An anonymous tip from December of 2020 aged exceptionally well, with bad repercussions for the female fertility in girls born to both Covid-19 vaccinee parents.
You did a lot of hard work and validated the allegations that, say, I did not even happen to touch.
Specifically the oddities of the manufacturing process that you collected, is one more corroboration.
The drive to vaccinate young people was extremely unnerving as well and it is good that you brought this up.
We need to be pushing this story with extremely truthful, balanced, skeptical and dogged reporting.
Not a single bit of what we know to be untrue should be in our articles. (we still can make mistakes, of course, but we should make our best effort NOT to)
Again: allegation of the anonymous 4chan poster can easily be verified (and, I pray, found to be untrue) by testing sperm of several males vaxxed and boosted with Moderna.
Thanks, Igor! It is uncanny, though, how right the tipsters were back in 2020 - it took the rest of the world over a year to catch up to them. So, my fear is that this all may turn out to be true. And not only about Moderna. They said that they were sure Pfizer was doing the same. Also, there are many more genes causing Premature Ovarian Failure (POF) / Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI), but they name these specific two only. It seems they know their stuff, no bull. I wonder, if this story gets more publicity, that maybe they could come out with some new testimonies...
This is what they also said on Dec. 9, 2020, replying to others on the forum:
Trying to gather evidence in a way that doesn't implicate us. It's not easy. Imagine if you were in our position. I'm taking lorazepam just to be able to go to the office not freaked out.
It's not about one company. There's no way to pull this off without government actors and multinational organizations being involved. You think we can just send evidence to the FBI? Call the cops? Go to another country expecting shelter from the government there, assuming we can even get on a flight? Maybe one of these is a safe option. Or maybe not, which is the point, no way to know.
How would that work? You might at best more efficiently heat the brain with longer wavelength microwave energy, but I don't see how you would wirehead/pacify.
I don't have access to logistics. Once it leaves the plant, I have no information on storage and shipping. But I can watch out for process changes. If I'm still here.
I'm not a chemist, but prions would be more easily detectable as the vaccine already contains mRNA but doesn't contain proteins.
>>295632643 My guess is his terminology was l loose, maybe it requires both of the mentioned genes, and somehow the delivery system is sensitive to sex and only one or the other is modified depending on that? Could be some other possible mechanisms too
Contact Steve K - we can get this funded. If this is true we need to know now as recessive genes can skip a generation too.
This is more valid than other. The VRSF could fund this and it would be much more important than the study of fluvoxamine. Igor, do you have contact with Steve Kirsch?
Yes, any of us who hadn’t yet graduated to SubStack in March 2020 got mired in arguing with our friends, neighbors, family and in forums like Twitter where these things were discussed, marginalized, and finally donated to the memory hole. Most of us who said anything very true earned Twitter Permanent Lifetime Ban Graduate degrees.
Another thing to remember is that even if it does not produce sterility via this precise mechanism, it might produce sterility via others. About 5 months ago, I got this very 4chan screencap from Mike Yeadon and started researching other ways in which the shots also might cause fertility problems. I made a loose list here in this post (linked below).
-antibodies to syncitin triggered because spike has homology to it
-reproductively toxic LNP delivery systems
The LMPs don't get much attention but they are long-lived and it takes months for the liver to detoxify them and to be excreted.
Then we have the mutant aromatase gene mentioned here. This may not be an exhaustive list, either.
The obsession with repeat injections and injected as young as possible as fast as possible is a bad sign. Also a bad sign is injection of pregnant women is that it could set them up for autoimmunity against syncitin, potentially vaccinating them against further pregnancy. The embryogenesis could be disrupted by this ( as well as retrotransposon activity itself, which Jessica Rose as pointed out.)
Great, I don't remember seeing this one before. You are absolutely correct - this is a smoking gun that is also still hot! Although they might say that it's not THEIR LNPs... (PEG2000), prove us wrong! Which is totally backwards - they should have provided studies with the evidence it does not happen with THEIR LNPs. Instead, they said pharmacokinetics studies "Not Applicable", and EMA and FDA didn't even blink. So, still a smoking gun.
Hi, Mike! Thanks for your interest in this post. In terms of verifying if any other mRNA is present in the jabs, or the LINE-1 expression plasmids, can you pass a word to other "dirty dozen" members? The whole genome sequencing on the Moderna and Pfizer vials should be able to tell us unequivocally if that is or isn't the case. The Pfizer and Moderna vials should contain the "truncated species" of the S spike mRNA, but if there is any other mRNA designed to be replicated (with the proper 3'-5' ends, poly(A) tail, and so forth), it will be a surefire evidence of a Trojan Horse in the vials. Same for the LINE-1 expression plasmids. These leads need to be verified, and are easy to verify by the specialists in the WGS labs. Any idea why this cannot be facilitated, a year and a half down the road?
We need fertility clinics to test males and pediatricians to test baby girls, we cannot let this lie!
It must be proven fact or fiction.
If fact, we need to remove the entire system that created this attack on all Humanity. I do wonder if the perpetrators, (I have a strong feeling the leak is genuine,) are even "human!"
Certainly not in the way I understand being human, that's certain.
Reach out please, those of you with excellent contacts. We need this verified or disproved, asap.
Blessings to you, Dr. Yeadon, to Andreas Oehler and to Igor Chudov; such Stellar Work, hunting the TRUTH.
Did we ever find out what the graphene oxide that was supposedly found in some vials was there for? The manufacturers deny that the vaccines contain graphene oxide, but I think several people were able to independently find some in vials they were able to get ahold of.
I was reading up on CRISPR the other day and saw that graphene oxide is one potential delivery mechanism for CRISPR/Cas9.
I wonder if they were testing different delivery platforms in different lots (LNP vs. GO), which could also explain the spikes in adverse events in certain lots.
Unfortunately, there are no "they" to test the vials - sounds ridiculous, because it is. Why can't a vial be bought? Anywhere in the world? How does one get their hands on one, or many?
I hope you find a place to post your thoughts soon, as you've left the Telegram Channel of Morningstar & Monotti.
Our conversation on Metatron, ? (I believe) was one of the bright lights of the entire Plandemic for me, as your integrity & willingness to follow the evidence to wherever it led was uplifting to myself, & all who listened I dare say.
Truth is healing, even when it's difficult.
And now there is so much work to be done to hold this agenda at bay; we need every voice of integrity we have, amplified as much as is possible.
You & I have conversed once before on Metatron's Substack, concerning the intentionality of what we were all witnessing, fairly early, during the entire Covid-19 "Event."
I am not sure you would remember, that conversation,
however I will not forget it! As I realized then, you are someone very special who puts the " big picture" together much faster, and more logically than most, (virtually all,) and I have a thought I'd like to run by you.
Recently I have realized that there may well be a convergence, or parallel relationship between 3 bizarre phenomenon arising in our society-
1)Transhumanism, with all that implies, both male/female confusion, alterations, experiments & the interface between artificial technology & human beings in brain implants, AI, etc., to "augment" our species,
2) The Forced Genetic "vaccines," which may well alter our DNA, and are still being developed & pushed despite their destructive & lethal qualities, which could add up to a potential "GMOing" of humanity, and even possibly taking our evolution in an alternative direction? Or ending it.
3) The sudden emergence, now that the Bio- Security State & One World Government is almost complete, of rapid push for UFO/UAP Disclosure, which acknowledges "Non Human Intelligence" and our Government's interaction with such. Together this adds up to something, which as a living, breathing, human woman I don't care for the look of- literally an inhuman & inhumane, world.
I cannot believe these 3 shocking & abrupt changes in our society & our concepts of "normal" or "moral" are any coincidence.
And together they add up to something I'd rather communicate privately, if any such reality still exists.
Telegram, or Signal perhaps?
Please consider my ideas that these three emergent social issues may be fully intertwined, & that coupled with the Chinese Style Totalitarianism being created for Formerly Free Western Democracies evident in the One World Government goals, (CBDCs, IHR, & Digital ID, Carbon Lockdowns, forced injections, treatments, etc.,) leads to possible explanations for what we are witnessing, and that those on the leading edge of awareness on the situation humanity is finding itself in, should also seriously consider, imho.
I known you are a man of Faith, so I will ask you to pray over this, please. I believe in free will, and a Creator, with whom "All things are possible," so matter the circumstances I always know that with God, there are answers to it.
Thank you for all you have done, and will continue to do!
And btw, that presentation you recently gave which was censored by AFD, (I think?) in Germany, I hope to hear, publicly, sometime soon. I will pray they "see the light, themselves."
Many Blessings, to you and to us all, & for a bright future for Humanity, as well!
One friend of mine's daughter was force vaxxed at work while pregnant. She did deliver a healthy boy as far as we can tell, (the vax was in the second half of her pregnancy,) but the next time she conceived she lost the baby. Just one case, but it gives me pause. I am afraid for the generations born to those who took the jabs. And I am afraid for the jabbed as well. Biblical times we are does feel. Did humanity go insane and I just failed to notice somehow? Or did our overlords get hijacked by aliens? I just still cannot "Grok" what I'm witnessing.
Yes, they say there is a high risk of developmental abnormalities for the foetus, and possibly infertility for girls born to the jabbed which will show up decades down the road.
It seems like the recoil to the cabal is gaining momentum among the politicians. Who would have thought... If they get law enforcement on their side (which might be after enough of those clue in through first-hand experiences with the consequences of jabbing either personally or in the family), we'll be in for a finale.
I am speaking out every moment and praying all the others, lol!
Please however reach out to Pediatricians and Ob/Gyn Physicians asking that they begin gene testing the daughters of the vaxxed. Nothing is more important in my view.
I would love to disprove this this leak, but my gut is telling me it's true.
We need to know. If true it will cause the greatest revolution in human consciousness in history.
And be the end of the Cabal as well.
Blessings, you are a hero for truth in a time of universal deceit!
Wouldn’t it be better to examine the genome of vaccinees specifically containing the two genes in question and determine if they are mutants? That would be direct proof.
good idea. This s what the tipster said back in Dec.2020: "...maybe it requires both of the mentioned genes, and somehow the delivery system is sensitive to sex and only one or the other is modified depending on that?" There may be more science to it than we suspect or know at this point. These guys have worked on it for decades, with some deep pockets.
Anonymous ID:CjVlc4Sa Wed 09 Dec 2020 07:40:48 No.295634271 Report
Quoted By: >>295634992
My guess is his terminology was l loose, maybe it requires both of the mentioned genes, and somehow the delivery system is sensitive to sex and only one or the other is modified depending on that? Could be some other possible mechanisms too
Some governments have of course purchased 10+ more doses per person. Perhaps the integration is not so predictable or they have built-in redundancy to guarantee success. So, this hypothesis is not immediately falsifiable unless your sample size is large enough, but we don't know how large it needs to be. This is something you would want to keep testing on people who choose to be successive recipients. I write about this a little bit more here in which I linked your post:
Actually, the surefire way to test this would be to get a few vials of Moderna and Pfizer and do the Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) of the mRNA soup therein, to really see what's in there. In conjunction with the vaccinee testing.
Our outdoor, unvaxxed cat lived 24.5 years. She was a tiny stray kitten found outside the back door in the rain one day Only vet visit ever was when she was old enough to be fixed. Was still bringing home birds and mice at 24.
I am 55, haven't had a vaccine in 40 years (since I left home), ill one time. My son (now 25) was born at home, NO vaccines ever, was ill one time in his life. His mom 57, along with eight other sibs, all born at home, has never been vaxxed and never been sick.
This is inspiring -- all the way around...animals and people!! Thanks for sharing! I'm convinced that we need to hear more stories like this. Just think how powerful that would be if stories like yours were in the news every day. (Yes, I immediately have the cynical self rise up and say that will never happen, but these days I'm choosing to start believing as much as I can -- even if only for a millisecond -- that these things CAN happen. And if I can believe it, I am trying to at least imagine it for a second or two at a time.)
About 10 years ago, Douglas, our adorable kitten (died at 6 months old) that we vaccinated at the same time as neutering him (to save on another office visit), developed a UTI that wouldn't go away and then all kinds of neurological issues -- tics/shaking of the head, etc. It was truly heartbreaking. This was a kitten full of the most love I have ever seen. In fact, we called him Love Love Love. He seemed almost other-worldly. So tuned in to everyone and everything, as well as totally playful (flying leaps onto our backs without warning). One time when I was sick with a sore throat, he hopped on my bed and curled up directly on my throat (had never done that before). Now, I believe his health issues were the vaccine/s. We didn't know any better. But that was the start of my current journey into questioning the accepted.
And I am so sorry that happened to your precious kitten... I know how devastated I would be if something happened to one of my fur babies. I am one of those that are of the opinion:"if it ain't broke don't fix it." I think constant jabs & meds for every little thing isn't good for animals. A lot of their foods are bad enough as it is. Animals shouldn't get human diseases like cancers, etc.. I hope you have another 🐱 cat to love now
My cats have never had any vax. When I had them neutered, they gave them rabies shots but that's it. I had an old country vet tell me that animals kept inside (like mine) do not need all these shots and treatments. Mine are almost 12 yrs old and act like kittens. My daughter allowed a vet to vax her 6 month old precious kitten she raised on a bottle and it went into anaphylactic shock. The animal hospital saved it thank goodness because it would have died that night.
That's amazing -- 12 yrs old and act like kittens. Love hearing that! Your story about your daughter's little kitten makes me wonder what would happen if someone started a "RealNotRare" site for animals.
That's actually a great idea. I'm sure that it is Real NOT Rare. I personally believe that the majority of drugs are pushed on people & pets for profit not health. We need a complete overhaul of our health agencies. & systems. We've been conditioned over the past 25-30 years to take a shot or pill for everything (just my opinion) without question or getting to the root of the problem. Media ads and TV commercials are nonstop pharma ads. When cvd hit, people in my whole family never thought twice about the experimental jabs..they lined up like they do every year for their flu/pneumonia shots. Blind faith that they are safe because our govt would never hurt us 😆. I don't get flu shots or watch msm so I wasn't watching the non-stop fear porn that scared my whole family into rolling up their sleeves. They haven't been injured YET, but they think me and my daughter are nuts for not getting jabbed..
Your story is all too common. I'm in a similar situation. I started saying, "hey wait a minute. Where's inclusion of natural immunity, and when the MSM refused to talk about that is when I began wising up." Here's wishing the best for all -- unjabbed and jabbed.
Studying Natural Medicine with a brilliant Osteopath, Homeopath and Acupuncturist taught me that toxic commercial pet foods us toxic annual vaccines were the primary reasons for the diseases and premature deaths of our beloved family pets.
Once I jettisoned both my German Shepherd Dogs started living 14 years instead of 12, and without the health issues they had struggled with previously.
It's toxins that are killing us and our pets, every time. And the ones in the vaccines are primary, IMHO.
Look at the Control Group Litigation's vaxxed unvaxxed survey.
I soon learned from my multi-cat household over the decades (I'm a volunteer for a cat rescue nonprofit) that those cats that I dutifully took to the vet each year for vaccinations were the ones who died early from cancer or kidney failure -- all before the age of 8. I then stopped the yearly vaccinations altogether, and then that was when my cats were living twice as long, or longer. Animals have an immune system for a reason, and in these days of "modern medicine controlled by Big Pharma," we are supposed to believe that it's a "conspiracy theory" to think that the immune system is capable of doing the job it was designed to do.
So helpful, and confirming, to hear. Thanks!! And kudos to you for picking up on this and taking action!!! Wow -- hopefully more and more people are catching on! Breaks my heart to think of what so many of us have been doing to "our" (they are never really ours) pets out of ignorance...and (we thought) love.
Bingo! I’ve had so many ill cats- my vets love me! But I’m now convinced that Big Pharma and Big Pet Food are not out to help my pets. No more vaccines for them or for me. I’m also trying to find the best foods- that my picky cats will eat. They won’t even eat raw!
I'm getting nervous now. Both my dogs are vaccinated for rabies, but that is all. Ivermectin for heartworm prevention since we moved < year ago from the high desert to the tropics. Did your long-lived cat ever have a rabies shot?
His rabies shot reaction is what tipped off my vet that he was allergic to the vaccines. He got a large lump. The vet happened to be a temp who just happened to be on a vaccine sarcoma board. An expert! She said to never vax him again or even microchip him.
As to your dogs, you probably need to do rabies as part of their licensing. Try and find a holistic vet who can advise you. For example, the short acting rabies may be safer than long acting. Inject into leg not neck. You can also run a titer to see if rabies shot needed.
I haven t vaxxed mine( Cat) ( Indoor Cat) in since he was neutered. I did NOT know. I do now. My 4 year old blue heeler us due for a repeat rabies next month. I don't want to do it. They r the only Vet in our area that we can afford. If we don't, we can't go anywhere and she is registered as my EMS animal. Help. ??! I have a Vax waiver but I know they won't sign it. She had a major surgery on her leg last April. I fear for these poisons. Vets are as clueless as Doctors!!! Any advice folks?
Where do you live? When I was in Asheville, NC, I found a wonderful holistic vet who would titer test, and then "administer" the rabies vaccine in the tiniest amount possible—essentially nothing. But it was enough to qualify for legal purposes.
Too true re no adjustment for weight. (One time when our cat was given some meds, he reacted badly to them, so I looked up dose, and he was being given WAY more than recommended! Pretty sobering. We've stopped going to that vet.) Wishing you well!!!
I think an added issue for our kitten's ultimate demise was giving a vax AT THE SAME TIME as a surgery, right when the body needs extra resources to heal!! And the vet never blinked an eye. My roommate (who suggested the idea -- not blaming her, I thought it was great at the time) can't "go there." I think because she would feel too horrible for her role in killing such a special cat. (I HAVE gone there, and I DO feel just AWFUL and heartbroken about my ignorance and thus my own role in killing a very special cat.) This has given me much fodder for thought in terms of understanding why so many people cannot/will not "go there" in terms of the C-19 vxx.
Totally Agree!! I'm sorry about your cat. I have an awful feeling about This upcoming rabies vax. I don't want her to have it but she's also my EMS dog. I am gonna fight it like hell.
Would be interesting to know if there's anything a person can do to lessen the impact of a vxx. I read, for instance, that some were placing heat immediately at C-19 injection site on the basis that the vxx have to be stored in cold storage. No idea if this has any validity or not, however. Best to you and your dog!
Useless - the needle goes about 1" deep. Then, the jab material spreads around quite fast. The best way to lessen is not to take it at all. Even if you manage to somehow lessen the impact of the current jabs, you are submitting your body to evil forces. Then, the Revelation says you are toast for good - no redemption or mercy of God. Heed the message.
I got three shots. I trusted my rheumatologist and covid decimated my family in 2020. My 34 year old sister almost died from it (prevax.) Her heart stopped and she got clots in her brain. I got boosted in December and Omicron messed with my heart rate. Do you think that God hates me now? I still pray and believe in him. I think about suicide alot though since now the virus will kill me and the shots will kill everyone I love. Is there a way I can make God love me again? I believe covid was created in a lab to usher in the great reset. My rheumatologist saved my sister's life so I trusted her (hospital doc wouldn't do an MRI but rheumatologist overruled-). I just feel so hopeless.
Ah yes, best not at all for sure for sure for sure for the C-19! I was actually thinking of rabies vxx for TMartini's dog but not making my thought switch clear at all! (That said, also still best to stay 100% away in all cases, all vxx in my growing opinion/knowledge of such things. Esp after diving into Suzanne Humphries' Dissolving Illusions!!)
I actually read an article that says to take a dose of ivermectin the day before, the day of, & the day after the jab. Plus aspirin and I think some vitamins..
Plz, do not get any mRNA shots. As of last Fall They're all mRNA. All lies from Pharma. Full of Graphene Oxide. Raman Spectroscopy Verified. Employs nanotech. It is a Multifaceted Patented Bioweapon
It’s costly but you can run a titer on your dog to see if he needs the rabies shot. Does anyone really check on your dog’s vax status? A holistic vet may be able to help you at least delay the next shot, especially if the titer says the dog has the antibodies. Finally, there is a “safer” rabies shot for cats. I think it’s actually shorter acting than the less-safe long acting one. Best to research all of this. There is likely a canine vaccine group on line that can advise further. Good luck!
Success beyond their wildest dreams. They have wiped out entire countries, more or less. How will there be any more Icelanders if no one can reproduce in Iceland? The Danes have the same problem. Israelis won't have to worry about antisemitism any more.
The end of the lines. Too fantastically evil to imagine, but yet the evidence has always been there. What happens when everyone realizes the truth?
As both of these genes are recessive, both parents need to be jabbed in order for the child to have issues. but then any offspring need to be genetically tested to know whom they can marry, or not, as the case may be. Makes procreation complicated.
If proven to be true, this is DEFINITELY not a mistake of a new technology, made in a hurry - this is the iron-clad evidence of the most horrific crime, and the indictment. So, analyse, save vials, before they destroy this evidence. Probably AstraZeneca and J&J also contain these "bonuses", who knows about Sputnik and Sinovac in their export variants. And the Canadian "plant-based" jab for the vaccination holdouts.
One positive that has come from this madness is an emerging parallel universe, where people like Andreas are doing the work that needs to be done, for the love of mankind.
Some truth jutting out of the debris of the woke shit hole that our world has become. A thing of real beauty.
Everything we do should be guided by our love for each other. We should strive to stay together, and to build a lasting repository for truth. This disaster has affected me in a similar way to losing my father to cancer. Everything I do, the dreams I have when I sleep, has this weight on top of it. I can’t enjoy life when I know what has happened to so many people, and what is coming.
Stumbling upon this article almost 4 mos later. Now we can see cases of SADS (sudden adult death syndrome) coming to light as seemingly normal, healthy people are dropping dead. Children are now expected to have heart attacks, strokes and liver damage. Within the shorter and shorter attention spans of the world, we have so many indicators that the cull is continuing unabated.
Totally anecdotal, but my off and on house cleaner recently lost her pregnancy. This was at around 4.5-5 months along, which is past that first 3 month stage where miscarriage would generally happen. She's in her 20s, healthy, but got the vax.
I predict that Amish girls will be in big demand, as would anyone who stayed away from poison Rx cocktails.
As an aside, I had seen a population prediction out for 2025 from (now only available as a cached doc in the nether regions of the web), which had the US down to 100 mil, with most countries going down in population. I had initially thought this was via some nuclear exchange or a meteor impact, but apparently we're taking the slow-motion devastation route.
And they ( World Anti Population Army, (WAPA) Bio Warfare Division, NIH/CDC/FDA) are still promoting an injection that exhibits no benefit to the individual who is being injected. Said individual has no knowledge of what the specific components of the injection are, or in what quantity. Emergency Use Authorization is still in place, even though no real emergency exists, especially in the population that resisted. All of this is a clear violation of our laws, and international laws/accords, etc. Unless the citizens stand up a significant force to capture/contain/close the BSL4 facilities and prosecute their leadership, this will go on for as long as we live, which may not be that long. It would take thousands of people with specialized skills, and specialized equipment. Most of those people are working for WAPA, in control of the required equipment, and being paid by the US taxpayers. It's an odd thing. Never seen anything like it.
So if FDA forced a reduction in the secret "passenger" payload, I say that means the boosters are a dead giveaway. I saw a tweet yesterday saying "spike" causes male fertility problems. I wonder now, is that factual or a deliberate distraction from the work you and Igor Chudov have been doing.
Reading your post has me thinking about the secrecy covering everything, including volume of doses shipped. Even before there was a product available or any firm details on dosing, the UK (pop. 65m) had already ordered 350m doses.
I have long felt concerned that mRNA induced spike-mutated cells generated in the vaccinated could transfect unvaccinated people via shedding, which was included as an issue of concern in official instructions on administering the shots written for healthcare staff.
I'm ready to believe they'd aerosolise the mRNA cocktail to ramp up the eugenics program.
- the sizes, geographical and temporal distribution of lots;
- any/all information about what/where/how long truly happens upon vaccination, i.e., how many LNPs, how much mRNA in them, where they go after injection, for how long they stay, how many spikes they produce, how long the mRNA and spikes last, ...
I don't have time to look up the excerpts and type them up, but RFK, Jr.'s recent book had information about a vaccination campaign very similar to the one you describe for tetanus but in Africa. It, too, included multiple doses over relatively short periods of time. As I recall, one oddity was that police were escorting the doses to and from the administration site. There was a suspicion it also included an anti-fertility component.
The ruling elite has been working on their global depopulation program for many decades. Lacing our drinking water with fluoride is part of that program, too, as fluoride induces passivity in populations and also reduces sperm motility.
..more scary stuff..and another "conspiracy theory" that's not a theory anymore...thank you, I didn't understand it that well from Igor's post...can you tell me where did that anonymous post comes from?
Sorry for the bad news again, but this is what they have prepared and unleashed on humanity. They should be dealt with accordingly. If the Earth is massively depopulated, at least they should not be the beneficiaries.
Spinning this further: They removed groupthink and inability to self-think from the future genetic pool.
And low compassion. The early reports of terrible injuries and deaths made compassionate individuals hesitant. Those who could ignore the victims went for the vax.
It seems multi-layered. With a spiritual component.
(In any case, the injuring and mass murder of naive good souls makes it evil.)
You did a lot of hard work and validated the allegations that, say, I did not even happen to touch.
Specifically the oddities of the manufacturing process that you collected, is one more corroboration.
The drive to vaccinate young people was extremely unnerving as well and it is good that you brought this up.
We need to be pushing this story with extremely truthful, balanced, skeptical and dogged reporting.
Not a single bit of what we know to be untrue should be in our articles. (we still can make mistakes, of course, but we should make our best effort NOT to)
Again: allegation of the anonymous 4chan poster can easily be verified (and, I pray, found to be untrue) by testing sperm of several males vaxxed and boosted with Moderna.
Thanks, Igor! It is uncanny, though, how right the tipsters were back in 2020 - it took the rest of the world over a year to catch up to them. So, my fear is that this all may turn out to be true. And not only about Moderna. They said that they were sure Pfizer was doing the same. Also, there are many more genes causing Premature Ovarian Failure (POF) / Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI), but they name these specific two only. It seems they know their stuff, no bull. I wonder, if this story gets more publicity, that maybe they could come out with some new testimonies...
This is what they also said on Dec. 9, 2020, replying to others on the forum:
Trying to gather evidence in a way that doesn't implicate us. It's not easy. Imagine if you were in our position. I'm taking lorazepam just to be able to go to the office not freaked out.
It's not about one company. There's no way to pull this off without government actors and multinational organizations being involved. You think we can just send evidence to the FBI? Call the cops? Go to another country expecting shelter from the government there, assuming we can even get on a flight? Maybe one of these is a safe option. Or maybe not, which is the point, no way to know.
How would that work? You might at best more efficiently heat the brain with longer wavelength microwave energy, but I don't see how you would wirehead/pacify.
I don't have access to logistics. Once it leaves the plant, I have no information on storage and shipping. But I can watch out for process changes. If I'm still here.
I'm not a chemist, but prions would be more easily detectable as the vaccine already contains mRNA but doesn't contain proteins.
>>295632643 My guess is his terminology was l loose, maybe it requires both of the mentioned genes, and somehow the delivery system is sensitive to sex and only one or the other is modified depending on that? Could be some other possible mechanisms too
No doubt you also noticed the entries by another commenter, starting with the photograph of Charles Lieber et al.
Yes. And I as I wrote concluding my most recent article on the topic, they can check male sperm of a vaxxed male.
Which is very easy, easier even that testing newborns, which is also easy.
From a commenter on your Feb 28 post:
Writes NCmom’s Newsletter
Feb 28
Liked by Igor Chudov
Contact Steve K - we can get this funded. If this is true we need to know now as recessive genes can skip a generation too.
This is more valid than other. The VRSF could fund this and it would be much more important than the study of fluvoxamine. Igor, do you have contact with Steve Kirsch?
Yes, any of us who hadn’t yet graduated to SubStack in March 2020 got mired in arguing with our friends, neighbors, family and in forums like Twitter where these things were discussed, marginalized, and finally donated to the memory hole. Most of us who said anything very true earned Twitter Permanent Lifetime Ban Graduate degrees.
Another thing to remember is that even if it does not produce sterility via this precise mechanism, it might produce sterility via others. About 5 months ago, I got this very 4chan screencap from Mike Yeadon and started researching other ways in which the shots also might cause fertility problems. I made a loose list here in this post (linked below).
-antibodies to syncitin triggered because spike has homology to it
-reproductively toxic LNP delivery systems
The LMPs don't get much attention but they are long-lived and it takes months for the liver to detoxify them and to be excreted.
Then we have the mutant aromatase gene mentioned here. This may not be an exhaustive list, either.
The obsession with repeat injections and injected as young as possible as fast as possible is a bad sign. Also a bad sign is injection of pregnant women is that it could set them up for autoimmunity against syncitin, potentially vaccinating them against further pregnancy. The embryogenesis could be disrupted by this ( as well as retrotransposon activity itself, which Jessica Rose as pointed out.)
Thanks for the LNP durability tip. I have included a video to the LNP-exclusive analysis in my "Plandemic" Knowledge Base post (
This paper is upsetting because it indicates that industry was aware of the consequences of using LNP:
Great, I don't remember seeing this one before. You are absolutely correct - this is a smoking gun that is also still hot! Although they might say that it's not THEIR LNPs... (PEG2000), prove us wrong! Which is totally backwards - they should have provided studies with the evidence it does not happen with THEIR LNPs. Instead, they said pharmacokinetics studies "Not Applicable", and EMA and FDA didn't even blink. So, still a smoking gun.
Because the DOD is running the program.
Hi, Mike! Thanks for your interest in this post. In terms of verifying if any other mRNA is present in the jabs, or the LINE-1 expression plasmids, can you pass a word to other "dirty dozen" members? The whole genome sequencing on the Moderna and Pfizer vials should be able to tell us unequivocally if that is or isn't the case. The Pfizer and Moderna vials should contain the "truncated species" of the S spike mRNA, but if there is any other mRNA designed to be replicated (with the proper 3'-5' ends, poly(A) tail, and so forth), it will be a surefire evidence of a Trojan Horse in the vials. Same for the LINE-1 expression plasmids. These leads need to be verified, and are easy to verify by the specialists in the WGS labs. Any idea why this cannot be facilitated, a year and a half down the road?
Andreas, this isn’t an area of speciality for me. I knew just enough to get by, but I’m more about old school pharmacology guy!
Better to make contact with the cutting edge molecular biology folks, I feel. Perhaps via Steve Kirsch? He has super contacts.
Getting hold of vials has been tricky, also.
Best wishes
I think Steve Kirsch mentioned that he had sent several vials to a lab for analysis and that they all disappeared.
We need fertility clinics to test males and pediatricians to test baby girls, we cannot let this lie!
It must be proven fact or fiction.
If fact, we need to remove the entire system that created this attack on all Humanity. I do wonder if the perpetrators, (I have a strong feeling the leak is genuine,) are even "human!"
Certainly not in the way I understand being human, that's certain.
Reach out please, those of you with excellent contacts. We need this verified or disproved, asap.
Blessings to you, Dr. Yeadon, to Andreas Oehler and to Igor Chudov; such Stellar Work, hunting the TRUTH.
Did we ever find out what the graphene oxide that was supposedly found in some vials was there for? The manufacturers deny that the vaccines contain graphene oxide, but I think several people were able to independently find some in vials they were able to get ahold of.
I was reading up on CRISPR the other day and saw that graphene oxide is one potential delivery mechanism for CRISPR/Cas9.
If GO *is* present in the vaccines, it could also contribute to the microclotting and fibrous clots found by embalmers.
I wonder if they were testing different delivery platforms in different lots (LNP vs. GO), which could also explain the spikes in adverse events in certain lots.
Thanks for the pointers! Found the complete article for the 1st link:
I will update my post with this!
Unfortunately, there are no "they" to test the vials - sounds ridiculous, because it is. Why can't a vial be bought? Anywhere in the world? How does one get their hands on one, or many?
I hope you find a place to post your thoughts soon, as you've left the Telegram Channel of Morningstar & Monotti.
Our conversation on Metatron, ? (I believe) was one of the bright lights of the entire Plandemic for me, as your integrity & willingness to follow the evidence to wherever it led was uplifting to myself, & all who listened I dare say.
Truth is healing, even when it's difficult.
And now there is so much work to be done to hold this agenda at bay; we need every voice of integrity we have, amplified as much as is possible.
Yours, especially, Dr. Yeadon.
I’m up & running at
Come & join us :)
Hi, Dr. Yeadon,
You & I have conversed once before on Metatron's Substack, concerning the intentionality of what we were all witnessing, fairly early, during the entire Covid-19 "Event."
I am not sure you would remember, that conversation,
however I will not forget it! As I realized then, you are someone very special who puts the " big picture" together much faster, and more logically than most, (virtually all,) and I have a thought I'd like to run by you.
Recently I have realized that there may well be a convergence, or parallel relationship between 3 bizarre phenomenon arising in our society-
1)Transhumanism, with all that implies, both male/female confusion, alterations, experiments & the interface between artificial technology & human beings in brain implants, AI, etc., to "augment" our species,
2) The Forced Genetic "vaccines," which may well alter our DNA, and are still being developed & pushed despite their destructive & lethal qualities, which could add up to a potential "GMOing" of humanity, and even possibly taking our evolution in an alternative direction? Or ending it.
3) The sudden emergence, now that the Bio- Security State & One World Government is almost complete, of rapid push for UFO/UAP Disclosure, which acknowledges "Non Human Intelligence" and our Government's interaction with such. Together this adds up to something, which as a living, breathing, human woman I don't care for the look of- literally an inhuman & inhumane, world.
I cannot believe these 3 shocking & abrupt changes in our society & our concepts of "normal" or "moral" are any coincidence.
And together they add up to something I'd rather communicate privately, if any such reality still exists.
Telegram, or Signal perhaps?
Please consider my ideas that these three emergent social issues may be fully intertwined, & that coupled with the Chinese Style Totalitarianism being created for Formerly Free Western Democracies evident in the One World Government goals, (CBDCs, IHR, & Digital ID, Carbon Lockdowns, forced injections, treatments, etc.,) leads to possible explanations for what we are witnessing, and that those on the leading edge of awareness on the situation humanity is finding itself in, should also seriously consider, imho.
I known you are a man of Faith, so I will ask you to pray over this, please. I believe in free will, and a Creator, with whom "All things are possible," so matter the circumstances I always know that with God, there are answers to it.
Thank you for all you have done, and will continue to do!
And btw, that presentation you recently gave which was censored by AFD, (I think?) in Germany, I hope to hear, publicly, sometime soon. I will pray they "see the light, themselves."
Many Blessings, to you and to us all, & for a bright future for Humanity, as well!
Thank you, I did!
So glad you are here.
One friend of mine's daughter was force vaxxed at work while pregnant. She did deliver a healthy boy as far as we can tell, (the vax was in the second half of her pregnancy,) but the next time she conceived she lost the baby. Just one case, but it gives me pause. I am afraid for the generations born to those who took the jabs. And I am afraid for the jabbed as well. Biblical times we are does feel. Did humanity go insane and I just failed to notice somehow? Or did our overlords get hijacked by aliens? I just still cannot "Grok" what I'm witnessing.
Yes, they say there is a high risk of developmental abnormalities for the foetus, and possibly infertility for girls born to the jabbed which will show up decades down the road.
It seems like the recoil to the cabal is gaining momentum among the politicians. Who would have thought... If they get law enforcement on their side (which might be after enough of those clue in through first-hand experiences with the consequences of jabbing either personally or in the family), we'll be in for a finale.
I am speaking out every moment and praying all the others, lol!
Please however reach out to Pediatricians and Ob/Gyn Physicians asking that they begin gene testing the daughters of the vaxxed. Nothing is more important in my view.
I would love to disprove this this leak, but my gut is telling me it's true.
We need to know. If true it will cause the greatest revolution in human consciousness in history.
And be the end of the Cabal as well.
Blessings, you are a hero for truth in a time of universal deceit!
Just barking from the sidelines, LOL!
Lol!! Me too; but I'm fighting my way into the scrum best that I can.....
; ))
The Moderna Leak will not leave me alone, at least not until it's proven either true or false.
If true it's the end of the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Europe, all in about 30 years.
The boomers will die soon and children of all the next generations could be infertile. At least the majority.
If true, and if exposed, we could end these people.
That at least would be something...
Now we have plasmid DNA & SV40 promoters too!
I think your Aachen Agenda post is spot on.
Return of the ancient gods that tried to wipe humanity before, perhaps?
Or another species likes our pretty resources?
Wouldn’t it be better to examine the genome of vaccinees specifically containing the two genes in question and determine if they are mutants? That would be direct proof.
good idea. This s what the tipster said back in Dec.2020: "...maybe it requires both of the mentioned genes, and somehow the delivery system is sensitive to sex and only one or the other is modified depending on that?" There may be more science to it than we suspect or know at this point. These guys have worked on it for decades, with some deep pockets.
Correct, Andreas. And thank you for this great work! One of the most important articles of the year. I hope it is spread far and wide!
Andreas, do you have the link to that particular sentence, where does it come from?
From the same forum thread, where they go into the discussion and respond to remarks of other participants.
But that's just a random 4chan comment?
No, from the author himself, ID:CjVlc4Sa:
Anonymous ID:CjVlc4Sa Wed 09 Dec 2020 07:40:48 No.295634271 Report
Quoted By: >>295634992
My guess is his terminology was l loose, maybe it requires both of the mentioned genes, and somehow the delivery system is sensitive to sex and only one or the other is modified depending on that? Could be some other possible mechanisms too
It would be better, yes, but analyzing sperm is a lot easier with even less problems than analyzing genes of babies.
Some governments have of course purchased 10+ more doses per person. Perhaps the integration is not so predictable or they have built-in redundancy to guarantee success. So, this hypothesis is not immediately falsifiable unless your sample size is large enough, but we don't know how large it needs to be. This is something you would want to keep testing on people who choose to be successive recipients. I write about this a little bit more here in which I linked your post:
And there's some interesting "predictive programming" in SciFi going back 20 years, here:
Actually, the surefire way to test this would be to get a few vials of Moderna and Pfizer and do the Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) of the mRNA soup therein, to really see what's in there. In conjunction with the vaccinee testing.
How difficult is this? Seems to me high time that was done!
Excellent point. I've been out of the lab for too long, so I don't actually know how well cDNA synthesis would work on these robustly altered mRNAs.
This would also obviously uncover any other nefarious genes.
Easy to do. Tons of labs advertise these services. mRNA or DNA, doesn't matter.
Yes, interesting indeed. I keep feeling like this information is at the heart of the drive to inject every single man, woman and child on Earth.
And the "they are working to install an operating system in the human being and do not care how many they kill to get it done!" perspective.
(Catherine A. Fitts)
The one cat I didn’t vaccinate (he was allergic) lived to 22.5 years. Hmmm
Our outdoor, unvaxxed cat lived 24.5 years. She was a tiny stray kitten found outside the back door in the rain one day Only vet visit ever was when she was old enough to be fixed. Was still bringing home birds and mice at 24.
I am 55, haven't had a vaccine in 40 years (since I left home), ill one time. My son (now 25) was born at home, NO vaccines ever, was ill one time in his life. His mom 57, along with eight other sibs, all born at home, has never been vaxxed and never been sick.
This is inspiring -- all the way around...animals and people!! Thanks for sharing! I'm convinced that we need to hear more stories like this. Just think how powerful that would be if stories like yours were in the news every day. (Yes, I immediately have the cynical self rise up and say that will never happen, but these days I'm choosing to start believing as much as I can -- even if only for a millisecond -- that these things CAN happen. And if I can believe it, I am trying to at least imagine it for a second or two at a time.)
About 10 years ago, Douglas, our adorable kitten (died at 6 months old) that we vaccinated at the same time as neutering him (to save on another office visit), developed a UTI that wouldn't go away and then all kinds of neurological issues -- tics/shaking of the head, etc. It was truly heartbreaking. This was a kitten full of the most love I have ever seen. In fact, we called him Love Love Love. He seemed almost other-worldly. So tuned in to everyone and everything, as well as totally playful (flying leaps onto our backs without warning). One time when I was sick with a sore throat, he hopped on my bed and curled up directly on my throat (had never done that before). Now, I believe his health issues were the vaccine/s. We didn't know any better. But that was the start of my current journey into questioning the accepted.
And I am so sorry that happened to your precious kitten... I know how devastated I would be if something happened to one of my fur babies. I am one of those that are of the opinion:"if it ain't broke don't fix it." I think constant jabs & meds for every little thing isn't good for animals. A lot of their foods are bad enough as it is. Animals shouldn't get human diseases like cancers, etc.. I hope you have another 🐱 cat to love now
Thanks TMartini! We do indeed have 2 cats to love -- brother and sister rescue cats. They're wonderful.
My cats have never had any vax. When I had them neutered, they gave them rabies shots but that's it. I had an old country vet tell me that animals kept inside (like mine) do not need all these shots and treatments. Mine are almost 12 yrs old and act like kittens. My daughter allowed a vet to vax her 6 month old precious kitten she raised on a bottle and it went into anaphylactic shock. The animal hospital saved it thank goodness because it would have died that night.
That's amazing -- 12 yrs old and act like kittens. Love hearing that! Your story about your daughter's little kitten makes me wonder what would happen if someone started a "RealNotRare" site for animals.
That's actually a great idea. I'm sure that it is Real NOT Rare. I personally believe that the majority of drugs are pushed on people & pets for profit not health. We need a complete overhaul of our health agencies. & systems. We've been conditioned over the past 25-30 years to take a shot or pill for everything (just my opinion) without question or getting to the root of the problem. Media ads and TV commercials are nonstop pharma ads. When cvd hit, people in my whole family never thought twice about the experimental jabs..they lined up like they do every year for their flu/pneumonia shots. Blind faith that they are safe because our govt would never hurt us 😆. I don't get flu shots or watch msm so I wasn't watching the non-stop fear porn that scared my whole family into rolling up their sleeves. They haven't been injured YET, but they think me and my daughter are nuts for not getting jabbed..
Your story is all too common. I'm in a similar situation. I started saying, "hey wait a minute. Where's inclusion of natural immunity, and when the MSM refused to talk about that is when I began wising up." Here's wishing the best for all -- unjabbed and jabbed.
Studying Natural Medicine with a brilliant Osteopath, Homeopath and Acupuncturist taught me that toxic commercial pet foods us toxic annual vaccines were the primary reasons for the diseases and premature deaths of our beloved family pets.
Once I jettisoned both my German Shepherd Dogs started living 14 years instead of 12, and without the health issues they had struggled with previously.
It's toxins that are killing us and our pets, every time. And the ones in the vaccines are primary, IMHO.
Look at the Control Group Litigation's vaxxed unvaxxed survey.
It's stunning.
I soon learned from my multi-cat household over the decades (I'm a volunteer for a cat rescue nonprofit) that those cats that I dutifully took to the vet each year for vaccinations were the ones who died early from cancer or kidney failure -- all before the age of 8. I then stopped the yearly vaccinations altogether, and then that was when my cats were living twice as long, or longer. Animals have an immune system for a reason, and in these days of "modern medicine controlled by Big Pharma," we are supposed to believe that it's a "conspiracy theory" to think that the immune system is capable of doing the job it was designed to do.
So helpful, and confirming, to hear. Thanks!! And kudos to you for picking up on this and taking action!!! Wow -- hopefully more and more people are catching on! Breaks my heart to think of what so many of us have been doing to "our" (they are never really ours) pets out of ignorance...and (we thought) love.
Bingo! I’ve had so many ill cats- my vets love me! But I’m now convinced that Big Pharma and Big Pet Food are not out to help my pets. No more vaccines for them or for me. I’m also trying to find the best foods- that my picky cats will eat. They won’t even eat raw!
I'm getting nervous now. Both my dogs are vaccinated for rabies, but that is all. Ivermectin for heartworm prevention since we moved < year ago from the high desert to the tropics. Did your long-lived cat ever have a rabies shot?
A rabies shot seems to be a necessary minimal evil, but that's about it. But for an indoor cat not necessary either, unlike for dogs.
His rabies shot reaction is what tipped off my vet that he was allergic to the vaccines. He got a large lump. The vet happened to be a temp who just happened to be on a vaccine sarcoma board. An expert! She said to never vax him again or even microchip him.
As to your dogs, you probably need to do rabies as part of their licensing. Try and find a holistic vet who can advise you. For example, the short acting rabies may be safer than long acting. Inject into leg not neck. You can also run a titer to see if rabies shot needed.
Good luck!
Great article. I’ll never get the jab, nor any others in future. Hell, I’m not even going to vax my cats in future!
Already there LOL! And my cat thanks me every day.
I sooo totally affirm the no jabs for your cat!
Thank you.
I haven t vaxxed mine( Cat) ( Indoor Cat) in since he was neutered. I did NOT know. I do now. My 4 year old blue heeler us due for a repeat rabies next month. I don't want to do it. They r the only Vet in our area that we can afford. If we don't, we can't go anywhere and she is registered as my EMS animal. Help. ??! I have a Vax waiver but I know they won't sign it. She had a major surgery on her leg last April. I fear for these poisons. Vets are as clueless as Doctors!!! Any advice folks?
Where do you live? When I was in Asheville, NC, I found a wonderful holistic vet who would titer test, and then "administer" the rabies vaccine in the tiniest amount possible—essentially nothing. But it was enough to qualify for legal purposes.
Exactly, if you can "fake" it, go for it!
In CT. No luck. Tried that. I will discuss with Vet and Validate my research. Most don't even adjust for their weight. Frightening.
Too true re no adjustment for weight. (One time when our cat was given some meds, he reacted badly to them, so I looked up dose, and he was being given WAY more than recommended! Pretty sobering. We've stopped going to that vet.) Wishing you well!!!
Wow. Awful. Thank you for your kindness.
Our rabbit breeder no longer vaccinates her rabbits, in concert with other breeders she knows, as the vax was pointing to early mortality.
She thought that there might be a point to it if the bunnies had liaisons with wild bunnies.
And now, if only ppl can get as smart as the bunnies, they may actually outlive them...
I think an added issue for our kitten's ultimate demise was giving a vax AT THE SAME TIME as a surgery, right when the body needs extra resources to heal!! And the vet never blinked an eye. My roommate (who suggested the idea -- not blaming her, I thought it was great at the time) can't "go there." I think because she would feel too horrible for her role in killing such a special cat. (I HAVE gone there, and I DO feel just AWFUL and heartbroken about my ignorance and thus my own role in killing a very special cat.) This has given me much fodder for thought in terms of understanding why so many people cannot/will not "go there" in terms of the C-19 vxx.
Totally Agree!! I'm sorry about your cat. I have an awful feeling about This upcoming rabies vax. I don't want her to have it but she's also my EMS dog. I am gonna fight it like hell.
Would be interesting to know if there's anything a person can do to lessen the impact of a vxx. I read, for instance, that some were placing heat immediately at C-19 injection site on the basis that the vxx have to be stored in cold storage. No idea if this has any validity or not, however. Best to you and your dog!
Useless - the needle goes about 1" deep. Then, the jab material spreads around quite fast. The best way to lessen is not to take it at all. Even if you manage to somehow lessen the impact of the current jabs, you are submitting your body to evil forces. Then, the Revelation says you are toast for good - no redemption or mercy of God. Heed the message.
I got three shots. I trusted my rheumatologist and covid decimated my family in 2020. My 34 year old sister almost died from it (prevax.) Her heart stopped and she got clots in her brain. I got boosted in December and Omicron messed with my heart rate. Do you think that God hates me now? I still pray and believe in him. I think about suicide alot though since now the virus will kill me and the shots will kill everyone I love. Is there a way I can make God love me again? I believe covid was created in a lab to usher in the great reset. My rheumatologist saved my sister's life so I trusted her (hospital doc wouldn't do an MRI but rheumatologist overruled-). I just feel so hopeless.
Ah yes, best not at all for sure for sure for sure for the C-19! I was actually thinking of rabies vxx for TMartini's dog but not making my thought switch clear at all! (That said, also still best to stay 100% away in all cases, all vxx in my growing opinion/knowledge of such things. Esp after diving into Suzanne Humphries' Dissolving Illusions!!)
I actually read an article that says to take a dose of ivermectin the day before, the day of, & the day after the jab. Plus aspirin and I think some vitamins..
Hmmmm...actually, this sounds like a great idea. I'm guessing Zinc was one of the vitamins.
Heres the article I read that stated this...
Plz, do not get any mRNA shots. As of last Fall They're all mRNA. All lies from Pharma. Full of Graphene Oxide. Raman Spectroscopy Verified. Employs nanotech. It is a Multifaceted Patented Bioweapon
It’s costly but you can run a titer on your dog to see if he needs the rabies shot. Does anyone really check on your dog’s vax status? A holistic vet may be able to help you at least delay the next shot, especially if the titer says the dog has the antibodies. Finally, there is a “safer” rabies shot for cats. I think it’s actually shorter acting than the less-safe long acting one. Best to research all of this. There is likely a canine vaccine group on line that can advise further. Good luck!
Success beyond their wildest dreams. They have wiped out entire countries, more or less. How will there be any more Icelanders if no one can reproduce in Iceland? The Danes have the same problem. Israelis won't have to worry about antisemitism any more.
The end of the lines. Too fantastically evil to imagine, but yet the evidence has always been there. What happens when everyone realizes the truth?
As both of these genes are recessive, both parents need to be jabbed in order for the child to have issues. but then any offspring need to be genetically tested to know whom they can marry, or not, as the case may be. Makes procreation complicated.
With those jab rates, it is going to be very complex. Do you think this should be a crime?
Hell yeah, and the biggest there has ever been!
If proven to be true, this is DEFINITELY not a mistake of a new technology, made in a hurry - this is the iron-clad evidence of the most horrific crime, and the indictment. So, analyse, save vials, before they destroy this evidence. Probably AstraZeneca and J&J also contain these "bonuses", who knows about Sputnik and Sinovac in their export variants. And the Canadian "plant-based" jab for the vaccination holdouts.
One positive that has come from this madness is an emerging parallel universe, where people like Andreas are doing the work that needs to be done, for the love of mankind.
Some truth jutting out of the debris of the woke shit hole that our world has become. A thing of real beauty.
Everything we do should be guided by our love for each other. We should strive to stay together, and to build a lasting repository for truth. This disaster has affected me in a similar way to losing my father to cancer. Everything I do, the dreams I have when I sleep, has this weight on top of it. I can’t enjoy life when I know what has happened to so many people, and what is coming.
Stumbling upon this article almost 4 mos later. Now we can see cases of SADS (sudden adult death syndrome) coming to light as seemingly normal, healthy people are dropping dead. Children are now expected to have heart attacks, strokes and liver damage. Within the shorter and shorter attention spans of the world, we have so many indicators that the cull is continuing unabated.
Totally anecdotal, but my off and on house cleaner recently lost her pregnancy. This was at around 4.5-5 months along, which is past that first 3 month stage where miscarriage would generally happen. She's in her 20s, healthy, but got the vax.
I predict that Amish girls will be in big demand, as would anyone who stayed away from poison Rx cocktails.
As an aside, I had seen a population prediction out for 2025 from (now only available as a cached doc in the nether regions of the web), which had the US down to 100 mil, with most countries going down in population. I had initially thought this was via some nuclear exchange or a meteor impact, but apparently we're taking the slow-motion devastation route.
I'd say "fast track" by peaceful means.
And they ( World Anti Population Army, (WAPA) Bio Warfare Division, NIH/CDC/FDA) are still promoting an injection that exhibits no benefit to the individual who is being injected. Said individual has no knowledge of what the specific components of the injection are, or in what quantity. Emergency Use Authorization is still in place, even though no real emergency exists, especially in the population that resisted. All of this is a clear violation of our laws, and international laws/accords, etc. Unless the citizens stand up a significant force to capture/contain/close the BSL4 facilities and prosecute their leadership, this will go on for as long as we live, which may not be that long. It would take thousands of people with specialized skills, and specialized equipment. Most of those people are working for WAPA, in control of the required equipment, and being paid by the US taxpayers. It's an odd thing. Never seen anything like it.
Next to no chance that Israelis took the real deal.
They did some:
Might not be in all the vials. Especially as the tipster said that the small quantities were added as a "manual step".
That is true. Regional distribution? Which regions? I hope we get more whistleblowers from Moderna and Pfizer.
Could this explain the batch differences in AEs?
So if FDA forced a reduction in the secret "passenger" payload, I say that means the boosters are a dead giveaway. I saw a tweet yesterday saying "spike" causes male fertility problems. I wonder now, is that factual or a deliberate distraction from the work you and Igor Chudov have been doing.
Reading your post has me thinking about the secrecy covering everything, including volume of doses shipped. Even before there was a product available or any firm details on dosing, the UK (pop. 65m) had already ordered 350m doses.
I have long felt concerned that mRNA induced spike-mutated cells generated in the vaccinated could transfect unvaccinated people via shedding, which was included as an issue of concern in official instructions on administering the shots written for healthcare staff.
I'm ready to believe they'd aerosolise the mRNA cocktail to ramp up the eugenics program.
What else is strangely secret:
- announced but undisclosed vaxx constituents;
- the sizes, geographical and temporal distribution of lots;
- any/all information about what/where/how long truly happens upon vaccination, i.e., how many LNPs, how much mRNA in them, where they go after injection, for how long they stay, how many spikes they produce, how long the mRNA and spikes last, ...
What else did I miss?
I don't have time to look up the excerpts and type them up, but RFK, Jr.'s recent book had information about a vaccination campaign very similar to the one you describe for tetanus but in Africa. It, too, included multiple doses over relatively short periods of time. As I recall, one oddity was that police were escorting the doses to and from the administration site. There was a suspicion it also included an anti-fertility component.
Yeah, they carried it out in Kenya, as far as I know. The hormone supplied by NIH, who else... And Fauci is still not in jail...
HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World --
And the hCG in tetanus shots goes back many years, to the 1990s in Mexico, Nicaragua, and the Philippines -- see here:
The ruling elite has been working on their global depopulation program for many decades. Lacing our drinking water with fluoride is part of that program, too, as fluoride induces passivity in populations and also reduces sperm motility.
..more scary stuff..and another "conspiracy theory" that's not a theory anymore...thank you, I didn't understand it that well from Igor's post...can you tell me where did that anonymous post comes from?
Sorry for the bad news again, but this is what they have prepared and unleashed on humanity. They should be dealt with accordingly. If the Earth is massively depopulated, at least they should not be the beneficiaries.
I have provided a link at the top - a public discussion forum.
Spinning this further: They removed groupthink and inability to self-think from the future genetic pool.
And low compassion. The early reports of terrible injuries and deaths made compassionate individuals hesitant. Those who could ignore the victims went for the vax.
It seems multi-layered. With a spiritual component.
(In any case, the injuring and mass murder of naive good souls makes it evil.)
This is one of the GREATEST and the most important posts ever! If true (I feel it is) it explains everything taking place in 2021/22.