Bill, term limits puts the deep state unelected in power. We need a MSM that actively reports the facts. Unfortunately that won’t happen, so alternative media is us.
Lie-awatha on the war path. I had a hope, back after the 2008 debacle, when she was (seemingly) taking bankers to task. All just marvelous theatre. Being a craven lickspittle for pharma interests is a new low. Must be late on her mansion payments...
When is RFK Jr going to start talking about Operation Warp Speed?
- why the censorship of medical professionals who pushed back
- why did they use Remdesivir and Midazolam to kill folks with severe covid
- why did they tell folks with covid to go home and come back when there were near death
- why did they pretend there was a massive deluge of covid hospitalizations when the hospitals were empty
- why did they park a hospital ship in the NY harbour and fit out the Javits Centre and Central Park with many hundreds of beds -- that were never used
- when will he discuss how the shots are killing and maiming more than the two world wars combined
- when will he discuss the nearly 2000 side effects that the shots cause (as per the Pfizer papers)
- when will he trot out the excess deaths and disabilities numbers after the shots started
- when will he tell people that their loved ones are dying from cancer because of the shots
- when will he tell the world that the shots were never tested for long term side effects
- when will he tell the world that LNPs are extremely dangerous tech and that they are NOT recommended for use in humans
- when will he discuss ADE and other issues with the vaccines
- when will we hear about how it is hugely risky to mass deploy vaccines during a pandemic cuz that can cause Marek's like outcomes
- when will he show the world that the vaccinated are more susceptible to getting covid .. and dying from covid
- when will he tell everyone that the whole covid thing was a massive lie and that he is prosecuting all those who executed operation warp speed
Until then ... I call bullshit on him. It is all fake. He is acting. He will do nothing.
Just like Obama did nothing to those who faked WMD and committed war crimes in Iraq... recall that Obama said that we need to put that behind us and heal the nation ... hahaha... that was when I knew that it was all fake... it was all bullshit ...
Recall how he got it and he hadn't even done anything and he got the prize... that was the Ministry of Truth reinforcing Obama's role as Mr Hope and Change... you need to add a few things to the CV to convince the barnyard animals...
Similarly with Trump -- who is The Messiah (along with Elon)... he'll make a few meaningless changes (on the orders of the Ministry of Truth) to create the perception that he is in control and will fix everything.
I notice he's banned child gender surgery... call me a skeptic but I am wondering if the Ministry is behind the butchery ... for the purpose of having Trump ban it when they installed him.
The Ministry plays 10D chess.... there are thinking a hundred moves ahead...
no one's going to cure cancer with an mRNA vaccine. i don't mind them trying to do the research. i didn't mind the covid vaccine. i just minded the mandates, the coercion and the dividing of the country into two separate classes which i blame on biden
Disgusting. She complains big pharma has too much power and then spends the rest of her time attacking him for insufficiently loving big pharma.
You see the enemy every time they defend their paymasters.. WE definitely need term limits.. Two terms and you are out..
Bill, term limits puts the deep state unelected in power. We need a MSM that actively reports the facts. Unfortunately that won’t happen, so alternative media is us.
Yeah either way you are right we need a TRUTHFUL fourth estate, that's not happening, so we are the fourth estate now..
Disgusting ... when is he going to expose the entire Operation Warp Speed lie?
Notice how he confirms his total support for vaccines? Just wants to make them safe...
The thing is... Vaccines are NOT safe... but they are necessary
You are being played
Were you expecting anything different from Pocahontas? Tsk, tsk, tsk ... shame on you! :-)
Warren is a filthy pathological liar - has been for most of her life. So this is just par for the course.
Lie-awatha on the war path. I had a hope, back after the 2008 debacle, when she was (seemingly) taking bankers to task. All just marvelous theatre. Being a craven lickspittle for pharma interests is a new low. Must be late on her mansion payments...
she is outright lying. vinay prasad has also done an investigation into this and concluded that RFKjr had nothing to do with it
Perhaps "no shame, no morals" is inevitable for someone who sells their soul.
When is RFK Jr going to start talking about Operation Warp Speed?
- why the censorship of medical professionals who pushed back
- why did they use Remdesivir and Midazolam to kill folks with severe covid
- why did they tell folks with covid to go home and come back when there were near death
- why did they pretend there was a massive deluge of covid hospitalizations when the hospitals were empty
- why did they park a hospital ship in the NY harbour and fit out the Javits Centre and Central Park with many hundreds of beds -- that were never used
- when will he discuss how the shots are killing and maiming more than the two world wars combined
- when will he discuss the nearly 2000 side effects that the shots cause (as per the Pfizer papers)
- when will he trot out the excess deaths and disabilities numbers after the shots started
- when will he tell people that their loved ones are dying from cancer because of the shots
- when will he tell the world that the shots were never tested for long term side effects
- when will he tell the world that LNPs are extremely dangerous tech and that they are NOT recommended for use in humans
- when will he discuss ADE and other issues with the vaccines
- when will we hear about how it is hugely risky to mass deploy vaccines during a pandemic cuz that can cause Marek's like outcomes
- when will he show the world that the vaccinated are more susceptible to getting covid .. and dying from covid
- when will he tell everyone that the whole covid thing was a massive lie and that he is prosecuting all those who executed operation warp speed
Until then ... I call bullshit on him. It is all fake. He is acting. He will do nothing.
Just like Obama did nothing to those who faked WMD and committed war crimes in Iraq... recall that Obama said that we need to put that behind us and heal the nation ... hahaha... that was when I knew that it was all fake... it was all bullshit ...
But didn't Obama get the Nobel Peace Prize? For closing Guantanamo, if my memory serves me well?
Recall how he got it and he hadn't even done anything and he got the prize... that was the Ministry of Truth reinforcing Obama's role as Mr Hope and Change... you need to add a few things to the CV to convince the barnyard animals...
Similarly with Trump -- who is The Messiah (along with Elon)... he'll make a few meaningless changes (on the orders of the Ministry of Truth) to create the perception that he is in control and will fix everything.
I notice he's banned child gender surgery... call me a skeptic but I am wondering if the Ministry is behind the butchery ... for the purpose of having Trump ban it when they installed him.
The Ministry plays 10D chess.... there are thinking a hundred moves ahead...
let him get confirmed first
I think we give him the Nobel Prize in anticipation of the great things he's gonna do with Trump....
Like curing cancer with an MRNA vaccine!!!!
Hope and Change... Drain the Swamp... MAGA etc etc etc
no one's going to cure cancer with an mRNA vaccine. i don't mind them trying to do the research. i didn't mind the covid vaccine. i just minded the mandates, the coercion and the dividing of the country into two separate classes which i blame on biden