CDC - Why Critical Thinking Is Dangerous
Because it reveals that literally everything CDC says about Covid-19 vaccines is a lie.
I present below a contiguous (sic!) chunk of text from the CDC online pamphlet about the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines at
This short text being so audaciously misleading, I decided to highlight all the lies therein. I have counted and highlighted with a strike-through style 16 outright lies. In the best style of a fact-checker, I will retort to the CDC claims following the CDC text, without burdening myself with too many references. Let me know if you want more of them. And don’t skip the video clip at the bottom!
How mRNA Vaccines Work
To trigger an immune response, many vaccines put a weakened or inactivated germ into our bodies. Not mRNA vaccines [lie1] . Instead, mRNA vaccines use mRNA created in a laboratory to teach our cells how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. That immune response, which produces antibodies, is what
[lie2] if the real virus enters our bodies.protects us from getting infected
COVID vaccine
First, COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are given in the upper arm muscle.
[lie3] and instruct the cells’ machinery toThe mRNA will enter the muscle cellsproduce
[lie4](“bold” by CDC - why so nervous?)a harmless piece
[lie5]. The spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19.of what is called the spike protein
[lie6].After the protein piece is made, our cells break down the mRNA and remove itNext,
[lie7]. Our immune system recognizes that the protein doesn’t belong there. This triggers our immune system to produce antibodies and activate other immune cells to fight off what it thinks is an infection. This is what your body might do to fight off the infection if you got sick with COVID-19.our cells display the spike protein piece on their surfaceAt the end of the process,
our bodies have learned how to
[lie2] from the virus that causes COVID-19.protect against future infection
[lie1] with COVID-19. AnyThe benefit of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, like all vaccines, is that those vaccinated gain this protection without ever having to risk the potentially serious consequences of getting sick
[lie8] experienced after getting the vaccine is a natural part of the process and an indication that the vaccine is working.temporary discomfort
Facts About COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines
[lie9].COVID-19 mRNA vaccines cannot give someone the virus that causes COVID-19 or other viruses
mRNA vaccines do not use the live virus that causes COVID-19 and
[lie9] that causes COVID-19 or other viruses.cannot cause infection with the virus
[lie10].They do not affect or interact with our DNA in any way
[lie10].mRNA never enters the nucleus of the cell where our DNA (genetic material) is located, so it cannot change or influence our genes
[lie11-12].The mRNA and the spike protein don’t last long in the body
[lie11] after vaccination.Our cells break down mRNA and get rid of it within a few daysScientists estimate that the
[lie12].spike protein, like other proteins our bodies create, may stay in the body up to a few weeks
[lie13]COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Have Been Rigorously Evaluated for Safety
mRNA vaccines are
[lie14] andsafe
[lie16] as all other types of vaccines in the United States. mRNA vaccines have been held to the same rigorous safety and effectiveness standards
[lie16].The only COVID-19 vaccines the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) makes available for use in the United States (by approval or emergency use authorization) are those that meet these standards
While COVID-19 vaccines were developed rapidly,
[lie13].all steps have been taken to ensure their safety and effectiveness
Notice how the CDC text starts with some text not scratched out, but, progressively, the lies pile up to high heaven, so by the end of it it’s lies, only lies, and nothing but lies?
Retorting the CDC lies:
mRNA vaccines”, “
“: These are not vaccines but rather mRNA gene therapies, as they do not claim to induce immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Instead, their claim-to-fame is a less severe course of the disease for a short period of time (less than 6 months) following the administration of the treatment.The benefit of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, like all vaccines, is that those vaccinated gain this protection without ever having to risk the potentially serious consequences of getting sick“
protects us from getting infected“: with the sheer number of “breakthrough” infections post “vaccination”, resulting in all outcomes, including death, and the average viral loads in the post-”vaccine” infected being higher than in the unvaccinated, this is a blatant lie.“
The mRNA will enter the muscle cells“: we know for a fact that the vast majority of the lipid nano particles does not stay in the administered muscle but spreads around the body, accumulating in vital organs instead, where the tissues get transfected with the mRNA code and produce S spike protein, and other random protein soup, resulting in tissue inflammation and damage.“
”: the S spike has been proven by multiple studies to be, all by itself, the main culprit of the Covid-19 clinical symptoms and damage. To make a person a factory for myriads of these spikes throughout the human body and in a host of different critical tissues and organs does not seem to be “harmless”, to say the least.a harmless piece“
”: the mRNA in “vaccines” produces a modified S spike, locked in its open configuration and with a modified cleavage site to prevent S1 sub-unit cleavage, which occurs anyways. It also produces a host of other mutated proteins with harmful, for sure, effect on the host.of what is called the spike protein“
“: wishful thinking does not change reality. This mRNA, engineered to evade immune response, stays active in a recipient for months (“Does mRNA in Jabs Really Produce S Spike from SARS-CoV-2?“)After the protein piece is made, our cells break down the mRNA and remove it“
”: They forgot to add, among other things. The other things being the spikes breaking off the cell membranes and being carried in the blood stream, damaging epithelial cells of blood vessels, blood-brain barrier, heart muscles… They also are excreted by the infected cells inside exosomes that are then circulating in the body. They also are present inside the transfected cells, that are marked for destruction and then taken up by non-classical monocytes participating in cell phagocytosis and, again, circulating in the body.our cells display the spike protein piece on their surface“
”: temporary discomfort leading to deaths, paralysis, myocarditis and a very long list of highly unusual yet extremely discomforting, in many cases for life, conditions. Maybe they meant the poke of the needle as a “temporary discomfort“?temporary discomfort“
“, “COVID-19 mRNA vaccines cannot give someone the virus that causes COVID-19 or other viruses
“: unless the “vaccinated” encounters the virus within 2 weeks of the jab, while their immune system is floored by all the garbage being churned out by the mRNA factories throughout their bodies. But as such persons are not counted as being “vaccinated”, it’s all their fault and not the “vaccine’s”.cannot cause infection with the virus“
”: but they most certainly do! “Coronavirus gene findings are no cause for alarm, says leading scientist“: “the viral genes can make use of LINE-1, a common enzyme in the human body, to get into the nucleus and insert themselves in our DNA.“ UPDATE 2022.02.25: “Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line” (CIMB, 2022.02.25): “We also show that BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA in as fast as 6 h upon BNT162b2 exposure.“ So, it is not a speculation any more - the mRNA from the jabs not only can, but does get embedded into the transfected cells’ DNA almost immediately!They do not affect or interact with our DNA in any way“
”: if 4-7 months is not long, then sure (“More Nails in Coffin of Official Narrative About mRNA Vaccines' Mechanism of Action“).The mRNA … don’t last long in the body“
“: as long as it is being produced in the body, technically speaking it is still in the body, isn’t it? “Cutting Edge: Circulating Exosomes with COVID Spike Protein Are Induced by BNT162b2 (Pfizer–BioNTech) Vaccination prior to Development of Antibodies: A Novel Mechanism for Immune Activation by mRNA Vaccines“.and the spike protein don’t last long in the body“
“, “COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Have Been Rigorously Evaluated for Safety
“: and this is the reason why FDA wants 75 years to release the materials submitted to it by Pfizer. Yeah, right!all steps have been taken to ensure their safety and effectiveness“
”: just look at VEARS and take into account that, in the best of times, it captures about 1% of adverse events.mRNA vaccines are safe…“
”: as in inflicting damage on the “vaccinees”, as Pfizer has admitted lately, where they fared worse than the controls in their “vaccine” safety and efficacy study. Also, read “COVID Vaccine. It's working!“…and effective“
”, “mRNA vaccines have been held to the same rigorous safety and effectiveness standards
“: As an FDA panelist said about approving the Pfizer “vaccine” for 5-11 year-olds: “We're never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it. That's just the way it goes.” Tell me no more! No prior vaccine has ever been held to such rigorous safety and effectiveness standards.The only COVID-19 vaccines the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) makes available for use in the United States (by approval or emergency use authorization) are those that meet these standards
I actually did not realize they were admitting that the spike protein remains in circulation for weeks. (Legally, what does "a few" mean? Could you argue that for a person whose life expectancy is is 4500 weeks, 52 is "a few"?)
I appreciate your taking the time to read and rebut this bit of propaganda. I think this calls for a rewriting of the entire pamphlet and dissemination thereof.
Well done!