"What Happened in Samoa?" Elizabeth Warren Piles Up Lies to High Heaven During JRK Jr Hearings
No shame, no morals from "Pocahontas".
So many lies and slander condensed in 3 minutes of the rabid rant from Ms. Warren. One small sampler. “Vaccines, vaccines, vaccines!”
Rant No. 2, “What happened in Samoa?”
Just to reiterate again today, of all days, about this utter rubbish that JRK Jr. caused the measles vaccination rate drop in 2019 in Samoa:
Disgusting. She complains big pharma has too much power and then spends the rest of her time attacking him for insufficiently loving big pharma.
Were you expecting anything different from Pocahontas? Tsk, tsk, tsk ... shame on you! :-)
Warren is a filthy pathological liar - has been for most of her life. So this is just par for the course.