Jul 4, 2022Liked by Andreas Oehler

Hallway medicine and lack of medical care. New Brunswick has a demographics and medical system problem. If you check the new Brunswick reddits the number one topic is how to get into the hospital. They made a young girl wait 16 hours with a broken arm. Nova Scotia is behind on something like 28k surgeries. Need an MRI and live in Moncton? 16 week lead time and a 3 hour round trip to Saint John. Need a cancer treatment? Good luck with that.

It's a sign of a collapsed free medical system. It's not "covid". It's finding an excuse for a system that doesn't work anymore.

I'm a former Maritimer. I would rather be bankrupt and alive in the US than stuck in the "free" canadian system and hoping a bypass surgery doesn't get delayed or postponed over and over until I die.

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There has been a mysterious cluster of prion disease in New Brunswick, closely analogous to Creuzfeld-Jacob disease. No one seems to be able to identify the reasons for this alarming outbreak. Perhaps it has something to do with the prion-like properties of spike protein....

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The level of lies being fed to the public are on par with Soviets or CCP. So they did manage to tell a little truth (the 23.9% excess mortality) but then try to butter it over with "we must have undercounted COVID!!". But we already know that the medical executioners (I can't call them hospitals anymore) counted everything under the sun as COVID, erasing the difference between dying *with* COVID rather than *from* COVID. Anything to hype the frenzy in order to sell more quack-cines. Now there's a wee bit of panic from the ruling class if the plebs put two and two together and find out their lifespans are being cut way short as a result of this power and money grab.

The bit at the end was pure black comedy: making "an insinuation" of wrongdoing by government by asking about excess deaths. "The member is alluding to something being wrong," 'Cos excess deaths is a good thing, dontcha know. This is now a Monty Python sketch, albeit one rejected for being too dark and gross.

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I still can't wrap my head around how they can call it "mysterious." It's about as mysterious to me as a fox with chicken feathers and blood around it's mouth leaving an empty chicken coup with a bloody mess of feathers behind.

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Public: We are sick and dying, do something!

Public Health Dept: It's probably a virus. Don't worry, we will quackcinate you, so you don't have to alter your lifestyle or worry about the causes.

Public: Thank you.

. . . Months pass.

Public: Now we are sick and dying of lots of other things!

Public Health: We have some answers, but not all the answers! Don't worry, we will form a task force and meanwhile pHARMa is working on new quackcines.

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MADS - "Mysterious Adult Death Syndrome"

MADD - "Mother's Against Drunk Driving"

DAMM - "Drunks Against Mad Mothers"

I will admit to being a member of one of these groups.

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uh… hmm OK

got it!

Mrna Adverse Death Syndrome

So are they suggesting there actually isn’t a severe disease benefit then?

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