So they say "The analysis identified low frequency mutations in the hemagglutinin gene of a sample sequenced from the patient, which were not found in virus sequences from poultry samples collected on the patient’s property, suggesting the changes emerged in the patient after infection."

And "The hemagglutinin gene refers to the H5N1 RNA code for its spike protein."

Spike proteins? Hmm sounds familiar? What if the covid spikes from the jab were to merge with this flu? Wouldn't that make casualties higher in those who had the mRNA injected into them? Somehow the poor general health of Americans might end up giving them their 50% death number, but it won't be because of this silly Bird Flu.

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Don’t give them any ideas!

On a more serious note, they can’t. A. As it would be too obvious. B. As this BF seems to be completely not harmful to humans, so no gain in infectiousness from gained infectivity.

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Trump - the Father of the Covid Vaccine - will certainly not stand in the way ... he couldn't even if he wanted to given he is an actor https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/who-runs-the-world

His role is that of Messiah ... he will save you ... well... him and Elon... they will save all of us....

That is of course fake ... like the shooting https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/are-you-a-mentally-ill-retarded-moron

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Going full throttle, it seems. Do you eant to bet what month the global emergency will be declared by the WHO? Johns Hopkins says as soon as the new pandemic treaty will be concluded in May of 2025. So I go with June 2025. https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2024/is-a-pandemic-treaty-still-possible

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Can you ask them to push it back till August? I just bought a 4 x 4 off road rig and am planning a 2 month bucket list trip into the Australian Outback in late May

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I’ll see what I can do.

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It would make sense to complete their Plan soon... the global economy is on the precipice

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The world as we know it goes to the doghouse…

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Bird Flu doesn't scare me. What scares me is that so many immoral people are willing to slaughter hundreds of thousands of animals to prop up their latest lie.

I don't know when humans became so craven and corrupt.

THAT'S what our real concern should be.

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See the two videos at the bottom ... we are all complicit... we all benefit


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Absolutely vile and heartbreaking. You can see the pain, fear, and sadness writ large on their faces.

The people that work in these labs must have particularly black hearts because some seem to delight in the terror and cruelty they're inflicting.

Dogs are not humans.

Monkeys are not humans.

If we're so intent on experimentation for human gain, do it on humans; you can bet we'd suddenly find our moral compass and would never dream of inflicting this level of torture on people. Yet we'll happily bring out our inner savage on defenceless animals.

I wrote a little while ago "I don't think I've ever despised humanity more than I do right now".

Still stands.

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10000% agree... actually scientists have experimented on humans ... orphans usually... but also folks in places like Africa.... and black Americans of course

What I would like to see happen ... is the psychopaths who conduct these experiments on animals and the misfortunates... be forced to present their own children ... for experimentation ...

You wanna see some serious pain, fear and sadness.... let's do that.

Humans are a fucking disgrace... not only do we torture other species .... without a second thought .... we drive them to extinction ...

I am quite pleased with the current situation .... injecting these vile creatures with Operation Warp Speed... for the purpose of extincting them....

It cannot come soon enough ... (but ideally just after I complete my two month Outback bucket list trip)

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Ideally. 😄

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Appreciate your work very much. Have added this latest information to an organized summary of resources that can help researchers and other truth-tellers. Includes list with links of 175 expert references.

The Pandemic Industry and Virus X: Knowledge for taking our power back. Why are governments protecting factory farming and the Pandemic Industry, but not supporting and promoting small regenerative organic farms that solve all of the problems caused by industry?


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how lovely.

the same mRNA injections that are causing "calamari clots" to grow inside people?


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This time it will be the stone crab flavour.

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