What if: The nano tech is equipped with A.I. to detect and 'weed out' humans with genetic and/or currently active or hidden disease in their bodies and in their DNA? Also to 'weed out' those already ravaged by 'age'? Basically, get 'rid' of a huge swath of aged humanity and the humans with a high genetic probability for di$ea$e including comorbidities such as autoimmune diseases, obesity etc. The A.I. communicates with the 'smart' ingredients from the jab to green-light the 'kill switch' and a 'smart' toxic cocktail is released into the victim to cross the blood-brain barrier and cause rapid, multi-organ inflammation and immediate or eventual death. The humans deemed 'healthy' [useful] enough to keep alive become part of the hybrid human/computer/zombie 5G activated 'automatons'.
Yeah, I'm jumping the shark a bit on this idea but the more crazy something looks lately....here we are.
Given the extent of cumulative physiological damage these pseudo-vaxes do they will end of with an army of sick & dying autonotoms.
And what happens if something disrupts the signal?
Some are post 3rd injections and waiting for activation. Who cares - there will be billions of them, easily replaceable.
What if: The nano tech is equipped with A.I. to detect and 'weed out' humans with genetic and/or currently active or hidden disease in their bodies and in their DNA? Also to 'weed out' those already ravaged by 'age'? Basically, get 'rid' of a huge swath of aged humanity and the humans with a high genetic probability for di$ea$e including comorbidities such as autoimmune diseases, obesity etc. The A.I. communicates with the 'smart' ingredients from the jab to green-light the 'kill switch' and a 'smart' toxic cocktail is released into the victim to cross the blood-brain barrier and cause rapid, multi-organ inflammation and immediate or eventual death. The humans deemed 'healthy' [useful] enough to keep alive become part of the hybrid human/computer/zombie 5G activated 'automatons'.
Yeah, I'm jumping the shark a bit on this idea but the more crazy something looks lately....here we are.
These would be crazy conspiracy theories, we don’t do those, do we?
NEVER!!! ;))