Eugyppius thought it was not as bad as what some substackers think. I think it is as bad as it reads. I think it is awful. This law should not pass at all - the govt has no business whatsoever with any of what it is putting its nose into ! Bailiwick news has been posting how the laws in the US have changed over the last few decades, and we are almost in the same situation. Soon the govt can push whatever treatment on everyone, and those that do not comply will be incarcerated or desinherited. If you know of a country apart from North Korea, Ethiopia or one of the very fundamental islamic countries, let us know. I have been looking, but Africa is full of experimental labs, and I am white so does not sound too good either!

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Check out Bill 36 in British Columbia Canada. It’s getting pretty close. Severe penalties for health care professionals who dare to go against any public health initiatives and mandatory injections or whatever kind of treatments the govt determines are necessary to maintain their licenses to practice. Fines, incarceration and seizure of business property and records. This bill was pushed through in an abbreviated parliamentary session just before the Christmas break in 2022. The whole thing was not even read out or debated. It is not being fully implement as of yet, but it is on the books as a law and you can bet that it will be enforced if the far left New Democratic Party (NDP) is re-elected in the next provincial vote in the fall of 2024. This has already led to the firing of health care workers of all disciplines (jab mandates in place), early retirement of many and many more leaving the province to work elsewhere. Then we are told that our health care system is in crisis - there are waiting lines for cancer treatment and just about everything, people cannot get a family doctor and sue to the socialized nature of our medical system without a referral from one, you cannot access a specialist, and many emergency departments are frequently closed in smaller towns due to no doctor availability. Despite this, I will not be surprised at all if the NDP are re-elected. BC is a beautiful place but has been thoroughly poisoned- not by CO2, but by Marxist ideology which is rapidly degrading individual freedoms and bank accounts via excessive taxation.

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And check out BC's excess mortality in 2023 here (choose BC in the second chart, at the bottom, and 2023): https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/71-607-x/71-607-x2021028-eng.htm

Probably the worst in Canada, QC close second.

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Excellent - congratulations to BC!

Gold medal winner in the Rat Juice competition

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Or is it Darwin Award? I'm confused...

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All I know is F789 the Vaxxers... the more of them that drop ... the happier I become hahaha

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so sorry to read your beautiful country is in the same mess. ONe thing might be good - people will turn to natural products again. Provided these are not outlawed, but in the US they have tried for over 100 years and I don't think there have ever been more people going natural again. Good, working cancer treatments are around for 100 years but most people and most doctors don't even know they exist ! Such a shame

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NOPE...they are coming for our natural health products, too....

What is Health Canada Doing to Natural Products? with Shawn Buckley

According to revised Health Canada regulations, drugs and prescriptions get a green light while natural health care products face an uphill for consumers to access. Constitutional Lawyer and NHPPA President, Shawn Buckley. https://rumble.com/v3r7th7-what-is-health-canada-doing-to-natural-products-with-shawn-buckley.html

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there are quite a few you can grow yourself, if need be in pots. Lots of kitchen herbs have healing properties. Thyme is very good for cold and coughs. Sage,rosemary, mint, and lots of others will grow in Canada for sure. And for the ones that I cannot grow, I buy the alcoholic solutions, which do not expire. After several years, my yard has now grown to be a minor source of food as well, although I am almost on bedrock! No weeding, just let it all grow and it will die back in winter and make soil of its own.

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I figure I just gotta stay and fight.

I researched moving to elsewhere back post 9/11 when I had the money to do so. I didn't want to have to learn to speak another language (I barely can *speak* english, let alone pronounce foreign words...) and I didn't want to be seen as a 'gringo' so to speak. That left New Zealand and Canada. Life happened, I didn't leave and I now feel like I dodged a bullet.

I have a couple of older friends who live in Mexico and love it, but they've been there for years and speak the language/are acculturated.

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The US people will come on top. They are best-equipped.

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I moved to the US 20 years ago from Belgium. Know a few languages, but not from the countries that come to mind. Probably will live out my years here, in small town GA. At least the climate is nice!

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If I lived where you are, I'd start hunting for or growing truffle mushrooms.

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You could do worse than small town GA at this point. So glad I left the city for a town that is literally a 4-way stop sign and a bar. Everyone knows each other- which has its drawbacks -but I do feel some security here. Lots of small garden stands and I know a couple of old hippies with some amazing 'How-To' libraries going back decades. I have my chickens and a small garden that gives me a few things. The climate is not as good as GA tho, LOL.

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I probably fall in the category with how to books lol

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The fact that they are even attempting to pass legislation like this after the past 4 years is awful indeed.

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"taking into account the pathology from which they suffer"

So what "pathology" do healthy people suffer from which requires them to inject the dangerous and ineffective toxxine?

At least the law has been badly written. I suppose that's a positive.

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It they went that far, they can as well ignore their own foot in their mouth. Their intents are crystal clear though, aren't they?

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They have already proven that they have no principles whatsoever, making their entire government illegitimate and unworthy of any respect or obedience.

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The reference to news media liability made me think about the possibility that news websites based outside France but available for reading within France would be forced to censor any dissenting medical advice or face these fines in France. This would be analogous to the way that California standards on various things often become unofficial nationwide standards simply because that is sometimes cheaper than maintaining disparate standards in different states.

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Seems like things will have to go "underground" as in the days of the French Resistance or within the Soviet Union. No emails, no posting on Facebook, etc. Word of mouth thru trusted individuals only. Deals with "unofficial" manufacturers or smuggling.

Call me when France gets into its 6th Republic, because what they have now is unworkable (for many reasons).

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Insanity reigns in France!

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The Secret Files of the Corona Expert Council - a documentary by Aya Velázquez (English Version)



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An innocent question: how does this come about? Were key figures given some positive incentive/reward for pushing it through? Or perhaps key figures faced some form of intimidation, i.e. 'Do it or else your secrets will be revealed'? I mean I don't get how something like this could happen without some behind-the-scenes "pressure".

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Have you seen this? No, New French Law Does Not Criminalise Opposition to mRNA Vaccines https://edv1694.substack.com/p/no-new-french-law-does-not-criminalise

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Really?! I provided the links to the official French Assembly docs and 1-to-1 direct translation of the whole thing. You be the judge.

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No, sorry...you are misunderstanding my sharing of the article...I found it crazy that that was their interpretation....I just wanted you to see it....I was not telling you that you are wrong...I agree with and read it as you have posted it here....

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No problem, I understood you perfectly. I'm just amazed as well how ppl can interpret things right in front of their faces so differently. Just wow! No wonder Klaus is having the upper hand. With friends like these, who needs enemies?

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Oh, good....I am glad you were not upset with me.... 🤗

Well, as we have seen in the last few years, facts don't matter and Klaus knows this.... he has to have this all done by 2030.....I live in Canada so I am well aware of Schwab's spawn who runs our country....

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