And by that time their mission will have been accomplished, working against the 2026 deadline of the Social Security system collapse. If no 65+ left, no problem! And the EU+UK+Canada can also give the US a heartfelt "Thank You!" for saving their public coffer as well, collaterally.
And by that time their mission will have been accomplished, working against the 2026 deadline of the Social Security system collapse. If no 65+ left, no problem! And the EU+UK+Canada can also give the US a heartfelt "Thank You!" for saving their public coffer as well, collaterally.
And by that time their mission will have been accomplished, working against the 2026 deadline of the Social Security system collapse. If no 65+ left, no problem! And the EU+UK+Canada can also give the US a heartfelt "Thank You!" for saving their public coffer as well, collaterally.
Good point.
I'm glad there are still some ppl left in this day and age that can see through sarcasm!