Well if "smart" is measured by how willing you are to fall into lockstep to allow someone to Inject a substance into your body without informed consent and no pkg inserts included with the vials, then I'm wacked out of my consarned mind. I was so stupid, I refused to be coerced with $$$, lottery drawings on my job, free beer and marijuana. I love all three of these amenities but not so much that I would take a concoction from a bunch of lying charlatan bastards. I was so dumb, that if mandated to take it, I was prepared to leave my job and let my vehicle go back and I had just purchased it in 3/2021. I stood my ground while coworkers went for the money $1000-$2000 to get entered into a raffle. Those that took the carrot are sick over and over needing 4-5 days off each time they get infected. Sometimes it doesn't take book smarts, it takes common sense.

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While we are on the topic if true intelligence...

Let's try this:

If we have so much easy oil remaining to be burned ... why do we steam oil out of sand?

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It seems I maybe identify as functionally retarded as well as politically incorrect.

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I resemble that remark.

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Are you at Yuk Yuks this week? If so , I'd come to see you.

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😎 yukyuks?

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With my functional retardation challenges , not sure what this means : 😎 yukyuks?

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I mean I never heard of yuk yuks.


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Think a funny place where people wear black sunglasses . I'm not sure if anyone has collapsed humorously on the stage while giving a stand up routine , however, pretty sure there is a defibrillator or two ... just for laughs .

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A woman I know who only eats organic fruits and vegetables, was one of the first to get injected with the covid death shot.

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what’s wrong with the picture?… the ones that only eat no-GMO “Clean” food were accusing the GMO unvaxxed of being “unclean”

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My friendship with that person ended.

I was trying to explain my hesitancy about the shots to her and she shut down the conversation.

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Mind boggling.

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One obvious source of bias in that study is that people who were previously infected were much less likely to get vaccinated. If people with lower cognitive ability were also more likely to work in jobs that exposed them to prior infection, then that could explain their reluctance to get vaccinated. This possibility is not mentioned anywhere in the manuscript! (Which if you know anything about economists it's just draw-dropping that such a potential confounder was never noticed or considered.)

I wrote to the corresponding author to ask about this. His response was: "we don’t have that data. And even if we would have it may be problematic since is there underreporting of Covid-19 infections." Which you will recognize is a total copout. Underreporting would only be a problem if people with lower scores were more/less likely to report than people with higher scores. Another problem is that they lumped together two populations that are likely very different: people who got vaccinated after some delay and people who never got vaccinated.

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At the very beginning of the rollout, one of my friends (a dentist) was in line for a shot even though he already had covid. I asked him why he would be "taking up" a shot that somebody else needed, and he just shrugged and said that's how they were doing it.

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Failure to control for basic and standard confounders like SES in general, "education" (read indoctrination) level, or exposure to mandates and other "nudges". And don't even get me started about this fraudulent "cognitive ability" metric.

I do know a little something about economists and other so-called social scientists, and I think this sleight-of-hand BS is more or less par for their course. Present company excepted, naturally.

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023Liked by Andreas Oehler

This has echos of the 'educated middle and upper middle class', ie the significantly educated upper managers and the like, the so-called 'smart' people being the ones who fled a burning New York city in the 1930 with Orson Well's broadcast of the war of the world's. No smoke, no fire, and the smart ones where the ones who tried to flee the city's destruction. And of course, they were the most significant consumers of the 'free' press!


Perhaps a redefinition of 'smart' is required, something like the educationally indoctrinated are the least able to use intelligence to disobey. Great connection to that seeing eye dog meme.

Thank you.

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Andreas Oehler

Intelligent disobedience! I love it. Was going to share your article on Twitter to a swarm of mutton crew wannabes and my comment was going to be “well I must be thick as mince!”. They would gladly take their plaudits. I’m happy to trade self deprecating for self preservation. However I’ve now got a better term to use. See how easy it is to spread joy when surrounded by a psychopathic tyrannical takeover? Thank you.

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I like intelligent disobedience. I have been using it for years and so I am healthier and happier than most people.

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"Intelligent Disobedience"

Bumper sticker or t-shirt for sure!

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Posts of the day.

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I much prefer the reference to the following study which suggests that open mindedness is the single most significant indicator of intelligence ~ in contrast, I would add, to blind faith in The Science (TM):

> https://bra.in/5pJ7yB

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I think the study was done to make so called "smart people" feel less stupid for being so easily duped. Some smart people are incredibly naive about how this planet really operates. How do smart people not sense a problem when they are told something is "safe and effective" when there is no way their has been enough time to do the testing to prove something is safe. I think the answer is that they were hypnotized, and participating in a phenomenon called Mass Formation Psychosis.

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023Author

I can name two smart people from our camp that fell for it early on: Steve Kirsch and Jordan Peterson. Any others out there? Ah, and this guy (fully jabbed and boosted; still jabbing for flu!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ceurG7P89c

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Naomi Klein (not Wolff) and Noam Chomsky are high up on the smart list, by all accounts.

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Not in our camp though?

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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023Liked by Andreas Oehler

Ah, you referred to the at-least partially awakened smart people. Yes. A rare rare breed indeed. I am unable to think of any.

I don't really count Adam Scott who called the unjabbed lucky, rather than intelligent or wise. Or that British Dr. Mehotra(?). Hmmm. None comes to mind.

And even Kirsch is only partially awake, I think. He still believes that the system that created this mess can be fixed enough to fix the mess. And Jordan is a bit like that too, in insisting that going back to a more embraced Christian ethic will fix the problem. It too was part of the 'system' that created it, and certainly didn't stop either of the World Wars, when Christianity was still significantly more present within the social zeitgeist than it is today.

Thank you for pointing out my misunderstanding of your question. That highlights just how powerful the highest levels of indoctrination are.

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Mehotra is a good one!

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You think so? I haven't followed him much beyond his initial coming out, that was, at the time, qualified at best. Has he 'blossomed' into full frontal freedom fighter?

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Andreas Oehler

So unvaccinated can’t get hospital treatment...And supposedly the vaccinated are supposed to be the least likely to be hospitalized 🤔 So, either they just don’t want hospitals to be used, or they are really saying the vaccinated will be needing the hospitals...

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That's easy for us unwashed low-IQ types to conclude. The smart people defer their judgement to proper experts.

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And the'll be happy, too:


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Fabulous! Thanks for sharing.

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Andreas Oehler

Those ordained rat poisoned smarts probably don’t need to read as widely as the low IQ catch ups, and so miss a bit of detail …


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"McKernan, who has 25 years’ experience in his field, ran the experiment again, confirming that the vials contained up to, in his opinion, 18-70 times more DNA contamination than the legal limits allowed by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)."

And were did the EMA and the FDA pull their "legal" limits out of? That's right, exactly out of there. There is no "medically" permissible established amount of DNA material of this kind to be injected into live humans.

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I think the military tests were weighted towards “blind obedience”, no room for critical thinking in the midst of a raging battle. It’s obviously a biased study as we, the stubbornly unvaccinated, know many intelligent people who came to the same, now obviously wise decision, not to partake in a massive medical experiment.

P.S. Thanks for heads up on the resignation of Australia’s super covid tyrant, Dan Andrews - I hadn’t caught up with the Australian overnight news (I live in Canada these days). There was much competition for that title during covid times, as I watched my beloved home country fall under the jackboot of covid authoritarianism with barely a whimper of protest. Amazingly, after all they went through, Victorians elected that POS again last November, only to have him now run away, possibly fearing the growing public backlash, as more Aussies wake up to the reality that they were fooled.

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In this case, "smart" meaning "well indoctrinated" . I guess this not-so-intelligent (113 I.Q.) Attention Deficit Disorder lady wasn't very well indoctrinated! From September of 2001 on up to now I have been de-programmed very well due to all of the bogus scares throughout the years. Things during C-19 just didn't sound logical that the little pizzeria down the street had to close while we could all go to the open liquor store next to the little pizzeria. Hey, it's not okay to go to the park or to the gym! Don't do anything that we know is healthy! Just sit at home for "two weeks to flatten the curve". Even my highly intelligent husband fell for that nonsense!

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love this article ! I am obviously in the dog department, too LOL. Wearing my Mark Oshinskie shirt (I survided coronamania, unmasked, uninjected, unafraid). One employee at the grocery store (never masked) immediately started a conversation, why the one at the meat section (still masked after all these years) looked the other way. Haha! No univ diploma but still alive !

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I'm just too dumb to understand the benefits!

Unvaxxed IFR in my age group: 0.3% (clustered around the unhealthy, but let's ignore that)

Vaxxed IFR in my age group: 0.05%

Even if I take these numbers at face value, without a vaccine I am 99.7% safe. With a vaccine I am 99.95% safe -- a total actual increase of 0.25%. Only an idiot would say that I'm "at risk" when I'm 99.7% safe but "actually safe" when I'm 99.95% safe.

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