It was always hard to believe that these shots were saving old people. When they first came out, care givers working in LTC bravely came out with stories of death and deterioration immediately following the injections. I saw videos made by whistleblowers from the US and Germany, but no one cared. I can only imagine the damage of endlessly repeating doses.

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The extra strength booster shots will be available in the next couple of months.... stay tuned for a blood bath of vax injuries and deaths. And more VAIDS

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I'm afraid so. Will that finally put the nail in THEIR coffin?

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No, into our coffin. And then they will dance a jig on it.

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I'm in Manitoba and almost everyone in my circle is jabbed and anxious to keep getting jabbed with the safe and effective shots. When I ask how they feel about being lied to about stopping infection and transmission, they say that at least they are stopping severe disease and death and that us unjabbed are still clogging up the hospitals. If we are going to win this war, we need lots of data showing this is not correct and we need to get it out to the masses.

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And the data is not being released already to counter exactly this effort.

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Can you tell them that us unjabbed are naturally immune for life now?

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I'm hoping that natural immunity is as strong as you say but I do know some who have had covid twice (unjabbed) and some of the doctors on our side are saying it too.

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And how bad was the second time? Maybe it was a cold 2nd time? Or 1st time?

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I know ppl infected with Covid recovering in 2-3 day if applied IVM right away. Why jab to risk dying outright, get injured or acquire cancer in midterm? And lower your immunity in general? How is that better than a slight cold?

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And yet Dr. Jay Bhattacharya until very recently, (one of the good ones! 🧐) and perhaps still NOW, was advocating for their use in the elderly.

Even the elderly with natural immunity "if they had pre-existing conditions."


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Stanford University should say it all - the eugenicist home base: https://www.stanfordeugenics.com/

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Jay Bhattacharya

Lastly, for Bhattacharya it is useful to recognize that his entire career has been spent in the Bay Area conducting research linking data analytics to the provision of public services. Stanford Medical School embraces the big data approach to healthcare delivery, and Bhattacharya himself promotes the value based payment model. The school receives considerable funding from Chan Zuckerberg as a BioHub, and in 2017 published a paper Harnessing the Power of Data in Health advancing tele-health, wearables, behavioral analytics, and electronic health records. The medical school is a partner in Google’s Project Baseline Covid screening effort.

Bhattacharya has had a long career at RAND. It’s notable that RAND Europe recently carried out an analysis of social prescribing linked to social impact bond finance in the UK for the Policy Innovation and Evaluation Research Institute. This relates to his work for Acumen LLC, which carries out, in collaboration with its affiliate the Sphere Institute, government consulting work around social welfare systems, data, and outcomes. He’s also a fellow at the Hoover Institute, which may account for the signers’ White House visit, which Scott Atlas, the president’s advisor on Covid and another Hoover fellow, hosted. Atlas is a former professor of medicine at Stanford and served as a health advisor to the Giuliani and Romney campaigns.

When I was doing ed-tech research I found myself wondering if Ivy League graduate programs in education were actually set up to develop markets for their business school counterparts. I feel the same way now about medical schools as we shift to tele-health data mining for impact. Just as with Oxford and Harvard, the activities of Stanford’s Business School cannot be overlooked. Paired with the university’s Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society, its business school unites programs on Social Innovation, Behavioral Labs, Supply Chain Value Innovation, and Real Time Data Investment Analysis into a pretty toxic combo once you realize the monsters behind this global coup intend for us to carry on as behavioral batteries, plugging into fin-tech’s digital matrix as our real lives are stolen from us.

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AO, I'm going in...I'm going to link this post. 👊

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I read lots of the VAERS cases and yes most elders died within a day or two of vax. So much for protecting the vulnerable. 

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They all died as "unvacinated" then.

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Shot killed them in first 14 days classed as unvaxx death. So vaxxing created "unvaxxed" deaths.

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Imagine how bad the real, undoctored, data are.

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And it has been just a warm-up for the real jabbing that is about to commence.

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".....the real jabbing that is about to commence." ???

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https://apnews.com/article/covid-health-government-and-politics-8474cb7c84ef5cec85ea1029269acfc6 "US rules out summer COVID boosters to focus on fall campaign".

Since when did the gov't start ruling out jabbing campaigns?! After shoving them down our throats, or up our sleeves? I bet they are preparing something very special for this time around, don't you think?

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"The FDA urged eligible adults who haven’t been boosted to get their extra shot now: “You can still benefit from existing booster options and leave time to receive an updated booster in the fall,” the agency said in a statement." Any SCIENCE to back it up? "We are the science, get lost!"

Look how far we've travelled in normalizing "the shots"! And I know for a fact that MANY 60+ in Canada are fully on board with that, fearing the dirty unboosted for a change. And they would light the fire under the unvaccinated without hesitation, given an opportunity. What I thought was crazy talk they perceived as a rallying cry: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1428634078509780994/pu/vid/480x270/qan7RbjHd358S8jc.mp4?tag=12

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1. Sleep is essential.

2. More WILL be sleeping permanently if they are silly enough to take those.

At 1:13


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Ate fish on the plane?

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1. I don't even have a passport of whatever kind.

2. Only been on aeroplanes THREE times in my life - including coming to Australia

3. Lurve fish and seafood

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Stay on this always, Andreas! Great work. ✊

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Have resented from the beginning being "lumped in " with the demographic that "should" be getting this strange brew .

Based on your graph here ,I see it really isn't helpful and not at all a surprise .

I suspect with the elderly , the dots will not be connected because they die of "stuff" anyway .

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The elderly angle just became the goalpost shift from the "safe and effective" top to the...."now we are just grasping for any metric to not admit that we fucked up".

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What fuck up ????

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The fuck up of clinging to supporting the injections as safe and effective.

And never being able to admit the you got it wrong. This applies to the "public health" bureaucrats, the pols, the university administrators, the entirety of the corp. Media and much of the independent media.

That was the fuck up. the psych. operation.

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oh dear - that was my attempt with sarcasm - you know , the lowest form of intelligence ... see what happens when you have one synapse to work with , never mind it's the evening here :coma like thinking . You must have been tearing out your hair with my response - you on the other hand, have an impressive number of synapses firing on many cylinders .

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Sarcasm == living dangerously. Been there many a time!

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Getting punch drunk with all the inanity out there . Silly me , just want to have my remaining years with no young Trudeau types ( ilk) having their tentacles in my old genes . However , I do have the makings of a honey badger so hard to kill- deceptive like that .

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Not at all, LInelle! I just missed the sarcasm, and felt like I better explain.

B/c I know at times that I am not at all easy to understand, and many people have called this to my attention! 😼

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I like that I don't understand you all the time - makes it interesting for me - like getting the rhythm of a new writer . Worked in psychiatry for 20 years - love the unusual in people.

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If ever benign, the mRNA shots were a faulty design for the elderly because any durable efficacy rests on the presumption of a still-functioning, non-vestigial thymus gland. The best these baits can achieve is to tease out some antibody production, but it asks the impossible of older immune systems and quickly burns them out while conjuring up latent or previous maladies.

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I posed this question to another substack already, but I'm going to ask you too, since you are on the topic:

Someone on Twitter was arguing on a thread about health care workers and recalling them (or not).

They shared this with me: "Between June 06, 2022 and July 03, 2022, unvaccinated cases were 3 times more likely to be hospitalized and 4 times more likely to die from their illness, compared to cases with a completed primary vaccine series. During the same 4-week period, unvaccinated cases were 5 times more likely to be hospitalized and 5 times more likely to die from their illness, compared to cases with a completed primary vaccine series and 1 or more additional doses (see data notes in Technical notes and definitions section)."

From: https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/#technicalNotes

I can't see the data that goes with the sweeping claim. Have you looked at any of this lately? It appears completely out of sync with what the BC and Ontario data was showing before they stopped reporting by vaxx status.

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Sure I did. Complete and utter nonsense. The most direct answer is in this post: https://live2fightanotherday.substack.com/p/it-is-official-in-canada-jabs-kill

And this is taking their data at face value!

Second indirect proof, why would they discontinue reporting hospitalizations and deaths by vaccination status if it supported their narrative? Reading their reports you cannot help but notice that they use every trick in the book to present the unvaccinated in the worst light possible. And in June 2022, they hit the end of the road even there.

Third, the statement you quote could only be in relation to the cumulative cases and deaths from the start of 2020, including all of 2020 and half of 2021 where "vaccines" were not available, so naturally the cases/deaths accrued to the unvaccinated. They could have started as well from the birth of Jesus Christ.

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I've also had this thrown at me during online arguments with CBCer vaxheads, which does not align at all with the daily donut charts they were posting in many provinces. I suspect there is some serious stat skewing going on, but it's above my pay grade. Hopefully someone w/expertise in medical stats/data analysis can investigate.

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No stats, just blatant lies. Listen to our PM spouting hate toward the unvaccinated: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1428634078509780994/pu/vid/480x270/qan7RbjHd358S8jc.mp4?tag=12

"But don't think you can get on the plane or the train beside the vaccinated people and put them at risk"? Hitler can take a hike! So the vaccinated are the ones at risk? How about outlawing the jabs then?

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Yes, a "vaccine" so effective that those with 3+ jabs and two masks need to fear and be segregated from those without them.

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The sneaky part is counting the jabbed who get infected/injured (or worse) up to 14 days afterwards as "unvaccinated".

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And that would be their "honest" counting.

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and, please, don't anyone imagine that it's the ONLY "sneaky part" of the most comprehensive exercise in bad faith in human history ...

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Did you see Tam's latest declaration claiming she and her futile and destructive policies 'saved 800 000 people?

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