Nov 3, 2021Liked by Andreas Oehler

Karl Denniger took the "The Expose" story further by matching 2 data bases to arrive at a list of faulty batch numbers.


Seems J&J, Moderna and Pfizer have had the same problem.

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Thanks! "Problem", not problem :-)

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Read it. Great analysis,wrong conclusions. No one is trying to cure anything here. If they did, they would have stopped it before starting it, don't you think? As we progress from Jab 1 to Jab 8, more a more lots will be hot, unbearably hot.

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Nov 3, 2021Liked by Andreas Oehler

To be honest Andreas, l don't know what to think about any of it anymore. It's like most of the World has gone mad. It's either gross incompetence and/or money together or something much sinister.

I'am not vaccinated and don't intend to be. Luckily l can avoid mandates because l own a large debt free farm and can easily isolate, getting all farm supplies, food etc delivered. I intend to stay low and watch how the future plays out. If l do become infected l have great health, no cormorbities and a cupboard full of drugs to rely on.

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Much-much more sinister, I am afraid. When you eliminate of other possible explanations one-by-one, this is the only logical conclusion left. Let me know if you'll need foot soldiers/workers on your farm :-).

Have you seen this? https://youtu.be/uLDpZ8daIVM

The specialist of the subject predicts we'll go down the drain before re-emerging, some of us.

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Hi MikeJ, I have read Karl's post and added dates to the lots. The result will be described in the next short post (after "Gifts from "Science"...). I am stunned!

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Looking forward to it...:)

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There already!

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Nov 3, 2021Liked by Andreas Oehler

Ms Martine WONNER

France, ALDE

“I wanted to focus my remarks on the revelations made by the newspaper Le Monde in France because confidential documents stolen from the European Medicines Agency on 9 December 2020 have been sifted through by European journalists. The package includes about 20 elements of the evaluation dossier of the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccines. It also includes 19 e-mails exchanged between 10 November and 25 November by various agency officials. It was discovered that in November, the European Medicines Agency raised three major objections to the vaccine. Some manufacturing sites had not yet been inspected; data on commercial vaccine batches were missing, but more importantly, the available data revealed qualitative differences between commercial batches and those used in clinical trials. These issues are being addressed, but together we must all remain vigilant. This is truly a responsibility for all of us.

I would also like to recall that the negotiations at European level have been opaque. They were not made public - they were not made public until 21 January on the European Commission's website, long after the start of the vaccination. Mr Tedros ADHANOM GHEBREYESUS reminded us earlier of the need for this transparency. This is an absolute requirement, ladies and gentlemen.

All countries today welcome this accelerated vaccination strategy, but every human being on the planet must have a choice: it is a fundamental freedom. I would point out here that prevention exists in relation to COVID-19, in particular through vitamin D and zinc. I would also point out that early treatment is possible: these molecules are known, old and inexpensive. Let us not forget this, ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues, when it comes to saving lives.“ 27th January 2021


Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)

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Nov 3, 2021Liked by Andreas Oehler

Thank you very much for these links, I will add it to my collection for a future investigation on this subject.

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Nov 3, 2021Liked by Andreas Oehler

I'd appreciate your framing a hypothesis: If there was a campaign to autopsy the fallen, what percent of vaccine injuries would you predict? We saw figures of up to 50% in Germany.

I'd love to see you run these plots with % vaccinated on the X-axis. It also would be interesting to see the excess deaths for these countries after the start of vaccination, as I'm very leery of "COVID deaths." Did you see how the Italians lowered their COVID death count by 97%


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As for the Italian remark, hard to ascertain. I know for a fact that lots of ppl are really getting very sick and/or dying of it back in my home country. But that's because of the suppression of the prophylaxis and treatment protocols. Same everywhere, save for few exceptions.

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Were you able to get the translation? This seems highly significant, if it pans out.

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I can read both. The point made was that about 2.5% of Covid-19 deaths were indisputably such, the rest had multiple, up to 5, serious comorbidities and were dubious Covid-19 deaths at best. And based on these faulty data, the public policy was engineered and established, and maintained to this day.

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From the "pure-play" cases I provided, it is possible to come up with an estimate of how many deaths are caused by a given number of jabs. I have just provided the numbers for before- and post-jab campaign for a bunch of countries. I will do the "back of the napkin" calculation tomorrow and post the result here. Curious myself!

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“This extraordinary “web app” permits anyone with a Covid19 vaccine batch code to enter that code & learn whether you’ve been injected with a “hot lot” or something less harmful.


A team of five independent scientists / researchers (four of whom are very capable data analysts) have reviewed the data in VAERS, discovering that, while most batch numbers are associated with low numbers of adverse event reports, around 1% of batches are associated with extraordinary rates of adverse events including deaths.

We understand that the vaccine makers have legal immunity against prosecution.

That means if you’ve been injured, you can’t sue them.

But their indemnity does NOT cover breaking various federal laws relating to product consistency. It’s a very serious crime to allow “adulterated product” to be sent out. When such products cross a state line, further offences are committed.

Legal eagles are moving on this aspect & I hope the revelation that there are extraordinary degrees of variability, batch to batch, in terms of toxicity.

I hope this information & tool will be of use to some people seeking answers.

Best wishes,


Dr Mike Yeadon

Ps: please distribute this as widely as you can.”


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Thankyou Do you know why the batches were varied in strength of toxicity? I guess if all the same it would be more obvious. My daughter is, sadly, convinced still of the injections' efficacy, harmlessness etc as are all her (25 yr old) friends & their families. I am very stressed of since she got injected After the Booster her personality changed to being (somewhat) more callous which I did not expect of course & hoping its temporary (its been 7 months..) I have heard the same from others - not everyone but a few. How would she find her batch number? She only changed after the Booster not first two. Thankyou for the information/warnings. When you were Head of Research at Pfizer, what sort of vaccine/drug did you think you were making & how did you come to realise that the goal was Depopulation? I hope to see more of your talks/fillms

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