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There will be no conclusions and no consequences.

2019/202 marked the new era in the medical landscape. The old clan is made up of - you’ve guessed it - old people. All the prominent figures behind the events of the recent ten years or so are already on the verge of the Unknown. They have been working their whole lives to secure immortality for themselves, and they have failed. Now, finally, this conclusion is clear to them. All they have managed to build are huge pockets of money (including prestige, power, and manipulation skills). Whatever they have done, it won’t be of any use to them in a matter of just a few days.

Middle-age medical career seekers may still believe in what this old folks already know is false. Many of them are certainly aware of the futility of their efforts and of the limitations of their profession. But they have invested a lot in it. The cleaning is immense, they won’t let go easily. The “virus” transformation redesigned the structure of medicine. Those middle-age HCWs will now work feverishly to secure their foundations, if only to continue the false prestige. The money they get enhances the illusion, and their medicalese strengthens the image of their uniqueness. But it won’t hold any longer. The key players in the medical market, that is publishers of journals, have already initiated the process of secularisation of the holy science of medicine - open access publications, fortified with pre-prints, successfully destroy their walls.

Naturally enough, new medical classes emerge. Some are contestants, some tried to defend the already dead model, and some stray into “alternative” approaches to medicine. All of these professionals continue their business as usual, only facades change. Despite what has happened, they strive to maintain the old knowledge, the old approaches, and the old interpretations. They continue to use their perception and interpretation models as if their knowledge base is solid and unchanged. But they know - being professionals and experts - they know that the old building is crumbling down. Instead of admitting it, they will try to revive it and keep it alive, possibly even putting it on a ventilator. They will continue to do it until the last breath of the old medical paradigm.

It’s all quite natural for the human business survival mode. However, extraterrestrial beings that look upon us from somewhere else, are all laughing at it. December 2019 brought as a unique opportunity to eliminate all medical errors, blunders and false premises. We had a chance to open a new chapter in life sciences, not only “not doing harm”. It appears to be a lost chance - just because we are in the fourth year of this thing. The longer it lasts, the smaller chances for anyone to admit “we did it wrong”. With passing time, public perception of liability (supported by new discoveries of third-party researchers) for all the wrongdoings of that time will increase. But “we’ve got the power” is not the public camp. I wouldn’t expect any final conclusions or consequences. The only conclusion may be, as one major player in this game warned us, that the next time they won’t make such mistakes. We’ll just have to learn to live with it.

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Except, that is the last thing they plan for us?

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We have not a single clue about their master plans. All our conclusions can only be based on what we see in a very narrow window of time. Tempting as it sounds, drawing “final” conclusions is not productive, first because they may be wrong (and then our reactions will be completely wrong), secondly because they revolve around various forms of fear, which in itself is destructive. Also, we don’t know who “they” are. Those who appear publicly or who manage companies or finances most probably are not the driving forces. Spreading bulk accusations may cause collateral damage to “us” who work among or with or for “them”. So it all looks like a long dark night with a lot of fog around.

Until top key players from “them” step up as whistleblowers, the only reasonably approach for “us” is to clean up the mess at hand. For the argument’s sake, the manufacturers have always been far away from the place where the misleading injection was administered. But you know the person who did it to you. You had a chance to talk to that person and to draw real time- and space-sensitive conclusions. With a non-judgmental approach, communication with the lowest-tier healthcare personnel is the only thing that “we” can do to prevent future events out of control.

By all this, I don’t mean the abandonment of liability. I mean that everybody is now affected by these four years in one way or another. Intense focusing on “them” and “ah, what have they done” won’t calm down strong emotions. In some, the result may be quite the opposite, triggering pain-based clinging to the past. “They” have managed to hijack 4 years of Life. Isn’t it time for us to return to our place and build our personal life with our personal time? Without giving any more of our energy to them? It’s a complex issue, anyway.

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