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“This extraordinary “web app” permits anyone with a Covid19 vaccine batch code to enter that code & learn whether you’ve been injected with a “hot lot” or something less harmful.


A team of five independent scientists / researchers (four of whom are very capable data analysts) have reviewed the data in VAERS, discovering that, while most batch numbers are associated with low numbers of adverse event reports, around 1% of batches are associated with extraordinary rates of adverse events including deaths.

We understand that the vaccine makers have legal immunity against prosecution.

That means if you’ve been injured, you can’t sue them.

But their indemnity does NOT cover breaking various federal laws relating to product consistency. It’s a very serious crime to allow “adulterated product” to be sent out. When such products cross a state line, further offences are committed.

Legal eagles are moving on this aspect & I hope the revelation that there are extraordinary degrees of variability, batch to batch, in terms of toxicity.

I hope this information & tool will be of use to some people seeking answers.

Best wishes,


Dr Mike Yeadon

Ps: please distribute this as widely as you can.”


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Thankyou Do you know why the batches were varied in strength of toxicity? I guess if all the same it would be more obvious. My daughter is, sadly, convinced still of the injections' efficacy, harmlessness etc as are all her (25 yr old) friends & their families. I am very stressed of since she got injected After the Booster her personality changed to being (somewhat) more callous which I did not expect of course & hoping its temporary (its been 7 months..) I have heard the same from others - not everyone but a few. How would she find her batch number? She only changed after the Booster not first two. Thankyou for the information/warnings. When you were Head of Research at Pfizer, what sort of vaccine/drug did you think you were making & how did you come to realise that the goal was Depopulation? I hope to see more of your talks/fillms

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