When the perpetrators proceed with such questionable delivery systems without obtaining ‘fully informed’ consent (and devoid of any deception, propaganda, brainwashing, hypnotism, mind control techniques, psy-ops, dulling down of senses, injury/trauma to the body and mind etc.) then surely the perpetrators know that in doing so that they risk exposing themselves to bad karma.
When the perpetrators proceed with such questionable delivery systems without obtaining ‘fully informed’ consent (and devoid of any deception, propaganda, brainwashing, hypnotism, mind control techniques, psy-ops, dulling down of senses, injury/trauma to the body and mind etc.) then surely the perpetrators know that in doing so that they risk exposing themselves to bad karma.
Anything you put in the brackets seems to be fair game for them, as far as I understand. Not being able to see through their shenanigans is on the receiving party?
When the perpetrators proceed with such questionable delivery systems without obtaining ‘fully informed’ consent (and devoid of any deception, propaganda, brainwashing, hypnotism, mind control techniques, psy-ops, dulling down of senses, injury/trauma to the body and mind etc.) then surely the perpetrators know that in doing so that they risk exposing themselves to bad karma.
Anything you put in the brackets seems to be fair game for them, as far as I understand. Not being able to see through their shenanigans is on the receiving party?