusion.substack.com/p/the-great-lie-and-the-data-that-shows/). Nothing to see in WUHAN EITHER. AS viruses do not exist. So, how would they release a deadly pathogen if pathogens are unreal?

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So what killed millions of aboriginal people when a few thousand conquistadores arrived in the Americas....

"VIRUSES DO NOT EXIST" was a Psyop - and a Nice Try!

Set your coffee aside right now! You will be laughing


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I hope you discerned my sarcasm in the previous comment?

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I was wondering if you'd lost the plot for a moment ... and needed salvation

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"It would have been worse without the booster!"

That's not exactly what the data shows........

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The drive to jab anything and everything was just that - a desperate attempt to muddy the waters so that no proof can be ever derived that the whole jabbination program was not only redundant, but also dangerous, detrimental, deleterious, and murderous. From the very first shot and onward.

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Yep. It never made sense to give the jab to people who had recovered. It never made any sense to give the jab to people who weren't at risk. (A TON of people.)

But it DID make sense if you want to muddy the waters and destroy meaningful data.

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It does if you want to ensure you wreck as many immune systems as possible so that when the global economy is about to totally collapse ... you can introduce a pathogen that exploits this and kills everyone

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Another such study from April: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X23003390?via%3Dihub

The study compared periods of infectiousness of just 15 unvaccinated (or partially vaccinated) subjects with a mean age of 63 with those of 60 vaccinated subjects with a mean age of 35. Furthermore, all 15 unvaccinated subjected were hospital inpatients while just 53% of unvaccinated were. Finally, for the unvaccinated the Charlson comorbidity index was 4, while for the vaccinated it was zero. Talk about stacking the deck for vaccinated!

And here was this study's conclusion:

"We found no difference in viable viral shedding period between fully vaccinated and not or partially vaccinated, nor between 1st boostered vs non-boostered patients with SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant."

Of course, how this conclusion should have read was:

"Unbelievably, we found no increase in the average period of infectiousness of sick, hospitalized unvaccinated seniors vs. that of young and healthy vaccinated healthcare workers!"

[And check out the top and bottom graphs.](https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0264410X23003390-gr1_lrg.jpg)

Once again, a small percentage of ONLY the vaccinated remain infectious even at the end of the testing period! What the hell is going on with these vaccinated COVID Marys? Do they EVER stop spreading COVID? Why don't any scientists seem to be interested in the small percentage of vaccinated and only vaccinated subjects who still remain infectious even at the end of their observational periods?

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Just wow! I bet the ones among unjabbed/partial that kept positive for longest were the partial ones (2 of them, day 9-10) in fig. 1C! And yet, " the present study in the omicron-dominant era showed that viable virus shedding periods were comparable between vaccinated and unvaccinated or partially vaccinated patients, even after adjusting for the known risk factors for viable viral shedding. " Comparable?!

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Even if the headline was to have been correct -- why would anyone get a vaccine that has *very serious* potential side effects, and doesn't really do anything?

I'm about to do a post about what I've found about the "vaccines" that most people don't know. How much was known about mRNA tech LONG before the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines. It used to be on Wikipedia's website in the mRNA article, but it was removed. And to top it off, the Internet Archive doesn't show any history for that article before 2020! It's been scrubbed!

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My favourite is (I have many friends who are lawyers and mega Rat Juiced) is ... surely the indemnification of the makers of the vax against claims for injury and death ... would have been a red flag?

I never get a response from them

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That's crazy stuff... but the Vaxxers are ignorant of this ... all they care about here is watching slow large white men ram into each other over and over and over... in what has to be the most boring sport (other than cricket)... in the quest for a world cup in which maybe 4 countries are any good at the sport.

The amusing thing is a top NFL QB makes more than all the players on all the teams in the rugby WC ... combined... hahaha...

What a joke...

Maybe some day they might work out that it would be less boring if they were allowed to throw the ball downfield.

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Only because it was proven to be dangerous every time it was tried?

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It's worse than that. They had very specific information about mRNA vaccine side effects. These side effects were documented in PubMed articles that date BEFORE COVID-19 vaccine development was supposed to have begun.

The pharma industry and the government were well aware of what these products would do. And the adverse events were NOT an insignificant amount. Around 10% had level 3 adverse events, meaning they required medical assistance.

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Yeah! That's exactly what I was researching yesterday. In their own words (https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/107712):

"Severe reactions were more common in vaccine recipients; a grade ≥3 reaction was reported by 10.7% of vaccinated versus 1.9% of placebo group" >=3 is severe reaction and/or death.

And the CDC turned a blind eye by saying that these 10.7% were mild and nothing to worry about, in their conclusions when approving jabs for 12-15years old: "What is the overall certainty of the evidence for the critical outcomes? 1 (high) for prevention of symptomatic COVID-19 4 (very low) for serious adverse events".

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that.

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The figures I'm talking about are from even older trials mRNA candidates for the treatment of Crigler-Najjar syndrome -- in 2017. They picked Crigler-Najjar syndrome, because the patients could use relatively low dosages of mRNA. They were using low dosages -- because they were trying to determine what was causing systemic inflammatory issues with mRNA vaccines.

That's the thing. The problems we're seeing are consistent with mRNA vaccine tech as a whole. It's not just the COVID-19 vaccines, it was the same with earlier mRNA vaccine candidates as well. Meaning that they didn't fix anything from 25+ years of research! They just released the same damn "known to be flawed" tech on the whole planet. Or, at least they tried.

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We are well on the way to 500 million humans living "in harmony" with their oppressors...

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Hence, my recurring suggestion that the goal was population reduction. It is a bioweapon. All of the information required to determine who did this to the world is readily available. However, I am of the opinion that one really only needs to look at who did it the last time. Having personally experienced both attacks, (anthrax) I can tell you that I am not amused. The culprits are firmly in control at this point, and I struggle with a remedy for this. I find no similar example in history to draw from. For sure, they cannot afford to let go now. They would welcome a conventional uprising, as it would be a way to quickly sort out the surviving opposition and either exterminate them or incarcerate them. The people in charge will remain in charge, regardless of who our “leader” may be. We need an innovative solution.

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100%! We're in a bind, that's for sure. Turn to the Bible: "keep calm and carry on, G-d will take care of the rest, in due course"? Easier said than done.


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“Those people are putting us all at risk” Justin Trudeau pointing to the protesters against vaxx passports.

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To me this verifies that we humans are the lab rats/guinea pigs and have been all along. Where is the data on lab rats and guinea pigs? There is none!

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Probably because the rats all died...

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There is no infection, there is no covid. Viral culture is a fraud, tests are a fraud. Garbage in, garbage out.

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They will never stop lying. Great analysis. Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks! My analysis wasn't deep at all as the truth is on the surface, Fig. B of two figures (Fig. A was a decoy). I strongly suspect that the study authors exposed the real situation (Isaiah 32:3 "Then the eyes of those who see will no longer be closed, and the ears of those who hear will listen"), but added those misleading passages for their own "academic" protection.

The sad thing is, they have to bend themselves in pretzels just to tell the truth, in a roundabout way, between the lines. After the Ministries of Truth will have been established in each country and globally, there will be no more dissenting voices for anyone to hear, the gaslighting will become all-encompassing and airtight. And anyone that will try to expose reality will be repressed until silenced or wiped out.

That should be the subject of my next post. Although I sense that my audience doesn't like being moralized to and prefers impartial analyses of scientific facts and discoveries, and being left to draw their own conclusions. Fair enough, I just sometimes can't help it. Maybe I should finally learn and stop doing that?

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We must keep telling the truth. Even though it comes with a cost. “To remain in silence is a lie when you have something to say”.

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