So nurses in Canada are now on dangerous anti-anxiety meds like Xanax and Antivan to cope with the stress ... All the more reason to stay out of the hospitals ... any hospital ... anywhere ... EVER!

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Everyone is better off being their own doctor. Except, if we could get the meds.

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I'm 70 Andreas ... and one of these days it will probably happen ... I'll incur a serious injury and I will have to make a decision, a big, big decision on whether to admit myself to an emergency care facility ...

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Exactly. As I've said elsewhere here, sometimes you have no choice...

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I’m 74, have vowed to be ever more cautious to avoid such injury. Caution doesn’t mean no fun, however!

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My insurance broker tried to shift me to a better life plan ... but it would require blood work (not just a medical exam)... I told him there I do not trust the medical system and I will not allow any needles to be inserted into my body... I'll do any test but nothing that involves a needle.

He just emailed me and said they require the blood test.

So I stay with my current insurer.

I'm still waiting for a vax injured person to get some payback... maybe if there were repercussions...

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Have you asked them why would they require a blood test? Is it standard practice for that type of policy; or is it something new?

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It's the dollar value of the policy ... I had to get blood tests for the original policy as well

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There's also a video of the same guy flinging a giant fat CovIDIOT to the ground and putting the boot to him after the fat bastard engaged in bullying during the Wellington protest... the slob can be heard moaning 'you kicked me in the face' Well what else would you do if you got a big ol beast (gotta be 6 foot 4 and 250lbs) like that to the ground... you don't want it getting back up...

The video has not been uploaded yet though...


It's confirmed.... we are doomed

Paxlovid Escape Mutations?


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No needles, nothing invasive ...

And man-oh-man would I ever love to blow up a nurse who tries to run one of those PCR chopsticks up my nose ... I now fear a confrontation at my front door over my vax status ...

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Try fruits, vegetables and herbs as alternatives.

They cannot ban and suppress everything.

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Good for you Barry - you are healthy as a horse!

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I think the Australian authorities have allowed ivemectin on prescriptions now.

If people keep a simple and clean lifestyle, they should be healthy. That is sunshine, or vitamin D3; exercise, fresh air, fresh local fruits and vegs; clean their loins twice a day; avoid facconated people, and no orgies.

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...right after the study came out saying they do more harm than good.


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I thought the "More Harm Than Good" Video by the CCCA was genuine time-capsule stuff ... a meticulous takedown of big pharma's BS ...

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Public health has been transformed into public death. If public health was the aim they’d have stopped this nonsense long ago. Their maniacal focus on jabs clearly shows that the aim is something entirely different and evil. They are waging a war against us and yet we don’t act as if we were at war with them. So far, our inaction engenders their legitimacy. We are consenting to a rule by psychopaths and sociopaths. These criminals will not stop because we are nice to them.

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We still haven't reached the point where we think we have nothing to lose...

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I had an exchange with Dr. Yeadon that he posted to his Telegram Channels in which we basically conclude this is WW lll, and if we in the Formerly Free World, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA and Europe don't figure this out and start fighting back fast, we are FINISHED.

Traitors are running our governments, and all people need to figure this out. Police, Sheriffs, DOJ, Military, CIA, NSA, Legislative Branch, Judicial Branch, those of us who are not traitors to our nation must RISE UP.

Demand accountability. Demand arrests! Root them out, hold trials, call this event what it is-- The destruction of Liberty, Health, Property and the Free West, by a force seeking to destroy us.

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he seems like an operation ... now after 3 years of the pandemic he discovered there is no virus ... always suspicious of that guy ... it looks he got a big pay in 2016 to do whatever he is doing now ... giving us 30% and the rest bs ...

now, this No Virus theory will de mask quite a few of these plants ...

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I have been watching and listening to Dr. Yeadon, and many others of the Truth Brigade since the Covid-19 Event was rolled onto the world stage, and we had the "experts" making deadly decisions with our lives, our constitutional rights, and our economic foundations.

And Dr. Yeadon was the first with the clarity of mind and courage to announce what anyone who truly looked at the various Covid Measures eventually came to believe; they are killing us on purpose! And accomplishing a whole laundry list of nefarious goals simultaneously!

Mike Yeadon stands alone. No one with anywhere close to his level of credentials has come close.

As to the "there are no viruses concept" yes, it's mind-boggling and doesn't fit our perception, but, the mds and scientists making these theories more main stream lately do have something to teach us.

Viruses, as described, have never truly been isolated. You have to add a whole lot of goop to the mix beforehand.

It's a longish conversation, but one worth having. I know some of these guys, and like Dr. Tom Cowan, everything else he states is absolutely correct. So the fact that Dr. Yeadon was willing to look at this and make his own opinion is again, all to his credit.

IMO he is open minded, courageous and compassionate. I'm glad he is here taling and of all of the known presentors he's the last I'd choose to "plant!"

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so what did he do all his life at pfizer??? if there are no viruses???

there are 169000 studies published at pubmed on viruses.

we all watch him and many others, but got to realize this is a well thought plan. as dr. malone said once they have been gaming it for 20 years ... there is lots of funny stuff going on. here is another question for you, how come dr. malone got moderna two times? if you and i (basically nobodies) learned so much about mRNA in a couple of years and are scared to go near it, how come someone who has been all his life into this and is well connected, goes and get the shot and long covid (i guess) ... too much funny stuff ... have you seen any pictures of trump or his familly getting the shot? i havent ...yet he tells everyone to get boosted.

btw, nice timing to make such an announcement ... just before the fall vaxx campaing ...

If you look around in substack there is a full coordinated attack against SPIKE PROTEIN as the main danger of these so-called vaxx.

They are coming through all kind of directions: No Virus, Graphene theory and what have you, it happens to coincide with the fall vaxx campaign.

i suppose a lot of people are starting to see through with POTUS getting covid for the 5th time and everyone around us being sick. plus increase on number of deaths year over year 35%.

if it was ONLY yeadon, i would let it go ... but there are MANY of them just out all of sudden with lots of lengthy comments on No Virus, Graphene, there is nothing going etc.

just look for it and you will see it ...

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Malone I cannot say. Why he'd take the vax I have no idea. Have zero inside information on him. But read Dr. Tom Cowan's Contagion Myth, and if you listen to Yeadon he is not saying there is no such thing as a virus. What he IS saying is that the theory as he used to understand it cannot be accurate.

There are holes in the foundational science. Think of this: 11 men go to Antarctica for 8 months. They are all healthy. No one else arrives, no one leaves. Four or five months in the get "hit" with a "virus."

Six get sick. Five are fine and never get sick. What is that? Where did it come from? Outside? Highly unlikely. It's 50° below zero!

Did they bring it? Why didn't they get sick sooner? If it's contagious, why didn't everyone get it? They are confined together, indoors...

That's just a tiny beginning.

When you get to isolation and purification of said virus, it gets even weirder.

Contagion the same.

So, while I still cling to viral theory because it's comfortable, and I have a difficult time wrapping my head around the no-virus, it's all exosomes, concept, I do take my hat off to Dr. Yeadon that he is willing to look at all the evidence and say, despite his life's work, "you're right! It doesn't add up the way we were told it does!"

He's a man of courage and integrity in my judgment. And I am grateful every time he speaks out as he is willing to listen to learn and to make the best sense out of difficult information possible.

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I believe you are correct but I am wondering if we'll ever reach that point, or that we will have been too late.

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The globalists are brilliant ... they'll permit us to have just enough comfort to keep us from moving to the streets with pitchforks ... on this point, have you noticed - not a peep about the farmer's protests in the Netherlands for two weeks now ... protesters simply cannot sustain these brief uprisings without a larger bullhorn ... it seems to have died a silent death ...

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One of those days. Keep faith in God!

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Sudden an unexpected. Wow. NO ONE could have seen this coming. NO ONE could have predicted this, huh. NO ONE wrote anything at all predicting this.

These elites genuinely think we're dumb. They are banking on us forgetting all kinds of inconvenient truths. Thank you Andreas for continuing to remind us. I literally just wrote an article on this yesterday too. It's SO vital we keep these things in the conversation and continue to push back. These things can't just disappear into the rearview mirror.


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One could have anticipated this if one was aware of this when it dropped nearly 10 years ago

SEE PAGE 59 - THE PERFECT STORM : The economy is a surplus energy equation, not a monetary one, and growth in output (and in the global population) since the Industrial Revolution has resulted from the harnessing of ever-greater quantities of energy. But the critical relationship between energy production and the energy cost of extraction is now deteriorating so rapidly that the economy as we have known it for more than two centuries is beginning to unravel https://ftalphaville-cdn.ft.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Perfect-Storm-LR.pdf

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Off topic, I went to reply to your email yesterday and couldn't find it. My bad :(

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No sweat. I'll email you again. Appreciate the response!

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Surprise!!! That's what happen when you poison your own Staff. Wake UP Medical Administrators who forced the vaxxines. Bean counters and nazi policies Surprise...YOU can NOT replace well Trained Highly motivated people ......but you just shot yourselves in the foot. Now you walk limping in the shadow of the vaxxed aftermath.

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Exactly my point.

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Well said !!!!!

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Used to be you'd go to a medical facility to treat a staph infection, now, the medical community are leaving their jobs [some permanently] due to mandated 'staff infections'. 👀

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Obfuscation on steroids.

“...the virus is impacting the health care system in Ottawa and across Ontario in a different way now.” And what way is that exactly?

(But correction: “...one would be totally misled and confused...” [not “...mislead...”; past participle—and past tense—of ‘to mislead’ is ‘misled’].)

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Sometimes fingers do their own thing, LOL!

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I noticed the reporter misspelled “morale” as “moral”: “Moral is low”. But considering how enthusiastic Canadian medical personnel were about vaccine coercion, I guess that’s kinda true 🤣.

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Great point! A few ways to misspell though. Maybe they mean "morals"? "MoralS ARE very low", should we understand? https://thewordcounter.com/moral-vs-morale

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Fun with Fast Eddy ...

Fast Eddy is now a researcher with Morgan Stanley Research out of NYC (Bond.. Matt Bond to my friends)... and as such he is responsible for NZ/Australia markets looking into vaccine injuries... (MSR is using this info to determine if we short insurance companies - both health and life)...

Spoke to the Covid Guy here https://www.southernhealth.nz/contact-us/contact-wellsouth-primary-health-network

He claims very few vax injuries... Matt (Matt Bond)... referenced the numbers for myocarditis on Medafe (NZ version of VAERS)... as an example -- Covid Guy says - we are not seeing that... (f789ing liar)...

I see I says... we are also working out contacts in the medical community and we have a nurse in Queenstown indicating they are seeing epic numbers of young men with heart damage post vax. So bad that many of the staff are refusing to take more injections and walking.

We don't know about this he says - some staff may be leaving due to mandates - we are not aware of the incidents of heart damage at any scale.

These guys are obviously lying --- I brought my heart damaged mate to the ED some months ago with acute post vax chest pain --- and I listened in on a discussion with the ED doc and a cardiologist in Dunedin -- and the cardiologist said - and I quote - 'my phone does not stop ringing off the hook with GPs asking for advice on how to treat young men with these same symptoms'

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Congrats, Doktor Doktor Fast Eddy!

On the subject on how to treat young men with this same condition, even a baboon would be able to advise. Speaks volumes about the quality of the doctor qualifications, not NZ-specific. Also part of the plan.

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Here they are asking nurses to take any shift any department whether they trained in that area or not so even if you get a nurse they may not be trained in what they are going to do to you. Some nurses don't bother to ask for directions or to clarify directions...

I am not criticizing the nursing profession, they have been put in a very difficult position with vaccines and worthless mandates, I can't see how it will get better over the short/long term.

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Same story in NZ --- my source who is a medical professional in Queenstown -- says the hospital has lost 20% of their staff mainly due to the ongoing mandates --- they are seeing so many vax damaged people come through the doors and they are afraid to shoot up with more death juice.

I am amazed that they have any staff remaining --- when you see so many young people with heart damage, blood clots etc... surely you have to connect that to the injections --- and you agree to take... more injections yourself.

Some serious stupidity happening with that.

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The Donkey rules?

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I was dismissed by my college in December. They honored no exemptions or alternatives what so ever. I was a final year 4.0 gpa RN student. I recently contacted my college and was informed that nothing has changed. Oh well, probably for the best for me going into this fall. I was driving 300 miles round trip every other week for over a year to attend.

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Admire your resolve! Better alive and free than dead/crippled and enslaved.

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wonder how many of you are out there ... my guess is not much ... correct??

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More evidence these problems are worldwide. The best defense is to avoid hospitals at all costs. Very suboptimal but this is a political. medical, corporate, and institutional revolution. Medical care can and will be dangerous to our health.

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Yet, there are life threatening situations where you have no choice. And that is when they let you down big time now. Seems like another cog in their depop agenda machinery - not just wrong treatment protocols, no hospital care in general from now on.

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Yes, they have us in a classic Catch 22.

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I feel for them, but they also need to speak the hell up.

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Another result of Trudea lockdowns and vaccine mandates

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This is an amazing interview between Dr. Lee Merritt and PhD Virologist Poornina Wagh.


Worth watching. Goes into the argument on the existence of viruses. And uncovers a lot of issues in "Science" in many areas. I think these ladies may have the "lie" 🎯.

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Read recent news articles in Minnesota, Duluth and Twin Cities, about nurses' contract negotiations with hospital administrators. It's just as bad, if not worse in the US. And it's not limited to nursing. Technical laboratory staff, OR technical staff, housekeeping and clerical workers are in the same situation. Avoid the hospitals.

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I just got my haircut today and my hairdresser has a few nurses as clients in Northern California. They are complaining of low staffing, high workloads, and the hospitals refusing to hire more nurses at this time.

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