Sure-Fire Way of Diagnosing "Leaky Brain": Not a Moment Too Soon!
A new study demonstrates that Covid's S spike damages the blood-brain barrier, causing brain damage. The jabs are beyond reproach, of course.
Surprise-surprise! The Covid-19 S spikes damage the blood-brain barrier and cause a “leaky brain” syndrome. Duh! We knew that all along, but now in 2024 we discover a way to detect that condition, from a study done in the Trinity College and just published in the journal Nature Neuroscience “Blood–brain barrier disruption and sustained systemic inflammation in individuals with long COVID-associated cognitive impairment”. The Salon article, “"Leaky brain": Lifting the fog behind this long COVID symptom could generate treatment” (Salon, 2024.02.29), announces:
Prior research indicated that blood-brain barrier disruption could be causing brain fog. But this provides the first biological evidence. In the study, researchers analyzed blood samples to identify biomarker differences between those who did and didn't report brain fog. Specifically, they took blood samples from 76 patients who were hospitalized with acute COVID in 2020. They found that those who reported having brain fog had higher levels of a protein called S100 beta, which is produced by brain cells — but is not normally found in the blood, hence suggesting a leaky barrier in the brain.
In the second part of their study, researchers scanned the brains of 11 people who recovered from COVID and 22 people who had long COVID — half of which reported having brain fog. By examining brain circulation, they found that long COVID patients with brain fog had a leaky blood-brain barrier when compared to other long COVID patients who had recovered.
“When we scanned these patients and measured the levels of a molecule called s-100Beta — a brain-derived molecule that can only get into the blood if the barrier is damaged — and compared the scans and S100beta levels to patients who had had acute COVID but had fully recovered,” Doherty said. “The barrier was very leaky and obviously damaged, especially in areas like the temporal lobe which is essential for learning and memory.”
The study authors are careful enough to never mention Covid vaccines in their report. “Who are we to judge?” But if the acute Covid causes “leaky brain”, how about the S spike-based Covid “vaccines”? The low end of the estimate of the number of S spikes produced after an mRNA jab is 10-30 times higher than the high end estimate of the number of S spikes produced during a natural infection, as I have explained in my post “SARS-CoV-2 S Spike To Centre Stage” (2022.06.06). And that is after every single jab. While the “vaccinated” still get infected and then culture the virus for longer and in higher quantities than the unvaccinated (here and here).
In addition, the free-floating S spike has been directly observed post Covid-19 “vaccinations” in the blood of the vaccinees, as I summarized in “Direct Connection of Myocarditis to Free-Floating S Spike Post mRNA Jabs - Study” (2023.01.06) and “Returning to Free-Floating S Spikes and Myocarditis in Harvard Study...” (2023.01.30)
Armed with this knowledge, let’s summarize the studies that have pointed to the S spike as the culprit of the “leaky brain” in the years since mRNA S spike “vaccinations” commenced, and even before (!):
“SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins can directly impact the blood-brain barrier” (Life Sciences Medical News, Oct. 30, 2020)
“The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alters barrier function in 2D static and 3D microfluidic in-vitro models of the human blood-brain barrier” (Neurobiol Dis. 2020 Dec; Epub 2020 Oct 11)
“The S1 protein of SARS-CoV-2 crosses the blood-brain barrier in mice” (Nat Neurosci. 2021 Mar; Epub 2020 Dec 16.)
“Interactions of SARS-CoV-2 with the Blood–Brain Barrier” (Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Mar)
“SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Disrupts Blood-Brain Barrier Integrity via RhoA Activation” (J Neuroimmune Pharmacol. 2021 Dec)
“Penetration of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein across the Blood-Brain Barrier, as Revealed by a Combination of a Human Cell Culture Model System and Optical Biosensing” (Biomedicines. 2022 Jan 17)
I am sure there were more studies to that effect out there. And the question begs to be asked:
If it has been the common knowledge that the S spike damages the blood-brain barrier from 2020 on, among other harmful effects, why was the synthesis of copious amounts of said S spike chosen as the main strategy in Covid jabs, be it mRNA-based, adenovirus-based, or “plant-based”? Why wasn’t the idea for such jabs stopped in its tracks instead of these jabs have been injected into many billions of people, repeatedly and to this day?
Rhetorical. Now all we can do is test the “brain fogged” to demonstrate to them that their BBB turned into a sieve. “See?”
And yet, the CDC has the gall to insist today that 65+ should get another jab in a month’s time.
Probably why we are seeing Parkinsonisms and dementia in vaccine injuries, I wrote about the connection with leaky bbb and neurological issues here - some potential solutions listed here too.
We can have hope that there will be accountability…..but I am skeptical as there are many conjured happenings that have never been admitted.