Despicable, but not surprising.

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But we must keep calling out each and every of their lies, so that we and they don't get comfortable with this.

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Absolutely right. Each and every time. Well done pointing it out.

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"132 who are not fully vaccinated ".

I feel the worst for the people who are being duped by this. Their trust is being abused so badly but it will end soon because they will try a similar tactic with "not yet fully boosted" and it will fail.

The shenanigans pulled to make the "fully" vaccinated feel they got their proverbial money's worth of actual immunity by hopelessly misclassifying people to the point of absurdity will be their undoing.

When the fully vaccinated realize that a "partially boosted" category is being created to socialize their death risk onto the double jabbed to make their immune status look extra deadly, they will finally understand the shell game being played. The "Fully Boosted" might still be annoyed by the double jabbed not lining up fast enough and start blaming them for the ills. This is inevitable and Israel will see this dynamic first. There the quadvaxxed pressure the "not yet fully boosted".

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I would love to share your optimism, but I see that the jabbed are really falling into place now and work as the arm of the gov't in repressing the un- and under-jabbed. Personally, I don't see any changes for the better, rather the opposite.

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under-jabbed. 😆 I just don't know whether to laugh or cry that such a word now exists and it actually gained semantic relevance so quickly.

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"or whose vaccination status is unknown". Do you know what they mean by that? That the person is vaccinated, but they are not sure which jabs at the time of admission. LOL!

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This is appalling. It's like that 40 year old man's death in home isolation in NZ. Coroner knows in advance that the death is not due to vaccine, but hasn't figured out if it's death from Covid-19 yet.

Obviously. If they conclude it's Covid-19, the Jab failed. If they conclude it's the Jab, the jab must stop, if they conclude it's "unknown", they can continue to home isolate people who they forced into a state of vulnerability and claim immunity if they survive.

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Agreed! These jabs will never end, the lab created variants will help maintain the fear.

The stats for Québec Province are not available, but they should be the same. However, a curfew has been ordered 2 days before Christmas to end January 17, 2022.

The announcement was followed by questions from the journalists. Two thirds of these were asking for more restrictions and punishments of the unjabbed who were "contaminating the obedient vaccinated". Our Prime Minister seemed to agree, saying that he will further examine the situation. Ouch!

A petition on Change.org is on line right now asking to prohibit access to essential services for those unjabbed!!! Please access this petition and signal it as abusive (link at the bottom of the petition). https://www.change.org/p/m-francois-legault-premier-ministe-du-quebec-non-accès-à-l-espace-public-pour-les-non-vaccinés?source_location=petitions_browse

On it's second lecture already, Bill C-2 would allow the government to refuse unemployment benefits depending on the vaccination status of the recipient!!! https://parl.ca/DocumentViewer/fr/44-1/projet-loi/c-2/deuxieme-lecture

Fear is driving Canadians totally blind, fearful, as well as insane. And they might take the same path that those who remained silent towards those who persecuted the Jews during WWII. Please read this article : https://constitutionwatch.com.au/gates-fauci-and-daszak-charged-with-genocide-in-court-filing/

and sign this petition for the investigation and prosecution of the Covid crimes against humanity : https://www.petitions.net/investigation_and_prosecution_of_those_individuals_responsible_for_crimes_against_humanity?uv=38516143&fbclid=IwAR3aaB2B5FJSn_BTG3WyRhavi1crktpKYnIdbXH24gt8HvFXPj3-mpdieAM

Let's fight as fiercely as we can against laws, mandates, vaccination, lockdowns and government's political intrusion into our health, our rights and freedom!

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These "journalists" come with the questions given to them, as if trying to out-compete each other in the moral decay. It's not their questions, they just reveal the agenda for any given day. You think of the meanest or stupidest question, and they will voice it. Pure fascism. plain and simple. Brown shirts.

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"Moral decay" is the correct view. They have completely suppressed their innate (immunity and) morality.

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Woke.org - showing their true colours

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This is crazy. I wanted to leave a comment but I'd have to sign that crime against humanity plea to comment so I'll leave a comment here:

If anyone proposes a system where the immune status of a person is used to discriminate, then I'd challenge to make that system dynamic and link it to previous day's normalized crude case rates. If they agree to that, good. They will quickly discover that their immune status is contributing to their enslavement when it's clear that those who are getting jabbed are getting infected.

This might prompt them to revise their thinking about what the vaccine is doing and more jabs is not going to get them their freedoms back, but might cause more disease and death followed by complete enslavement in the system they helped design.

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Great catch. I have gotten the sense that many places are lumping together "not fully vaccinated or whose immunization status isn't known" without even admitting it, so I'd wager the "unknown" admission is going to be the next thing to go.

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As is the case today on the 680News radio - they go one step farther that Elliot.

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Their lies are absolutely disgusting! I've heard from a nurse friend that they were instructed to write "vaccine status unknown" if a patent who's been vaccinated comes in with COVID.

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Now I know what that is, thanks! I thought they were extraterrestrial reptilians LOL!

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Here in Italy data is not split into vaxxed or unvaxxed, so we must rely onto what tv anchors and tv-virologists-whateverists tell us...meaning that unvaxxed occupy 3/4 of ICU beds..every.given.day. the remaining 1/4 are obviously vaxxed, but packed with "preexisting conditions".

Today, btw, I had to do the math myself to calculate the REAL number of totally unvaxxed population, and, to my surprise, we are 10.819.000 (excluding kids)...20%!!!! 1 in 5 is NOT vaxxed!!! We're told we are 6/7 only million ignorant nutcases...after USA and UK admitted that the unvaxxed numbers were much higher, I wanted to try for my county...I'm happy!! We're much more than I thought, despite we've got the government boots on our faces ..hope everyone stays strong...me as well!!!

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Math yoga. Bend em til they break.

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Great job! Liars liars everywhere. In all countries, states in US where stats are done properly it is clear that the vast proportion of cases, and hospitalized ARE VAXED.

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The numbers they used are taken exactly from the Ontario data - I keep an eye on it every day in case something like this happens. Think I will start saving it every day. Here's the link https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data

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If we can trust these data not trusting the people providing these data. Can we? I do not. But at least we know the worst-case scenario for the unvaccinated, then we can correct for the lies and the reality is surely much brighter.

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Also if you take a look at the data by age, most of the cases for vaccine-free people are in 80+ years range. These are possibly immunocompromised persons who could not be jabbed.

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It seems like the data by age group is reported wrong. The unvaccinated are most infected in all age groups, doesn't add up.

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Good post.

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