'We will not judge you"....you've been selected for traits that make you judges of whom you view as the unhealthy, stupid riff raff and trained to believe you're superior. Won't judge? Were that so we wouldn't have abortion, euthanasia, sterilization and forced jabs constantly held up as golden calves by Medicine. Sure, some few have hearts or codes of ethics. Many more are complicit, not knowing what to say, have golden calves of their own to defend or are just evil narcissistic bastards.

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It's more like "you are deplorable and you know it. How dare you come into MY hospital!"

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It seems like the future will have to include local, underground drs and nurses, and resign yourself to not having access to a lot of fancy machines that go "bing". We're getting close to that level like Mao's China, where senior party members had to have Mao's permission to be treated (which is how Chou En Lai died far sooner than necessary). Some dork decides you're a burden on the system, not the junkies, the 400 lb diabetic who refuses to change their eating, etc.

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Or all the people that keep jabbing like there is no tomorrow.

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People wanted "mercy killing" ... Well, God allowed it on them... Except without their ok.

Real name: first degree murder

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Love how you are thinking like a medical tyrant ... that's how they will roll...over everyone again who hasn't a clue about what safe and effective really means ,with apparently no needed data for the newish ones ( future framework ) and of course , no informed consent . Are the veterinarians getting more walk in visits from people wanting early treatment? In my opinion, a more viable option.

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Relegated to the animal status? I seriously looked into buying animal meds. Bet they are times safer! As they must produce results. Unlike with us humans. Proudly nicknamed homo sapiens not that long ago.

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Me too.. And I raise you ..

Just a sec. Want a real practicioner? They don't give a dann about WHO


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Love Better Call Saul and Dr Caldera is the "perfect" example. Actually there are many more crime movies where they have to see a Vet . Smart like anything those guys !

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You know it and I've seen some!

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Me Too ! Best Education ...

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Guess it's about the vets (not Bourla) ) I've met who have more of a EQ than most doctors - I worked, over 20 years , in two huge hospitals. Pretty sure those vets can translate animal to human drugs as good as any anyone - especially ivermectin !!! Just saying , they may beat any regular ER at this point in time.

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Those thoroughbreds can get expensive. Secretariat ain't getting no crappy ivermectin, that's for sure.

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I ,for one, would take the so called crappy ivermectin in a heart beat rather than the strange brew that has the potential to stop or screw up same said heart beat . It's about medical choices rather than medical tyranny for me and reading as best I can to make an informed choice . I found this article to be of interest since we are taking apples to horses : https://pierrekory.substack.com/p/the-miracle-not-heard-around-the-1ee/comments

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Been following the real life hero Dr. Kory for almost 2 years now.

I take my apple flavored treat about once a month just because, as well at the first sign of anything at all amiss. Haven't been sick once. For me, it does do a little weird thing with my vision for a couple of hours that is barely noticeable, it's a known side effect.

At another forum a guy said that once he was giving some to his horse and it must have accidentally dropped on the ground and his dog ate the whole dose. Said his dog went blind for a day but turned out fine.

If you search 'ivermectin cancer studies', a bunch of results show up. The force is strong with this drug.

On another note, I know a guy who passed a kidney stone using lasix. I believe the term piss like a race horse derives from lasix use. This same guy if he needs antibiotics goes to the farmers coop and gets it there.

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We are onto something here!

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"apple flavored", eh? My favourite!

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Since you mention treatments , I have found the best people who have kept me well and they aren't doctors . Wim Hoff has been someone whose work I admire and he has been studied by many doctors who don't want to promote him because he is effective . The other people who have been instrumental re health choices has Giovanni Dienstmann for meditation ,and Patrick McKeown and James Nestor , both for breathing techniques. The way things are going, we are being taken over by allopathic medicine and going forward , I will never trust anything that is coming out in the future regarding medicine since no data will be required and it'll be pushed out in less than 90 days according to what I have read.

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Bingo. My son's equine therapy instructor knows more about mineral balancing than any doctor I have encountered.

And she knows exactly WHY she knows it.

Animals are worth money...

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since covid they got used to telling people just stay home and come here when is absolutely needed ... yeah well.

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Same here in Australia. Hospitals stretched to breaking point but as to the why the msm is eerily quite, pointing to vague reasons that could only ever account for the problem in part.

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Thanks for the corroboration!

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A number of CovIDIOTS have informed me over the past year that they are ok with people not getting the Covid Vaccine but if they get sick from Covid they should not be treated - one was a nurse - husband a doctor....

I generally agree and say I feel the same about smokers and obese people (neither of them would be considered fit -- one of them has had a stroke - early 50's)

At what point will it be acceptable to suggest that anyone who has been stupid enough to inject an experiment --- and is damaged --- should not be treated -- because they are clogging up the hospitals and if I break my leg I should not have to wait for hours to be seen.

I'm feeling a touch of Schadenfreude reading this latest article... and I am convinced this is a virtue.

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Hens come to roost.

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You have been warning all along. Unfortunately, so many would have done better to listen. Thanks.

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We will never get the truth from them. We can but speak of the truth until it becomes undeniable.

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Andreas, you helped massively with my awakening via a link you shared many months ago. Thank you.

I’d like to return the favour: https://www.gemstoneuniversity.org/overview-of-the-world-system.html#flipbook/1/


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A lot to go through!

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I know, I know. No one said it was easy.

Check it out and feel whether or not it rings true for you.

We must extract ourselves, through our own free will.

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I have started, and it's exhilarating reading so far. Connects the dots. Thank you!

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Another comforting thought ... the Extra Strength Injection is Coming Soon .. and with it the vax injurie will explode...

At some point surely the attending medical staff --- who will be fully boosted --- surely will eventually realize that this is all about the vax....

Imagine The HORROR they will experience when that window to hell opens.

Did I mention I did a telephone consult with a random GP to ask her if she recommended the vax for 'my young teen kids'

She highly recommended it -- I asked on what basis given I was looking at a Johns Hopkins study that says 400 under 18's have died of Covid but every single one was already seriously ill (cancer, morbid obesity etc...)

She disagreed and said lots of healthy kids have died --- I asked for a reference - she said she'd send the info to me

The Punchline - she'd injected her 12 year old! hahahahaha

She never sent the data -- and I rammed this f789er home making a complaint to the medical board - of course that got nowhere but the managing doctor at the practice followed up and told me that she claims she never said she had that data --- I said so either she's lying or I'm lying... and what reason would I have to lie? He refused to reprimand her.

I'll be thinking specifically of him as well as the doctor who injected her kid when this all unravels.

Justice will be served... who needs a reprimand when the choices are - vax injury - vax death -- and if the kids goes down (hopefully within hours of the Super Booster so that there can be no confusion...) epic guilt.

I am not a parent but I can imagine that if my kid went down hard with a vax injury I'd lose my mind... might even hang myself!

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As we know, at least 17 doctors died suddenly and unexpectedly this year in Canada (https://twitter.com/DrJuliePonesse/status/1560339215220621314?s=20&t=PuWbU4MLYx988LKO2UrvAg), and no one counts the nurses. So, it's happening big time already. I know SOME doctors leave the profession rather than get boosted. But it's still a slow process at this point. We need the 5th for more than one reason.

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4. Monkey pox?

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I thought the insanity would end last summer. Between Dr. Byram Bridle's podcast re: Japanese biodistribution studios, and the UK and Israeli data showing shots waning efficacy, the writing was on the wall. Yet here we are. Still waiting...

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Once injected for most it cannot end --- they could not handle the fact that they've ruined their bodies. Few people will be willing to admit their colossal stupidity - in fact they'll continue to boost cuz it keeps them sane :)

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Throwing good money after bad. Pray for their souls.

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Here's a thought...

The CovIDIOTS often refer to anti-vaxxers as flat Earthers...

But if the CovIDIOTS would have been alive when most people believed the Earth was flat ... they would have been at the vanguard of insisting the Earth was flat hahahaha..

Total... f789ing... MOREONS.

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SANE people no longer trust anything traditional medicine and doctors claim.

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"Demand is good for business, isn’t it?"


At least in the US this is a bad thing for the hospital bottom line because emergency care is generally far less profitable than elective procedures and they compete for the same limited resources. The medical care industry Q2 reported losses reflect this. Not sure if this rule applies in canuckistan what with the taxpayer funded care.

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I live in an area with no walk in clinics. One would have to drive 1-2 hours for such luxury.

Emerg it is...

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The further you stay away from the medical business the healthier you are.

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Unless you have a nail in your forehead.

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Right. I'll adjust the comment. Stay away from the medical business and don't become a carpenter. 🤪🤪

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Albert Bourla is a veterinarian, so no, unless you mean a veteran. Don't see a vet.

At this point I wouldn't let my animals be injected if I had any say.

Logan's run

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Geert Vanden Bossche is a vet as well --- I understand that vets are involved in vax development because of the animal testing required...

I am not a vet nor a scientist but I could have handled the testing of the Covid Vaccines... there was no real expertise involved.

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He then became a virologist. One of the best. Having both animal and human training helps a lot with viruses since many can jump between.

Additionally, he does not have to worry about his career when speaking and publishing the truth.

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