No that will be the US. It will be the last place these bioweapons are no longer used. We have two more years of this mass murdering. 2025 will be the year when the toxic goo is "quietly" removed from the market after Big Harma's bankruptcy, reorg, and the US government's trust fund established for the lawyers of the shot-injured.
And by that time their mission will have been accomplished, working against the 2026 deadline of the Social Security system collapse. If no 65+ left, no problem! And the EU+UK+Canada can also give the US a heartfelt "Thank You!" for saving their public coffer as well, collaterally.
Please look again at the bottom of my post (P.S.): the ice is broken in NZ, of all places. France, Canada and the Netherlands next?
‘....NZ Loyal Party leader Liz Gunn issued a post-election update Friday...’
‘We are calling for an inquiry. Not just any inquiry, a full-blown criminal investigation leaving no stone unturned. New Zealand is a crime scene.’
More information about the Maori Trial in NZ.....
In Canada, only if a provincial government would take such a step. Sometimes I think we will be the last ones to ditch the whole plandemic crap.
No that will be the US. It will be the last place these bioweapons are no longer used. We have two more years of this mass murdering. 2025 will be the year when the toxic goo is "quietly" removed from the market after Big Harma's bankruptcy, reorg, and the US government's trust fund established for the lawyers of the shot-injured.
And by that time their mission will have been accomplished, working against the 2026 deadline of the Social Security system collapse. If no 65+ left, no problem! And the EU+UK+Canada can also give the US a heartfelt "Thank You!" for saving their public coffer as well, collaterally.
Good point.
I'm glad there are still some ppl left in this day and age that can see through sarcasm!